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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Sensei

    haters gonna gate

    whats wrong with playing oly, as long as you get a kick out of it?
  2. Sensei

    haters gonna gate

    i think he needs a +19 CM to take hero
  3. We wanna see how we are doing on our own as full cp before we decide on a side or w/e
  4. I really dont get why you had to make it so complicated with all those npc's ...
  5. Shamans in BS didn't drop anything in 1hour
  6. 2/2 success,this dwarf is sick when crafting for others and when crafting for me you get message about the crafting results when u have a workshop
  7. somebody clicked 2 MJ leather at
  8. /target Darling in Aden Prices are negotiable but you will have to pm me in forum/game
  9. Was a good laugh, ty again ? I thought you were serious at first, you got me good.
  10. tips from a big side that 69s the other big side... thanks man!
  11. Waiting for a patch like the messiah seems unrealistic. As long as there is no pvp, population will keep dropping. Ppl worry about their hard-earned/bought/whatever gear but it feels meh using it vs. mobs. It's always about the journey, and I have no doubt a new server would be a success, as long as the admins take care of it.
  12. this comment is so ...
  13. oh yeah, almost forgot... wtb Improved EWD
  14. pm me here in forum with your offer, I rarely log in game.
  15. How in the world is that CHN Sph scrub hero? I log in the mornings and fish, just to watch the beautiful korea-chn drama on HV, you too boyz?
  16. Sensei

    First 80lvl

    I'm glad your still idolize the same figures, Myrciu :3
  17. you are the new Myrciu, how could I not get confused?
  18. i would have mp to buff your 60 lvl gladi as well after buffing my pt