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Everything posted by vanity

  1. vanity


    + for transformations retail like
  2. we love them cloaks, keep it as retail as possible
  3. ​okay , if i would like to buy from players then how much should i pay? ​For such price, which they designate. Look in a Giran Harbor. ​i am in Giran and i don't see anybody selling this. So i'm asking , how much usually ppl taking for 1 coin? So i will just on "Shout" chat keep asking for it. ​teleport to giran harbor from any gatekeeper, then use Find Store from actions panel and type '' col '' or '' coin of luck ''
  4. Didnt we do the same to you guys? Selling to you and your cp half price of all keys, mats, rec and items? What is making you so proud of ? ​Again, he is still thinking that he is the only one who has money but not me or anyone who is playing here You think you are the only one who donated to this server? Im done with your personality dude And yes, im living in 3rd world country but it doesnt mean that im a poor guy There is nothing can make me to not proud of my country Justas is your character? Oh sorry man, i dont know about that. But why you dont get it back if its your own character? Do it man Go claim your character and what belong to you dude You are such a stupid but arrogant person ​At what point in time am I acting like I'm the only one who donated, or only one who has money? You are spreading bullshits about me "ass licking" so I can afford bot, or donate, or whatever. So naturally I had to put you in your place. Yeah, Justas played with nyxi and I, if you really want I can message him on steam to change the password? We went 4/4 on bops, bought a few shafts, sold more to the ally than we bought. I can go on all day if you want, you seem to be butthurt. I guess those few pvps we had really made you mad, it's okay, tomorrow is another day. ​Ofc, people wont ever talk something bad about their selves, specially to the one who is arrogant but stupid like you But as i said, people of WickedSick know what kind of person you are Good bye Fishbot, see you around Hope you wont ask 2 more pts to rgrp at 3 way helping you to protect your asses ​we killed you 5v9 then you came back together with an other group , so we regrouped at 3 way and killed you again
  5. vanity

    Cepeleros Reborn

    ​ it's allways interesting to watch your first blood tho, you know how to keep the range ​you shouldn't talk about keep the range ​dude im just an other '' you know how to '' fan of him, let me be
  6. vanity

    Cepeleros Reborn

    ​ it's allways interesting to watch your first blood tho, you know how to keep the range
  7. vanity

    Cepeleros Reborn

    Friendly Fire Allowed
  8. vanity

    MoDoy vol. 3 Solo pvp

    ​oh this one wasn't censored yet
  9. ​would love to see that implemented
  10. vanity

    Cepeleros Reborn

    yeah yeah i should have posted a fraps about 3v3 alligator island 1v1 for 5 mins in blazing swamp and so on do not make me laugh
  11. Biz said before that he has rat into enemy's alliance, also we didn't attack your TS in CS with DDOS so dunno who's playing dirty here.. ​nobody talks about DDoS right ? ahaammm
  12. vanity

    Cepeleros Reborn

    ​Gj Guys Mage cp looks like fits you ​yeah we enjoy it more than archers definetly
  13. vanity

    Cepeleros Reborn

    Cepeleros Reborn is out fellas, enjoy!     
  14. vanity

    Cepeleros Vol 1

    that censor master has no sense of humor, just sayin'
  15. vanity

    Cepeleros Vol 1

    I was refering to karik bridge fight since i was arguing with uchiha about that, nvm.
  16. vanity

    Cepeleros Vol 1

    ​yeah as you can see we fight those who are inmune to bans like imxo and salaras, but eyy who cares, we are happy having people in the server to have fun with, it's just that we do not cry like little babies ​pretty hypocrite, talking about ppl immune to ban, while your "old" pt got some guys double banned, and the "half" u are talking in video which are 65 lvls, well, guess what, the other half which is 72 has 1 ban on the accounts as well also i like how u do the math, counting players on your side, but counting characters on our side, i think u forgot to add dwarf and camera on the bridge, because if u really count us as 7 ppl + there, why dont u count your sws/bd which was standing behind your ass? delusional boy ​it's you guys talking about bots while your beloved ally is full of shit, that is hypocrite ​yeah, so when we box BD its counted, but when u box it, its just "box which buffs", hypocrisy at its finest u were in westworld, or u want to tell me uroxBP and RobFord WASNT in your pt, and didnt get double ban? i really wonder how u would do vs our normal 5 DD setup, not like in this pvp where we had 3 DD setup, not included our top dps chars (necro and PR), but well, i guess we will never know coz u are dodging every single offer for 9vs9 ​I'm pretty sure i saw dajtovillage hitting us, like i've got the fraps so stop lieing
  17. vanity

    Cepeleros Vol 1

    ​Hello there, so why u didnt put a vid when u died at bridge to my pt, when we had only dd's active? If u can see we were w/o rizo, and boxed PS AD pt did much more than your bot pt. PSS Still didnt get any pm's from your pt about 9v9. CYA ​that fight at bridge ? we were 4 ppl ( sph,wl,ol,necro ) vs 6? 7? 8? can post the fraps if you want too, what you talking about lol
  18. vanity

    Cepeleros Vol 1

    ​yeah as you can see we fight those who are inmune to bans like imxo and salaras, but eyy who cares, we are happy having people in the server to have fun with, it's just that we do not cry like little babies ​well i banned myself 1 pt of Cepeleros clan thats why im asking. And hows the ally, u stay the same after soilqquit? ​everything is alright
  19. vanity

    Cepeleros Vol 1

    ​yeah as you can see we fight those who are inmune to bans like imxo and salaras, but eyy who cares, we are happy having people in the server to have fun with, it's just that we do not cry like little babies
  20. vanity

    Cepeleros Vol 1

    Good fights there, it's really sad that ES put up better fights than perkunas ( which are nonexistant when oppa party is not arround )
  21. This guys... Remember how yday your por cp run from us, die to mobs.. PR bsoe... Omg, you are even talking here.. You are nothing just a garbage.. Reroll to smth else and use BOT again and again.. You are still bunch of useless trash and so on
  22. oh btw I'm really sorry for the real owner of that earring
  23. Where is the big poo screenshot !? Oh it got Censored... how you dare