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V4siukas last won the day on February 12 2019

V4siukas had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

58 Excellent

About V4siukas

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    Advanced Member

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  1. V4siukas

    FC vs FW

    Try to visit your prime sometimes xavi :DDD
  2. V4siukas

    25 vs 50

    Thats why i not participating in this forum fights cuz its so homo. About rips fingers,cannot forget this:
  3. V4siukas

    25 vs 50

    Yo fiesta master, it was me hitting pony, it was me who want that pony dead not other dude from Fear, so wtf you talking in name of all Fear? And wtf u want to prove here, Fear that Chilli that, not ur fakin business, your obsession starts to be annoying .
  4. V4siukas

    25 vs 50

    thanks for remebering me, deep inside i have some hatred for ponys... :DDD
  5. Maybe someone interested in my ?
  6. weweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweng my favorite ,stop trashtalking on him.
  7. I see some Orc discrimination here, there is no orc winner.Its becouse we are green?
  8. Bladedancer (Spectral Dancer) - Horadrim Silver Ranger (Moonlight Sentinel) - SCOB i think
  9. V4siukas


    I died cuz forgot to take my BO+10 jewels bro,+ no sws and bish in party! so hit from tees, and two crits from nexls and tongpo.........Sad orc life
  10. V4siukas

    30 people

    So ure pussy now?
  11. V4siukas

    30 people

    I rather pick wrong side then call myself SemenArsonist. PS: Semen, also known as seminal fluid, is an organic fluid that may contain spermatozoa.