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Everything posted by Pendragon

  1. same like you did with your 160cc or ADD about it also?
  2. its not the adenas, its the gear, you will be 60 like he said and you will have some crappy weapon and noone is gonna invite you to a party.
  3. shaka doesnt have shit
  4. Damn its good to be rich, PAY 2 WIN boys.
  5. if we let you reach 76+ we cannot compete with you, too strong.
  6. They are new clan, already more competetive than soulmates.
  7. cuz you are trash? your leadership is trash? goes for a 160cc zerg, gets rekt and pretends to never zerg
  8. Competition for toi 7 was fun
  9. @San0 what about baium quest? that shit was fun first 3 months, now its just waste of time. Plus more pvp if no quest
  10. Holy shit you're salty. You're getting rekt on every corner, its as if WE dont leave the town. We got stuff to do, and we're doing stuff, on 2.5 theres gonna be alot more stuff to do, i think it would be reasonable to remove the quest @San0
  11. @San0 remove baium quest on 2.5?
  12. past 40+- you will start seeing most of party matching
  13. You’re like that cool kid in school whos now grown up and is becoming more and more irreverent, those cool jokes he made at school arent as funny anymore, and tbh, all you can feel for him is pitty.
  14. Im actually surprised you dont find cp with a wc 76 ?
  15. I dont think you will find anything untill atleast 60
  16. I honestly think you should remove baium quest, too much shit to do on 2.5, more mini epics, zaken, gc
  17. @MoDoy i dont know if you ever been into relationships, but you dont want to seem too clingy
  18. Pendragon


    It could be anything, why do you think its your nickname? so cocky....
  19. Pendragon


    They are more for myself than they are for others
  20. Pendragon


    still trying to be revelent?