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Everything posted by Pendragon

  1. Pendragon

    regular sunday

    Cuz archilles had years of talking mad shit about perks, i said i wont recruit kamikaze if achilles was in it.
  2. Pendragon

    regular sunday

    I had a good feeling myrmidon was still playing, ill admit it tho, I thought he was driving that bp japolce. In anycase toxicity was toned down, people didnt know or saw his name under perkunas, all was fine and dandy, there was no need for a witchhunt. To this day, no major complaints about kami cp, it will be fun fighting against you.
  3. Pendragon

    30 people

    I will probably not play on summoner, our main party was simply full so i have driven for someone else. But yeah i felt like i was observer most of the time, very hard to concentrate on doing something on char and leading, not used to it.
  4. Pendragon


    Wtf man, toxic ?
  5. Cannot do much about them, they gonna keep coming and coming, and their messages becoming more and frequent and annoying, also 95% of them are scammers.
  6. Pendragon

    Just for fun

    So you’re overlooking all these things he has, “but he has similar buffs, Y U NO CURRY?!” Toxic rizo ?
  7. Pendragon

    Just for fun

    Similar buffs? He doesnt have focus power, clear movement,exiting adventure or mirage or hero dagger or baium, very similar buffs
  8. I think you miss the point of, it has a community of 3 years and going, it stays alive because of that, players who played 3 years ago can come back whenever they want to try out something new, players who start fresh aren't set back too much because of the classic content and how it works, admins arent cancerous cash grabbing businessman. As much as I myself would like a new server aswell, it would destroy what we as a community build over 3 years and would become yet another rpg-club, l2e-global and other servers alike - yet another 1-3 month old launch and wipe cycle server.
  9. so like 90% of l2 streamers gonna be gone now? As if l2 streams were striving as it was...
  10. is all ROA coming or just you?
  11. Should prolly not expect any cp until 70+, there is alot of people 50-70 but not many cps around that level, cuz its fairly quick to reach 76+, in anycase, gl.
  12. where's my money, bitch?
  13. very noice vidyo modoy, top content from top player.
  14. Pendragon

    Titan PoV

    sjeks sjeks123 1231238, hes not gonna expect the 8 at the end.
  15. Pendragon

    Titan PoV

    what did he actually scam? hes anything but scammer
  16. Pendragon

    Siege 04.11.18

    xddddd reminds me of this