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Everything posted by Pendragon

  1. Pendragon

    Small fiesta

    I think its funny, its funny cuz clan leader whos suppose to be extra cautious, doesnt change pass for 2 years.
  2. Pendragon

    Small fiesta

    Noone stole anything from you, i dunno why you keep calling people scammers... xd
  3. no newbie clan for koreans, but there is RF end game korean clan, try contacting them, im sure they can take you under their wing
  4. Pendragon

    First 80lvl

    modoy very toxin, greedy warriors
  5. No i dont think so, and i dont think they will. This server is 3yo but still up and running, altho id say this administration would be perfect for new server and hype would be pretty good too.
  6. How do you think we got this prp 80?
  7. Pendragon

    First 80lvl

    trash is bent over, staying silent, enjoying their 9 people left from 160cc
  8. Pendragon

    First 80lvl

    Bought this new account, damn its good to pay 2 win. Grom dominiruyet.
  9. top propaganda, shivering already
  10. if you would level a dagger which would you level now?
  11. why is AW best? cuz of bigger damage?
  12. well if you're 77+- it makes sense to pay 20euros for a reroll than xp from lvl 1, well unless you enjoy exping from lvl 1 like you said.
  13. @weeeeD they lost, it means it was not their real setup.
  14. You keep forgeting our party exists and how you been avoiding us for last 2 months