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Everything posted by FryderykChopin

  1. Dunno, as for now I can see 6 people-looking parties in /partymatching... That's pretty solid imo. Also most of the 'good' farming spots are usually populated around ~40 when I play, so imo lack of people isn't really a problem + you can see a lot of newbies around so there's that
  2. ​i dropped ring in the middle of water few days ago, couldnt find it there in 30-60 mins, i doubt any1 was even close to that place, not to think somebody picked it up ​Wow you got a full drop and you didn't pick it immediately? When I hear that *clink* sound I rush to pick it even if my house was on fire. ​u misunderstood, I dropped the ring, because i died there (full drop because i died), and when i came there in 30-60 mins, there was no ring ​Ah, right... Damn, that must have sucked.
  3. ​i dropped ring in the middle of water few days ago, couldnt find it there in 30-60 mins, i doubt any1 was even close to that place, not to think somebody picked it up ​Wow you got a full drop and you didn't pick it immediately? When I hear that *clink* sound I rush to pick it even if my house was on fire.
  4. ​hmmm that is not entirely accurate also donation will keep this server going... ​Sure, I have absolutely nothing against donation, I pay for premium acc myself... You think there're more people who donate though? I haven't seen any numbers, I'm guessing.
  5. Dunno, either it disappears fast or there's a limit for ammount of drop in certain area...
  6. If you see it in cash then yeah, but most people don't donate.
  7. As far as I know the mobil donates are almost exclusively horrible. You often get <30% of what you paid, because service provider eats the rest.
  8. ​wrong, thats only russian 30+ males ​Lies, legends say even Russian babies can craft Blue Wolf before they learn to walk.
  9. Fake Russian, true Russian would never ask for equip, true Russian enchants his +15 homu when most people drop Blue Gemstones.
  10. Dude, D bow is like ~1m at least, that's not a pocket money.
  11. ​I disagree. While your point is true for most part, there's one problem - many people don't even know they can vote. It's like in real life - take some cancer research foundation. Most people don't even know such thing exists, they don't care. But approach them on the street, and offer them to give some bracelet or ribbon for 1$ and most of them think 'hell it's just 1$, why not'. So in the end you end up with some stupid (badass) flower on bag and helped a good cause. Similar here - offer people something small, like a lucky box or 5 buff scrolls for 10 untradeable coins and everyone wins
  12. I use Holy Weapon for higher magic critical rate and better item drop chance.
  13. ​ Jako hrdý Slezan vám přeju křupání všech zbraní na +4
  14. Some of you guys here are too rude for no reason. He just had a suggestion. Even though there are many newcomers lately - server is 9 months old. You won't get party everytime. Most people on low level locations have boxed buffers.
  15. ​I mean, that's one of the core issues for me - sure, Giran Harbor is more practical. But you know what else would be? Infinite soulshots. NPC buffer. Global gatekeeper. All the stuff that you can see on other servers where the goal is to make the game as comfy, as practical as possible. But that's not why people join this server. People come here for classic experience and I think we should aim primarily for that. And if I buy the X weapon half million more expensive because I didn't check shops in Dion, it's my problem because I preferred farm over bussiness. At least that's how I see it.
  16. ​Not trying to be rude here, but it's not like it was a 99:1 vote. The people who were against the initial idea to move the trade zones might be vouching for another change; or, the people who were neutral with the thought of its outcome, might now be realizing its actual impact. ​^What he said. Some things sound like a good idea until it comes to the actualy execution; as an example I may offer a deep fried melon. Sounds delicious, but in fact, isn't. I suggest to make a new poll to see what people really want.
  17. ​Haha I was like damn how did he get the signature
  18. ​As if those greedy little wackos needed any help whatsoever. Dunno about elixirs... I think if they're not added officially I wouldn't suggest to add them as a custom
  19. Bee Hive actually exists but it's filled with mobs from Plains of Dion - no more 1/2 HP mobs.
  20. Yeah I noticed similar in Bee Hive... It's probably retail feature, old Forsaken Plains was OP, each shaman = half level
  21. ​I think buff scrolls are fantastic for people who don't neccessarily box their own buffers and the chance for EWB is always nice
  22. Yeah I kinda miss crowded Giran, too... Giran Harbor kinda destroys the local bussiness as well because everyone can just free teleport to Harbor for cheapest price of shots and mats; you can't really get the advantage of filling the demand/supply gaps on local markets anymore. I also vote for making free offline shops in Giran: It's official. Having Giran Harbor official shop zone and free TP there is kind of custom that could potentially turn a small portion of hardcore players away.It supports local bussiness. Now you can take advantage of your area and set higher prices in remote towns for consumables, because people will rather pay you extra Adena than wasting time on teleporting to Giran. I know it might sound harsh to player who aren't into trading but that's part of the game.Giran has better infrastructure. Need extra Spirit Ore? Grocery Shop. Need extra crystals? Weapons shop. Need extra Gemstones? Blacksmith. These shops aren't in Giran Harbor.Bussiness in Giran will make Giran Castle even more valuable and will bring an extra pressure on its siege. Everyone will want to collect that extra tax cash that will come from point (3)Crowded Giran is Classic. Let's be honest, 99% of servers we've played in our lifetimes had Giran as a bussiness center. That's what we all were used to and things that we were used to are the ones we expect from 'classic' server.#GiranBack2016
  23. That's too much Also taking notes: need to crash some D items firstneed to enchant while runningDwarfs with +STR have higher enchant chanceNow delete video pls we don't want everyone to have free enchants...
  24. ​Taky jsem se nedávno vrátil... Tohle je prostě lepší než offik... Zadarmo, víc lidí, obdobné soubory (říkají že je to OFF files, ale i kdyby to byla java tak je fakt dobrá)... No a především admini fakt poslouchají hráče a mají k tomu takový lidštější přístup... Na offiku to bylo všechno takové byrokratické a některé oficiální patch notes byly fakt přitažené za vlasy (enchanty v shopu, VR na skily apod... Tyhle věci taky zhodnotili že hře spíš uškodí tak je tu prostě nedali). Rozhodně jeden z nejlepších serverů co jsem kdy hrál. A lidi to poznaj - server jede 9 měsíců a na low lokacích jsou furt vidět nějací newbie takže tohle je fakt legendary.