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MusulmoN last won the day on February 9 2021

MusulmoN had the most liked content!

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185 Excellent

About MusulmoN

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    Advanced Member

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  1. Hello everyone, I don't want to expand much, I just want to thank everyone for the unforgettable moments I experienced while playing here with you. Thanks to everyone with whom I had the opportunity to enjoy 4 years of interesting game on this server. I wish good luck to everyone, my cp members, former clans, and enemies without whom all this content would not be. I created the last video from this server that took place in the last two months of 2020. Good luck to everyone and see you in the future
  2. you think you only like that? IDK who was on imusulmon 3AM but he died 2 times
  3. You should call this YOU SPIN MY BSOE vol.2
  4. there is a topic created how to get this extra bar,just try to search
  5. MusulmoN

    WTB Items

    wtb bw l set+8 wtb valhala+13/14 wtb divine insp book (4lvl) pm here or in discord ' MusulmoN' or in game ' iMusulmoN '
  6. nice video @Rizos but i cant watch when devak get's 10-20k dmg from you,i wanna cryt at this moment
  7. MusulmoN

    Game time

    becouse in it iss lvl13 and i dont want to put on valhala+0 this iss again,when i have 1h++ then i put iss back
  8. MusulmoN

    Game time

    well i dont know about others,but i always look responsible to mp potions.You can see clearlly that i use 1-2 sometimes 3 in a row and thats it if necessary.not spaming 10+ in 1 sec.Thats why i still have 200+ pot in wh,another thing if i going to pvp i like to be preprared full if i can,like pots.nobles,fruits,talismans and etc.Always respect opponents cuz you never know if you loose or not.Winners are not judge. GF and i hope see you again soon