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Everything posted by Sett

  1. You can try deleting your system folder (backup first), then let the updater download it again. If that doesn't work, you'll have probably have to manually edit your L2.ini Karmaboy: there is only one place now where you can create an account. Try creating username and password that is exactly 8 characters long both, using only letters AND numbers (e.g. Karma123)
  2. I'm not disputing SwS's eventual usefullness in PvP, on the contrary. I'm just pointing out the inferiority complex every SwS player inevitably develops when farming next to a BD. Up until lvl 49.
  3. Sett

    CZ/SK clan Je to placený, ale první anglickej classic bude první anglickej classic.
  4. Seriously, what is there that a SwS can do for the group, that BD cannot, for the first 5-6 months of playing classic? And don't say "Elemental heal" Song of Warding - ​30% Mdef Song of Hunter - Crit rate 100% Song of Wind - Move speed + 20 Song of Earth - Pdef 25% Song of Vitality - HP + 30% They're stupidly good for PVP. ​Song of warding actually has some use in PvP, as well as symphonies, good point there. Song of hunter = lvl49 Song of wind = lvl52? Song of earth = lvl 55 Song of vitality = never mind ... Let's say the average person can be dragged to 49 in 3-4 months of grind. yay, great fun. Trust me, i tried very hard to convince myself to play one...
  5. ​You should lower the prices a little... Those prices are way too high to be honest. im not saying to sell them super low, to keep crafter useful, but right now they are like 3-4 times over ''normal price'', so if there are no crafters online selling shots you're forced to spend millions on a few shots. i don't mind too much cause i've been playing the beta since its up so i have adena, but for new players that's crazy haha ​Dude, it's 50x rates... You could have earned an hour's farm worth of soulshots in the time it took you to type that post.
  6. Sett

    CZ/SK clan

    ​Nechce se mi to teď hledat, ale Draqla tu někde psal, že "může slíbit, že to pustí do konce srpna". A dává to celkem smysl, protože v září se spouští konkurence...
  7. EE was excelent healer post IL, better than bishop even, in some scenarios, but there is very little advantage EE has over SE in Classic - not to imply that bishop does or anything... Honestly, i find the Korean idea of "elf = engame PvP and nothing but pain until then" supremely retarded. At least give me the clarity at some reasonable level. Or song of earth. Or give me increased mana regen in "nature" locations please! (This actually is present in the game - in about two places in peace zone). Obviosly, a good active support will always find place in groups, if only to keep them from getting their asses handed to them by group of two green mobs at once, but... Seriously, what is there that a SwS can do for the group, that BD cannot, for the first 5-6 months of playing classic? And don't say "Elemental heal"
  8. I wouldn't really compare SE and EE... SE is the main support and works well in any party, while EE brings very little to the group, mage or otherwise, besides more mana and more damage for fighters in DV. mages need SE before EE, archers need PP->WC->SE and have little use for EE, melees need WC.-> SE and have little use for EE. Resist shock is great buff, but very conditional (=read:PvP). Clarity comes into play way too late to be of any use (at least in Classic 1.0). There is not even major heal. Oh the days when i played EE and she was actually usefull.... Active EE has significantly better MP management than SE though.
  9. ​No, but he said (in the title) "on test"
  10. In all honesty, the buff peak is laughably low in classic 1.0, compared to anything newer than C3. Playing a SR in beta, the only buff that makes some kind of difference for me on my 52nd lvl is berserker spirit. Even the crits are too scarce to feel like focus and DW impact anything (they do, it just feels moot). So effectivity-wise i'd go with archer with a cleric that you kick out at lvl 35. That way you get 80% of buffs (~40% DPS boost on HE, less on elves) for about 5% of the exp time wasted on a char that you don't play. If you want to have BD along, you'll have to drag him pretty much all the way (that is 47-50% of exp time for some 30% DPS boost). WC is better for larger parties, althou he lacks some important buffs (zerk, holy weapon). VR is a must for melee and no amount of heal from dual box will fix that. An honorable notion goes to the jack of all trades - SE. He fits in any party, provides most of what is needed to anyone (well, not exactly, he lacks haste, which IS a big deal in classic). SE however, especially only in duo/dual, can supply you with mana, which might, or might not be a HUGE DPS boost, depending on your playstyle. Note:i'm too lazy to actually do the math, so the numbers are just estimates.
  11. Best areas are probably those that have frequent drops, of either full items, or valuable materials. Those will be heavily contested though. I'm intentionally not naming any, because there is still plenty of time to try things out, and on live there will be a horde of clueles people asking these same exact questions, after skipping all the work of finding out themselves.
  12. ​Why not? The penalty is completely useless in beta.
  13. Sett

    CZ/SK clan

    Tak. Do startu nám (prý) zbývá pár dní, a vyvstává několik otázek: 1) CZ komunitní forum. Má někdo možnost hostovat a schopnost provozovat? Nainstalovat PHPBB někam na free hosting bych asi v případě nejvyšší nouze zvládnul, ale zavýsledek nemůžu ručit =) ...a taky se mi ani trochu nechce 2) Botit tady nebudu, převážně proto, že nevím jak, nicméně... Mám doma extra počítač, na kterém budu tahat dual. Vygooglení nějakého skriptu na autoassist je otázkou pár minut, jeho napsání vlastními (vygooglenými) silami ještě méně - a to podotýkám, že moje programovací schopnosti končí někde u Excelu. S autoassistem se o dual prakticky nemusím starat, v podstatě je to jednoduchý slave-bot, byť samozřejmě nemůže fungovat samostatně, a věci jako buffy a healy musím řešit ručně. 18 minut z dvaceti je to ale bez práce. Jeden z adminů se mi k otázce "Je to OK?" vyjádřil ve smyslu "v pořádku to není, ale nemůžeme s tím nic dělat". Samozřejmě, jako s každým duálem, živý spoluhráč, zvlášť support, má u mě vždycky přednost. A konečně moje otázka zní: Co si o tom myslíte? Má s tím někdo problém?
  14. Well, back then i actually hated them as well. But then i also hated PvP at a time
  15. There is no mention of year 2015, could be August of any year ​I was talking about 2015 obviously. Bear with us, I'll update you guys as soon as possibly I can. Thanks! ​save yourself the time on fixing 2nd class quests and just leave Mr Cat. nobody likes them and will love you for removing them and letting us play live sooner. ​Wrong. I like them, and many others do as well. Actually, if we keep the free teleports, there is no real drawback (except that it goes agains all that classic stands for). However there are some more serious issues still in place, e.g. no XP loss on death, transfer quests that cannot be completed, misleading or outright wrong skill descriptions....
  16. There is no mention of year 2015, could be August of any year ​You got that wrong, the important part is August will not end On a more serious note Sep 1st is when Russians are lauching, so i guess that going live before then is the deciding factor.
  17. Sett


    Any version of Lineage 2 works just fine with Windows XP/Vista/7
  18. Wrong. Kind of. You use your skills in an order that best suits the current situation, which might be the same in ideal conditions. Ideal conditions don't exist. For one thing, you'll get stunned or interrupted in most pvp situations. putting your cooldowns out of the usual synchronisation. If you are used to rigid routine, you are dead. If you are thinking on the fly, you might just come up with the right response to the situation. It's just a mindset difference for the most part, but it is an important one.
  19. ​That is exactly my point. Now, my pvp is not exactly the best in the world, mainly because my APM sucks balls, but i know, at least how to do stuff right, if i can execute it right. And it is certainly nothing static, whether one key or three. The epitome of "skill rotation" fail for me is Nova in HotS. You have three active skill, but really, you just spam them allways in the same order, with the exception of using decoy first, as actual decoy or saving it for body block. And that's it. You do your rotation, you run away and wait for cooldown to start over, whether you managed to get the kill or not. Don't get me worng, it is fun, but it's no different to me to just having one instagib button. As for WoW...IDK. I only played it for few hours, so i can't judge, but it didn't appeal to me at all. Too frenetic PvP (observed), too ad-hoc buffs (observed), too cartoonish graphics (nothing wrong with cartoons, but WoW is just overwhelmingly coloring book-ish after few hours). But the main reason... You know, i play Lineage for the people. I had almost five years of a break when the people from my old clan left. I keep coming back, at times, but without them, the game alone sucks. However, i am also a shy person. i avoid grouping with people i don't know, ingame and outside, or even talking to them if i can avoid it. But it gets boring fast. Hence, i play L2 for the people. But in WoW, after playing for hours the game still feels like i don't need anybody. Like i could just quest my ass up to lvl 80, solo, with zero effort. And then i would ... do what? There is no need to group up, not even to protect yourself from PKs. And then there is killing monsters. I ended up with like 10 skills, that i could freely choose from to throw at something. Variability is good. Except at the end of the day, they made zero difference. Similar damage, similar mana cost, various side effects that don't really translate to anything. At least in Lineage you have a skill that is clearly "default", a base you can use to compare your other skills to. As for DotA, it is the only other game that i keep playing on and off for the last ten years. I didn't get much sleep this week (Seattle is -9 hours )
  20. Err...not. But i did pique your interest, didn't I? If your adrenaline level rose as you read the title you're in the right place. While browsing around i once again stumbled across the term "skill rotation". Am I the only one who absolutely hates that term? Why? Obvously because i don't play WoW, for the most part. But also/therefore because i usually only see it in WoW vs. Lineage discussions (yes, i Googled just that, it's a dead slow Friday at work and it's f'ing 40°C outside). So there you have people arguing that Lineage is "just stand and press F1, while in WoW you have to learn spell rotations". What the ....? How is pushing three buttons in order any more difficult than pressing one? Is this really what people think PvP is about? Just how bad is the average person at pvp? Now, i have to admit, that the positioning and skill selection seems much more pronounced and dynamic in WoW than in Lineage (if you consider jumping around like utter moron a dynamic positioning), but somehow people still completely ignore that, and argue with skill usage instead. What does that tell you? Also: is it just me or does every Blizzard game past W3:Frozen Throne look and feel exactly the same? And Valve's Dota as well. What gives? [/rant]
  21. ​Warlord can hit more mobs at the same time with pole & has mass stun & weakness skills that increase patk? ​Well, that way he can save on soulshots, except you won't be able to afford them for the most part anyway. He shines in a party, but he doesn't grind much faster when alone. Pulling trains is always fun, but WL is not gonna make you rich.
  22. Sett

    Monster Animation

    Sometimes (1%?) monsters keep the sparkles or halo animation even when woken up. Looks more like a packet loss issue, rather than a bug.
  23. Sett

    Various bugs

    Temptation of the abyss, a magic 1h blunt, has sword in decription, does not work as either, skill-wise.
  24. There is no "Surrender to X" on Classic.
  25. How exactly do you expect warlord to make more money than any other non-dwarf? BH, definitely. Get mana for him though. EE is fine for blunt (abyssmal crit rate anyways), but SE is obviously better.