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Everything posted by Sett

  1. Aren't those texts actually part of the client?
  2. I believe it is the old system here, meaning about 30% penalty for light blue - for drops, adena and spoil. The only difference resulting from that interview is level unaffected adena drop - which i have doubts about, but is worth testing, if someone has account. The interview itself however, is very well worth reading, thanks
  3. 1) i seriously doubt any quest will be manually modifies, let alone to make it easier 2) quest item drop is not affected by level, meaning you can keep on killing blue mobs for the quest just fine, only with reduced regular drops.
  4. Sett

    CZ/SK clan

    Seznamka bych tomu asi úplně neříkal, už proto, že v reálu se bez většiny lidí docela dobře obejdu Ale kromě prvních pár dní jsem to nikdy nehrál kvůli hře samotný, L2 má prostě mizernej singl Tak jako tak si ale myslím, že není na škodu mít něco do začátku - něco, co mi nikdo newipne - partu lidí. No na ofic se taky určitě podívám(e), zvlášť pokud spustí rovnou Cl2.0..
  5. Sleep was like Trance until C4(C5?). In interlude they decided mage sleep was OP, so in Interlude they -_-ed sleep up with longer duration, but long cast (not really so much of a problem with +12WIT), and gave it back only to supports as Trance, which is quick, but has shorter duration. spare me the ego-boosting bullshits, i honestly couldn't care less if you're a casual or not. and no, you don't need to learn how to play "chronicles". that's the mentality of the usual "sheeps" that reroll to anything else that can kill their main class just because they're too bad to adapt to new changes in gameplay, and it's even more ironic when those people reroll to classes they used to talk shit about. what i mentioned before still stands. ​Man did i use to hate necros. played by all those FotM morons. All the way untill i got one as a subclass, two updates later, and i totally loved it. Then i begun to hate archers, gladiator, daggers. The new FotM. Still hate those, but since overyone is rolling necro now, i'm beginning to hate him again. Oh, the brain
  6. Sett

    CZ/SK clan

    Čím dýl to hraješ, tím míň je to o postavě, a já jsem to hrál hodně dlouho... Co se FB týče, viděl bych to po dvou měsících od spuštění tak možná na třetinu z těch lidí. Spousta lidí nemá s Classicem zkušenosti a na 0,5x je to nebude bavit, a spousta lidí nebude čekat na spuštění a půjde jinam. A spousta lidí taky po chvíli zjistí, že něco nefunguje tak, jak si mysleli, a sekne s tim - protože si to nevyzkoušeli. To že už to mělo dávno běžet situaci samozřejmě nijak neprospívá. Důvod proč hrát lineage je celkem jasnej - protože chci hrát Lineage, bavit se s lidma, poznat lidi, se kterýma budu hrát, a ne jenom čekat, až to spustí, s nejistym výsledkem... Důvodů snažit se něco farmit je samozřejmě mnohem míň, ale jak říkám - to není důvod, proč hraju Lineage, natož betu, a rozhodně to neznamená, že bych se u toho nemoh bavit. Toť moje motivace. Co se hry samotný týče, největší "bug"je všudypřítomná azbuka, a to ještě, myslím, nějakej pátek potrvá...
  7. Sett

    CZ/SK clan

    ​jak jedna parta s duálama ? .. možná tak na tý nekonečný open betě .. ​ Momentálně je v klanu šest aktivních lidí, včetně mě a ženy. Ono těžko s někym počítat, když nehraje, a neznám ho, že... Com se nekonečný bety týče: a) běží 17.den. Vzhledem k tomu, že kdosi sliboval 14 dní minimum, mi to nepřijde zas tolik b) základ Lineage neni equip. ani level, ani nic jinýho, co by ovlivnil wipe c) možnost vyzkoušet si to nanečisto ani tomu grindu určitě neuškodí. ...takže nemelte o betě, a pojďte hrát, na těhle ratech nás s půjčeným equipem můžete dohnat za den i s přestupákama
  8. Sett

    CZ/SK clan

    Mno. Jelikož je nás zatim sotva 1 parta i s dualama, co se někam vetřít? Greed třeba.
  9. While this post is writen in a much nicer tone, than the other one, i would still push it a little further: "Please, people, if you can speak english, try to do so, when in an international enviroment, like forum or shout. Others will be much more likely to understand you." And leave it at that.
  10. As much as i hate russian language (when you play Dota, CYKA is about every other word you see in chat), i must vote against that kind of regulations. The simple fact is: some people don't know english, and often they don't need english to communicate what they need to. That kind of rules would only lead to numerous reports, forcing the staff to deal with this, instead of actual problems. Ban excessive flame, and sh*t, that has nothing to do with the game, and leave the rest to the players...
  11. Sett

    CZ/SK clan

    No, jak já to vidim, jsou jenom dvě možnosti: a) bude z nás schopnej klan (při počtu aktivních lidí mám určitý pochybnosti) b) půjdeme jinam Ale jediná možnost, jak lidi poznat, je hrát s nima
  12. Sett

    CZ/SK clan

    Tak jsem ti ten post upravil, abys neřek... Upřímě: víc než borci, co prohlásí "můj spot" a vymlátí celou partu (a je mi úplně jedno, jestli to maj nafarmený legálne nebo ne), mě serou už jenom borci, co si honěj ego na foru kecama typu "cry much", kdykoliv se někdo zmíní o těch prvních (podle sebe soudím tebe, asi). Jak s tím souvisí "utápění lidí v random forum recruit klanu" to mi vážně uniká... PS: sorry, nechci tu flejmovat, ale tyhle chytrý kecy prostě fakt nesnášim...
  13. Sett

    CZ/SK clan

    ​Hlavně nebrečet o bottrainech když tu žádný nejsou. ​a) neni to z mý hlavy b) proč to taháš sem?
  14. Well, of course i wan't to find CP - or rather: a group of friends, people who can cooperate and have fun together. But finding decent group of people, mature people, mature people playing video games, mature people playing Lineage, mature people playing Lineage classic on private server, in OBT, and all of that while being somewhat capable to do stuff or to learn it. THAT seems to be a hard task indeed... Plus it doesn't help that i don't always act quite mature either. Or capable. Or able to learn But yea, i try.
  15. Since i'm too lazy to figure out how to do it myself i tried your colors and i have to say they are very nice. Neat, subtle, good choice of colors. Good stuff =) If i may suggest some adjustments: a) some colors are way too dark, e.g. end of buff b) as eytyxia said, the popup for buffs is probably not that important for most people. maybe move it to the bottom left/bottom right corner? c) please remove pet skils reuse
  16. Well, that's exactly my point. Not even dwarves will make much more money, because there will be noone able to pay theme. Or are people really gonna blow all of their income on the soulshots, that they won't be able to use consistently anyways?
  17. I wonder, how do you guys intend to make money when the server goes live? It's not like it's impossible, but i'm curious, because most of the cheesier ways will not be possible, mostly because there won't be people to earn money from, for quite a while i imagine. So, how do you get gear? Is there anything worth farming to be sold to shops? Is there AN area where you get a little bit more adena? A quest worth doing? Or is hard grind to get higher level drops from higher level monsters really the only option?
  18. It ... is ...........sooooo ................................terribly..........................................................slo..........................awwwwwwwwwwwww..................... Wait what? No! i didn't fall asleep casting sleep!
  19. In olympiad, you can beat archers with warsmith. I stand corrected on hamstring shot. What is the range of hamstring? Yes, a good SK can defeat decent archer, given the same gear level, that's why he's my favorite class - i played mostly on Interlude, where EVERYONE rolled an archer. But the good ones will always outrun you, unless you're lucky with slow/para.
  20. Problem is, all of those skills have less range, than a bow with longshot 2 has. Or hamstring shot, for that mather.
  21. The name is Sett, obviously. Feel free to molest any time you please. You may succeed a couple of times, but that just makes killing cocky morons all the more rewarding.
  22. ​Trust me, no tank kills no archer, unless the archer is completely retarded. Archers have more range AND more speed. Killing tank just takes a long time.
  23. ​This is bullcrap, as much as it pains me to say it - L2 was never an mmorpg that needs lots of skills in PvP. Just pick a target and start mashing few skills. If you're a mage or archer - pick a target and mash skills while occasionally running away from your target. There's always some class that always beats the other with the exception of if the weaker class gets more lucky with critical hits and stuns. ​I like how so many people claim this. This is why you're going to get rolled in PvP. Anyways, not that it's that big of a deal. Server goes live soon and you'll see for yourself, :p. There's going to be a LOT of people bitching about me here, but I love the tears. I've been missing it. Things like this are awesome. And that wasn't farming n00bs. It was farming n00bs until their high levels came and then wiping higher levels/higher geared players of the same class (and other classes). But alas, L2C shall soon learn for themselves. There's actually quite a few references to me (I didn't even find out until years later, as I never visited the official forums, and one day decided to search my own char names to see if there was anything). It was fun, and I look forward to making the same marks here! I already started, but only got to 217 PKs before I got bored and decided to wait until live. P.S.: if you seriously think that L2 is a skill-less game, I'll personally prove you wrong later. Toss me a PM when you hit 75 and are geared, and I'll kill you on whatever class I hit 75 with first, :p. Not sure if that'll be dwarf, EE or Necro, but that gives you a 66.67% chance of at least having a LITTLE chance of winning. ​Sorry, can't be bothered to search for that picture, but I'm sure you've seen it before: -> YOUR E-PENIS MUST BE HUGE.
  24. I still don't see why everybody denounces necro PvE so. Okay, you can't use death spike on low rates. and you don't have regular nuke. But you have CDL, and you have excatly the same summons summoners have. CDL you can either use the fun way, or the thought-out way. The fun way is minimum HP and monsters you can 1-2 shot with CDL. Probably the same monsters SpS will kill in the same time in 4 shot, wasting twice as much mana, and not getting any from BtM. OR you can stay between 46-55%HP, at which point CDL acts exactly the same as prominence (except resists). You still have HP comparable to SH/SpS at this point + you have TP ready. I don't see why single target PvE would be any slower for necro, than for Sorc or SpS. SH only get better MP efficiency. And then you have summons to tank or finish monsters for you. In organised AoE necro is at a disadvantage, having to rely only on poison cloud and corpse burst. Still, poison cloud is some ~55DPS, right away regardless of gear(!), then there is corpse burst onec first monster gets nuked down, A honorable mention here goes to mass slow as well. In a perfect world, necro wouldn't fit much, but the less organised the party is, the more usefull necro is. The braking point, i dare say, is teamspeak.