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Everything posted by Torres

  1. Torres

    Maestro - Olympiad

    I love classic for making dwarves (finally) decent in pvp. wish we had dagger style dwarves already.
  2. I thought it was implicit in my suggestion that making ornaments purchasable would cost a relevant amount of event itens since there's no failure on it. So that would be a way to get MYSELF motivated. Never participated in events because I see them as an oportunity to make money, due to high probability of getting rewards I couldn't care or sell.
  3. Torres


    Our clan is consisted of solo players as most of the community in this server. It has nothing to offer but 10% exp and some clan skills. If you want a party to exp you need to reach 76 at least and join a high level CP and top clans. Play on server first and see how things work here.
  4. Torres


    I can invite you to my clan. It has 10% exp bonus and some russians. When you reach 70+ you can try to find a more competitive clan. Name ingame?
  5. Stop suggesting Tyrants to new players Instead try Phantom Summoner, Warlord, Silver Ranger. Dwarfs can be fun to play too.
  6. Instead of making ornaments by chance in reward box, create an option where you can buy event hats, agathion with event itens. You know, everybody just wants to look cute. (wish i had that panda hat and bonsai agathion !!!) Remove useless rewards as 1st scroll buff and hp potions. Either you get something good or nothing. For that, drop chance should be higher. Just my two cents to this topic, i'm being super serious on that.
  7. True. This come mostly from players of eastern europeans countries and chinese people, which isn't surprising at all since I know how prejudice and different phobias is high in those places. There should definitely have a punishment for that.
  8. Torres

    Dagger pov

    Watched the whole video. I was quite entertained by the bsoeing thing lol. That 69 hp left though!!! I'm sure you had lot of fun doing that lol.
  9. I get full crit rate having Othell 6 + Focus 3 + Song of Hunter Would a higher level Othell make any difference on crits?
  10. GMs please check these people who are doing solo boss farm. They may be using cyclic macro for that. I feel like I'm playing on a custom multisubclass Interlude server when I see these Tyrants tanking bosses.
  11. When is NA prime? Is discord mandatory?
  12. Torres

    Event: Cursed Monastery

    Can someone please tell me at what time that Pumpkin appears and leaves? Just logged in and I could'nt find it.
  13. Same for Human Wizard quest. I don't think that is a bug though.
  14. WTB Salamander Skin Boots or Lining (8 pieces) Send pm on forum
  15. сумм + прп варлорд + ше на ютубе можно найти гайд про соло аое
  16. If I'm not wrong I think Avadon light gives you more m def than BW light. What do you think of bw heavy? Investing on str is a good idea? Like full str - dex.
  17. Hopefully this won't apply to summoners crafting shots in/outside village.
  18. Years and years playing L2 and dagger is a class I still need to get to know it better. I hope someone come with serious replies. From my little knowlegde, I think daggers had their prime time in Interlude and maybe in Gracia/High Five. They basically relied on high dex and crits. Treasure Hunter is probably the only one that worth playing due to Dash (very helpful), three skills that cancel target and balanced stats. Boy, if you have a decent mouse, fast hand movement and know how to use those cancelling target skills, you're excellent at 1x1. I think Elven daggers have higher skill landing rate when they reach 3rd job. Hope I helped you somehow. At the end of the day, it's your choice that counts and I think you've already decided it.
  19. High Five was the golden age for supporters. I tried playing as SE and it felt much more fun to play with it. I know it'll take ages for that to happen, but I'm already excited for the Club Hi5. I think you should reroll to a SE though, you'll be more required in parties than EE.
  20. Torres

    Event TvT

    +1 for tvt. It's actually quite fun. you can train your mass pvp tactics/skills just like in sieges. most private servers choose coli for this event to take place, but I think Seal of Shilen is probably the best spot. there's only ACTUAL pvp if you're 78+ and have joined in big clans, the rest of the server actually miss some kind of action imo.
  21. I only know two spots for solo aoe: Cruma mobs Porta/Krator Outlaw Forest mobs Tarlk Basilik/Elder spot next to Ol Mahums. On this 2.0 update you can go +12 with any symbol. Wit in classic enhances Magic Crit which is way better than high M. Atk. You can ask any mage in game, 90% of them will have +12 wit.
  22. As a mage after lv 40 you won't get any party for bosses unless you make your own room, maybe you can play as healer until 48 if you find someone who knows the drill. If you had a cp to help you level up, I'd suggest you to take a sorceror as this is a very aoe-oriented class (same for spellsinger). But as you're going solo most of the time, then Necromancer is your best option. You can effectively aoe solo after 46 on certain spots, you'll have cdl for solo leveling too and it is also a good class for olympiad. All in all, any mage will fit your purpose. Pick wichever you feel like playing, do it for the fun and for the Classic experience. Big tip: go full wit or at least +8 as soon as you make your 2nd class transfer.
  23. I wish they could implement on this server that custom toggle skill that allows PP to buff a whole party like wc. It's so cool to see that Berserker animation at once over every character in the party.
  24. Old news. This been happening long before this server was created. Sooner or later you'll see some players or full parties coming to steal your boss from you and before you ask: it is allowed as well.
  25. Buy Coins of Luck (aka COL) from your account pannel, sell them to players in Giran Harbor. You can also buy gear there. Spend some time picking up adena on Silent Valley.