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Everything posted by Budge

  1. I thought it's one box per premium account, not one box per PC, this is how they do crazy bot parties
  2. yeah, i feel like i'm playing GoD again... not a very classic experience
  3. i already seen some crazy box parties, just wanna pk them all, friggin scrubs
  4. Yeah it is an amazing feature, too bad most L2 players are too dumb to use it, i never seen server where it's used properly..
  5. hah Draqla wasted so much time fixing all the classes, but what he really needed to do was only fix nukers and delete all melee, coz who cares nobody will play them.. LOL
  6. Budge


    Delevel just sucks, it will cause some serious rage in these low rates.. it's a good idea to lower it
  7. Best solution is NO DUAL BOX at all, instead just give donators all the hats, toys to buy what don't effect gameplay, and maybe some class change tokens later.. i mean off trade shop is pretty big advantage alone, and having a private buffer is even bigger advantage, and goes against your server philosophy of "bringing ppl together", premiums will endup controlling economy.. my 2 cents
  8. Budge

    REED Clan

    pzdc pirma ismok rasyt pries kurdamas klana kaimas
  9. omg.. all these noobs can't even recognize the hours and time zones and they will play here.. it's scary
  10. Just go find a vanilla C1 or C2 server and play.. i saw some, but they're unpopulated and with bad support..
  11. i don't think any private server can fix what, this basiclly needs reprogramming of all classes and it must be hard to do..
  12. Considering how many players are constantly spamming the forums with "when open" threads, i think 99% will take the earliest date available.. There's no reason not to do what.
  13. very strange what you only say this news now..
  14. Budge


    Writing in purple does not make your messages more important (just sayin', it looks stupid and is hard to read).. and you did not add anything worthile to community yourself, with these types of whining posts.
  15. what.. Server is live, we already playing, it's amazing
  16. in L2 you dont need rotation if your mage, you just spam spam spam same shit
  17. Well this thread pretty clearly shows who's just an elitist who wants to "pwn noobs" and who's legitimatly concerned with the gaming quality.. I think what either it has to be removed or chance lowered. Without the "casuals" this server will be dead in a month.
  18. But this classic is not really "classic", where's already a lot of changes differing to vanilla so whatever....
  19. Where should be some limitations, like no dropping weapon or main armor.. just drop other stuff as to not make ppl mad and trollers rich.
  20. You can solo with any class you want, just kill green mobs..
  21. The only problem i see is whiny users who spam this forum in various languages asking "when server launch" like they have no life.
  22. I have this stuttering too, so far did not find any solution... It seems to only happen in this chronicle. hope this will get fixed..
  23. To many cry topics whining about long OBT..