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Everything posted by SirBishop

  1. What they refer to is the drop not updating the inventory - sometimes you need to restart the clien tfor item to show as it leaves an empty slot in the inventory. this is hard to show on a video or even a screenshot. I had instances where the armour drops, the char picks it up, the chat updates with announcement 'x player picked the boots' but the inventory is not updated. Sounds like the same issue?
  2. I mean... seems like small issue imo. Just refer to the level brackets and make sure not to miss it.
  3. is this permitted for server use? don't want an unexpected ban
  4. Some of the items aren't there... Example: Body of avatar spellbook, Purify spellbook - both are listed as sold by Sylvia in Talking island Shop, but she has no stock Any ideas of where else they can be bought, as they are listed as sellable too?
  5. Looking for active clan (networking, hunting/farming/ clan wars etc. - open to all); Playing hours: evening EU central time 7pm onwards (UK based); English speaking only
  6. 41 Bishop here. What level range are you after?