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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. SOiL


    I agree with 3 and 7. We all know people are selling/buying characters even like this. At least make it in auction and earn some extra euro (Also add an option of changing mail/accounts) and at last change that lame thing to be able to log with game account in site account. Should be 2 different things. About noble buff, don't even think about it!
  2. Noone will sell A grade in auction anyways like san0 said, not even in game. I remember B grades weren't exist in auction, I voted to sell A grades just in game but it's the same way. People are buying adena from black market, you cannot stop that and they can buy items in the same way even from game. So there's no point at all, go vote for CS flags!
  3. Who cares what these two flamers say? It's an easy way putting them ignore and go on. Good luck with that, at least don't say big words and take them back, like.. hellhound? ;D
  4. ​a bit, but told you that kind of things like not penalty on dying at cs, only bad things will bring.
  5. I know they were some topics before about our new 2017 arrived. But I'd like to make another topic about that (Like always do and you love me cause of that). I wish a happier new year than 2016, and everything go perfect for everyone in real life with health and hapiness! For our lovely game too, wish many drops for everyone! Sorry for sometimes being a dick with folks in game (Your asses asked for it ) or impatient with the staff. But it's a game. If we don't fight each other there's no point of playing, right? Cheers! Skal! Εβιβα!
  6. This Lineage2, sometimes it's like a drug to us and it's not the best game if you think about it, has many faults/bugs as a game, all chronicles. Wtb 1.0 update back, watching people with C-D grades, without overenchant items and without fighting for some stupid epics was much better. We talked about what happened guys, Zbynnia wanna keep these jewells, he's out. End of story. We farm more as alliance and we keep playing. You can't change people in real life, what about through to a game. I feel sorry for their both sides, but that's it! Wtb 2.0 update! I give you all my epics san0, hurry up!
  7. SOiL

    ROK ab defend :D

    Geudeul moduleul jug-il! bang-bang-bang! 2nd party of ROK is here, tremble people!!
  8. You can only take zorgzor ass (50lvl) kiss it , then go suck... That's it you can only talk and cry monkey. Gg. ​
  9. Listen, if I wanted that much to take aden, I'd build a zerg too and call even 50 lvls with us like rezqquit does and take it. But that's the point of the topic. People that don't wanna lose much exp and take care more of their chars and not die like this. Saying your people SPAWN AND GO DIE, I really don't get how they still following him and i'm not talking about you with archers that died 3-4 times in whole siege, i'm talking about people that were dying non sense all the time. Also don't forget who was fighting the 3rd side so you were free to take aden castle and don't forget who opened oren.
  10. oh man.. I'm hearing this you dont have castle and it's like im talking to walls we have castle, 2 actually not 1. You lost 1 castle from us with your zerg. So now you have 3 and we have 2. (I forgot you getting hard on counting ) Now about flames, i've never threw flames to you or rizos, you were some of perks members that I respected. However I was waiting until CS holidays break to create this topic, I'd do it earlier but I didn't.
  11. ​i dont need to make second accounts to vote for some bullsh1t poll, it was decided long time ago to have it like that (there was poll about it) i would say its convincing for you to have this xp loss, but only thing i see is CRP festival at your flags on sieges, so i guess its not u want to change things because u cannot get castle? how long is it now?2 months w/o castle? git gud pls i honestly dont get how it is messing real fights, when the numbers of ppl on each side is pretty similar, so the number of meatshields we have is same on your side, your ppl go on suicide mission as well as long as u have flags (too bad most of the time u even fail to put it) ​becoz you are on defensive side of aden, no matter what you will always have flag on aden garden and spam meat shield endlessly, and no stragety can really win the fight unless our side got x2 or at least x1.5 of your numbers, with some cooldowns, there will be more chances for offensive sides when suprised attack will turn the table if defensive side not carefully official server make it lost exp just to make sv more hardcore and require ppl have to play more srly and spend more time for the game, but were just a free and private server, easy come - easy go, lowbies will never dare to join the siege and become meat shields for any big sides, and its just bad, our population is not so hight actually so once again, cooldowns for respawn on flags is better, i prefer 30 seconds btw, or at lest 15 secs ​on last siege, when it started whole our ally was outside of the zone, when it started we got order to retreat and put flags, u lost fight outside of the zone w/o any respawning, thats why u couldnt go put flags immediately and continue fighting, thats the truth also when u put flags, we are able to somehow destroy them eventho ppl respawn on flags all the time (tho maybe u are failing on the side where ppl rather PR and wants to regen mp, so u are losing power, but thats your bad, ps: hello zorgzor) and also, as rizos said, defenders should have advantage in defending their own castle ​Yep we lost the fight because rezqquit was like "RUN INSIDE TO PUT FLAGS" So you were playing inside siege zone and spawning again ye okay that's a good tactic but still abused of non-penalty flags, when we putted flags they were 2 clans, not 8. So yes. Guys here is not about who is fighting better, dunno what i've done to you and you answer me like that but I'm sure biz is playing with your minds about me. All i'm trying to do here is to make better fights in CS. And btw first fight in last siege was nice because it was out of siege zone (Before siege starts) I'm sure you know that's wrong with no penalty at all in CS even if you don't admit it. I know somewhere deep inside you, you feel the same
  12. Nice vid, well done guys nice fight there!
  13. Tell me that you made 2nd accounts just to vote the 3rd option? bwahaha You guys forgot the point of hardcore that classic is, if you afraid of losing some exp at siege and you won't come to fight-make some fun there because you will lose 5% exp, then why you even playing here? Go to older chronicles or find a classic with more rates than x3. That system now it's just stupid and mess up the real fights. It's like always have a brez in mass pvp out of castle siege. Sometime MP will go down and people will do what, hit each other with blunts and staffs? The only reasons you vote for 3rd option is because you're chickens and cause you wanna keep your castles with the meatshields. (When I added this pict 1st option had 21 votes and 3rd 20)
  14. But the option I want is winning.. Modoy right now
  15. ​its 21-13-20, if u wanted to have first and second one merged, u should have made "i want to change it", so ppl wouldnt know the change and would decide if they gonna risk it or no, coz i doubt ppl who voted for "i want respawn time" would vote for "add war like penalty" (maybe some yes, but i can guarantee not all) ​You dont get the point, there are 2 options but it's like 1. "We don't like it how it is now" Someone that voted for 1) or 2) they don't like the 3rd. So if 1+2 got more votes than 3, then must be another poll just for 1 or 2 option. And if that doesn't change, there's no sense of playing at cs. ​yes, if someone voted for 1, he didnt like 3rd option more, however that doesnt mean he likes second option, or maybe he would even prefer 3rd option before 2nd one ​
  16. i am not against it, eventho i wouldnt like the spam going on from zillion clans in ally chat when now its good place to communicate and joke around with other ppl in different time zones from other clans in alliance (3 clans is more than enough) ​I imagine..
  17. ​its 21-13-20, if u wanted to have first and second one merged, u should have made "i want to change it", so ppl wouldnt know the change and would decide if they gonna risk it or no, coz i doubt ppl who voted for "i want respawn time" would vote for "add war like penalty" (maybe some yes, but i can guarantee not all) ​You dont get the point, there are 2 options but it's like 1. "We don't like it how it is now" Someone that voted for 1) or 2) they don't like the 3rd. So if 1+2 got more votes than 3, then must be another poll just for 1 or 2 option. And if that doesn't change, there's no sense of playing at cs.
  18. Dear trash, I'm asking for 2.0 cause of new stuff are coming up. Bored of owning you all the time in 1.5 and watching bsoeing/PRing all the time, so a little oly, few more areas could make it better. I'm really waiting for you to see you use PR in toi areas. (Also read better, admins said they will announce arround October, so yes we're waiting for it) Now search more threads in post to flame. Trash. ​excuse me, remind me how many castles u have to talk about owning? As i thought. U can play with my jingle bells too many videos of ur ally pr came out nowadays to u talk about pr. Look at those jingle bells hanging, how about u play with em? go get a life, monkey scum ​t0 m0uni tis m4n4s s0u. We got 2 castles, with balls not easy pizi chineasy. ​just curious if greeks gonna get same punishment as some russians which swear on forum last time i remember i heard someone got 2 days ban on forum for swearing in russian ​I'm sitll waiting for driver-datplays to get punish for flaming here but nothing happened, so I guess i'll follow their idea. And srly modoy? Do you think that owners of server got special treatment to me cause I'm an ally leader? So what.
  19. So whats up with that, is it going to change? It's 34-19. Any admin can say something?
  20. Dear trash, I'm asking for 2.0 cause of new stuff are coming up. Bored of owning you all the time in 1.5 and watching bsoeing/PRing all the time, so a little oly, few more areas could make it better. I'm really waiting for you to see you use PR in toi areas. (Also read better, admins said they will announce arround October, so yes we're waiting for it) Now search more threads in post to flame. Trash. ​excuse me, remind me how many castles u have to talk about owning? As i thought. U can play with my jingle bells too many videos of ur ally pr came out nowadays to u talk about pr. Look at those jingle bells hanging, how about u play with em? go get a life, monkey scum ​t0 m0uni tis m4n4s s0u. We got 2 castles, with balls not easy pizi chineasy.
  21. Dear trash, I'm asking for 2.0 cause of new stuff are coming up. Bored of owning you all the time in 1.5 and watching bsoeing/PRing all the time, so a little oly, few more areas could make it better. I'm really waiting for you to see you use PR in toi areas. (Also read better, admins said they will announce arround October, so yes we're waiting for it) Now search more threads in post to flame. Trash. ​with your numbers and levels it could be true, but its a lie. why are u transforming in a monkey? zorg on vacation and u replace him? i dont trash people for no reason, i hate when mokeys are looking for bananas in wrong places. "​uuu you got lvls uuu you got no life, I have life i'm 70 lvl and I'm joining on forum in my free time to flame people and tell them they have no life" Wanna 9v9, 18v18, 27v27? What you want? What you can do actually except ganking at EV our 55 lvls and be proud. What else you can do in this game except joining a forum at just talk talk talk and try to find random things to flame people on it. We tried to open war with alt epic clans to have some fun and didn't accept. Why you play at all? Begging people to come to your side to reach 400 people so you can keep your castles? That's the game for you? That's all you got, giving your dollars to get items and then what, bsoe-PR's again? Trash, from now on..