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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. SOiL

    Test server unavailable.

    When 2.0 test goes on let us know!
  2. SOiL

    ROK October Video :D

    You talk about the music, yeah.. Music is important part to make a good video, but check on their lags, they play with delay and they are still good!
  3. SOiL

    +25 failed!

    I was just joking arround, ofc it didn't broke for +26. It failed for +16 and was in mood to troll a bit, I liked how taduliz reacted bwahaha!
  4. SOiL

    It s LoL&&??

    That's UQ shop. At least don't think we're that idiots to do that. Delete threads, faking mails etc. (Why it's UQ shop? last month for many days was selling very big amount of BP-Gaiters BW, Dama blades that all of these are dropping at BS and they are the only group that farming non-stop there. I'm getting disgusting out of this.
  5. SOiL

    It s LoL&&??

    ​We dont need any excuses, we are thats who we are. You are all afraid of us and hate us (cause or yours spectable essence) and try to do all possible to interfere us taking any castle. We stay against 2 ally and its honestly our problem but if GM monkeyed in the siege, its not funny interference. ​Yep, we're friends with perkunas and making all day video pvps and trading castles to show our super friendship But you don't know it!
  6. SOiL


    You made 2nd restart in 4h at our prime time, I want 3.5k COL's.
  7. Whats ​ur opinion?
  8. SOiL

    Lava wyrm

    I know maybe the description is wrong, but also they drop very low adena. Just check it Shot00120.bmp
  9. SOiL

    PvP and Fun ^^

    2:20 GreenLight the beast! wp legi
  10. SOiL

    Lava wyrm

    max 661a from lava wyrm 70 lvl mob. In this patch you can obtained 600a from 25lvl mobs Maybe is smth wrong?
  11. SOiL

    DarkLegion Ally PvP

    Welcome to the club
  12. SOiL

    Part 7 is here \m/

    ​You're creating nice photos, im bringing the pain! Naaah.. hehe what about your all mighty PR? I guess he's doing the same
  13. SOiL

    Part 7 is here \m/

  14. Event won't last forever, so better stop using forum and farm now while you can It's almost 1 year alive server, it's normal big players buying nectars like chips Im doing that too.
  15. ​I know that story.. Just disgusting. ​Ye, well these guys made a macro with that
  16. I logged 30 mins ago and saw a guy shouting my clan is stealing people, I asked him whats wrong and he lost 1 ewc cause he lagged and didn't pick up from event and a clan mate of mine picked it up. Now if you don't want to lose items from event, follow these steps. First try to don't play with lags, second go to a place like elven ruins or orc barracks or whatever place without people not in GIRAN HARBOR. You lost ewc not a whole B set and he didnt steal it from you he picked it up. Also my mate wasn't online to talk with him, you acted so bad and wherever I see you you will get pked. (Talesss - Earendill) Made this post so people will know that we didn't steal anything from anyone and if just talked with me and didn't just shout in all towns I'd give the ewc myself.
  17. The castle that every leader wants to rule. To be the King of Kings. To conquer the map you play. The most beautiful castle in Lineage II. (First I want to say, that's a nice event. I enjoy all of your photos! Secondly I made 2 more photos but I couldn't pick which to upload Good luck to all of you guys).
  18. Perfect post recruit, well done. Hope you guys find 2 more members and get stronger No need all CP's to be archers or mages for sure!
  19. ​as koll said. the time it takes to fix the stuff and complete the updates is not exacly our time, but scripters and engineers time, we will not need this person for the newer server since we have complete files, while on classic we have to make everything, on high it will be all done already, only time when we might need a scripter is for some costom event or something like this. so i dont believe for us 3 splitting the work and time among the 2 servers will be too hard. ​Yep when koll said that I was typing the post well what about chornicle, if you check sites like hopzone everyone got a interlude and H5 server. Also H5 is so bad at least for me
  20. I think it's first and last time I agree with zorgzor. You will have no time to fix everything in both servers. However I find this a good idea, Classic club will go bigger the only faul I found on this for me is the h5 chronicle, why you choose a client thats so easy and OP star wars style? Why not Hellbound or Gracia Final, better pvps than all warriors on rushes spoilers with blows that H5 has. o0
  21. Hahahaha man I shouldnt open the phone to see that, cant stop laughing