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Everything posted by San0

  1. good changes are all my ideas, ncsoft just stole them from me, bad ideas is all ncsoft ideas... we try to follow as much as we think its good from the official updates and throw in some sprinkles of our own or delay some changes that we think are not good for server at that time (example with the pirate and assassins transformations back in 1.5 delays cuz was not good balance for server at that time), tho from what i see on newly official updates, antharas might be the last one we will be following it closely as from there on everything goes a bit more downhill and not all changes are interesting for us or for the vision we have of classic L2. i will finally have wings to fly!!!!!!!! OLD SCHOOLERS ASSEMBLE!!!
  2. magnus didnt. it was already stronger. this just kinda of balances all the pets.
  3. you guys are making more mess then it should, is very simple, if you dont use the cyclic macro system as in the right click one nothing will happen to you.
  4. nothing to fix here as far as im aware.
  5. on activation. same way now you get the stuff when you activate it like hat ticket and ww scroll and so on.
  6. that's an idea, lemme think it over.
  7. iitems such as baium or attack talisman who give skill power bonus were not working properly in the blow type skills such as most of the dagger kit. now it is.
  8. zaken drops it, baium drops it, hekaton prime drops it and if not mistaken some 1 monster in devil's isle drops it also.
  9. B and C they are not farming so it does not apply. Little periodeater69 doesnt need a loop macro to go take a piss and make 2 sets of dances.
  10. no i dont see any problm on it, you said it yourself "I'm pretty sure you did multiple checks on many parties and results "were not conclusive" due to existance of loop macro," so now this cases wont happen cuz either bot or macro looping will both be punished same way. its quite simple. if it smells like duck, looks like duck and sounds like duck then its duck. meaning before could be confusions if its bot or macro now doesnt matter if its bot or macro cuz both are punishable.
  11. well. i guess you are free to have your opinion, i still dont understand the obsession, if somehting i would be pissed about all the Cores and not the zakens. and again, if everyone will have it for the same limited time i dont see it as a unbalance but a chance for some players to try something they most likely will never have and this way make them more ambitious and try to play harder to have bigger chance of some day having one of those items for real.
  12. i still dont understand what does it matter if a player has a alt lvl 77 or not... and to be honest i think you over reacting A LOT in this point also am i the only one who thinks core is better then zaken? or its just in theory?
  13. everything will work same way as with bot programs, difference is on macros we actually have the chance to see if the macros exist. ofc it comes down to manual checks, if we would have a way to check it automatically we would use it to disable the macros. They are not staying on as a choice but just simply cuz we didnt yet found a way to disable them. all that people needs to know is to be informed its not allowed, how it will be enforced is already our business, post is just to let people be warned about it so they cant have excuses later.
  14. dont even joke or they will believe it...
  15. and how competitive would be if bosses would spawn at 3 am for example? or at 8 AM? how would that be competitive for a european server? being shortsighted or not its up to opinions, from my opinion is the correct way to go.
  16. its also not fair i need to stay awake till 5AM to watch NBA games, but they do happen to be in America and there for use america time tho not only Americans watch it. at end of the day and as mentioned many times before in multiple different cases, server is European, it runs on European time, and main events will always happen on European times. When players join the server they have already to have that in mind.
  17. and then after 1 month no one will again.
  18. about 1 % with normals, about 5 % with mids and about 10% with Highs. something around this values will be on live. obt still with test chances except for normal life stones.
  19. no, that is not something that i believe will be done. i understand its bad for non Europeans, but people need to understand the server is centered on European time, there for this type of things will happen on European times same as with sieges, start changing things for other timezones is the beginning of a path i dont want to go cuz then people will have grounds to go for bigger stuff like someone already suggested make sieges time separated with some for European time and some for Brazilian time. we tried it out with the priests to have them being killed in different times and didnt worked out that good cuz eventually the most active clans will end up having it all anyway, and then there is asia. changing this as you say will lead to all showing up for european time bosses altho Europeans would not be able to show up for other time bosses indirectly leading to a bonus for non Europeans, indirectly leading to a boost to asian zone players.
  20. they will not be removed but there will be more about it on a separated topic for macros exclusively. sadly was not possible for us to solve it as easy as was expected and there was no point on delaying update cuz of it since we cant say for sure when we will be able to find solution for them. tho they will no longer be allowed to go unpunished, but more on that later on the macro exclusive topic.
  21. no changes on other bosses spawns, enrage will start 15 minutes after fight start and will last for 20 minutes.