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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Skill from hero fists removing heroic berserk debuff resistance effect - Fixed guard talisman latest issues where talisman was counting both debuff resisted by user and by target. - Fixed Refined Core Ring skill to remove all debuffs from user instead of one debuff only. (cubic stun and doom not included) - Fixed problm on Refined Core Ring making possible for second stage of anchor to still activate even if you clean the first stage. - Fixed Block chance problm against dagger skills such as back stab, deadly blow, mortal blow and lethal blow. - Fixed Scroll of castle blessing to have a 20 minute reuse instead of no reuse. - Fixed tyrant skill raging force lvl 2 (on lvl 77 char) not charging forces till the lvl they should.
  2. San0

    Heroes domination

    he has focus death and skill from hero dagger, leave me out of the mess please, you guys wanna murder eachother on forum be my guest but unfortunatly i cannot join the forum fights
  3. There is only one prime! and its names is OPTIMUS!
  4. there is my like up there, i see a dorf i insta like!!!!!
  5. San0


    yeah you can
  6. San0

    Need help plz!

    eres possible q estejas canbiando en el local incorrecto e estas cambiando el master account password y no el game account password.
  7. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed latest problms found on guard talisman with damaging debuffs not dealing damage while guard effect on. - Fixed refined core ring skill not being able to use to clean lightning strike and anchor.
  8. i think some people dont know whats going on or how stuff should work and miss understood the changes. the change is not so ppl cannot drop epics when they die. the change is, if a char dies to a raid boss including epic bosses it does not drop items, same way it works on official. if someone has a problm with is i see it being only ppl who like to profit from this happening and so they are not a very friendly person or ppl who have never been in a end game boss where most of chars die with one hit as exemple baium. note for everyone to understand properly: YOU STILL DROP ITEMS WHEN YOU DIE IN NORMAL SITUATIONS IN PVE KILL EXCEPT IF THE KILL BLOW IS MADE BY A RAID BOSS.
  9. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Chain Strike effect working on target with immunity skills such as heroic berserk, guard talismans, infinite power - protection, etc - Fixed Guard talisman effect not applying to servitors when the owner uses it, now the effect will apply both to summoner and to the servitor.
  10. after you buy the premium account you need to ctivate it on the same npc you buy it. after that a golden square will show around your character level, this means your premium is activated and you can now log another account normaly.
  11. San0

    Guard Talisman

    how do you know if theres progress or not?
  12. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed sealed runes level 1 not being able to put on cwh - Fixed item drop from player when they die to a raid boss or epic boss. From now on players should not drop if the death is caused by a RAID BOSS or EPIC BOSS. - Fixed issue causing a problm where sometimes when changing weapons the pets stop using shots.
  13. chevi is back where he belongs? and as a sexy green?
  14. San0

    Drama Road

  15. there is a difference between cast cost and skill cost. with this skill on your SKILLs do not cost mana, but you still pay the CAST cost. lets say similar to the mana it costs to throw an arrow for example.
  16. he knew you were about to get banned cuz he was prolly the one trying to sell you the adena and then he reported you knowing that people get ban for this. anyway you keep your story after you get tricked and shown to you, you prefer to keep on accusing the server instead of seeing you got tricked and assuming your mistake. have fun. good bye.
  17. once again, that is not any of us but someone trying to scam you, to contact us there is only the 3 skypes listed on the link i sent you on post before and the suport skype + the ticket system on website + the pms on forum. if your account was banned you contact support using ticket on the website and support team will inform you why your account was banned. you got tricked by someone using fake accounts on skype do not blame the server for it, administration contacts are all over in more then 3 or 4 pinned topics about it. also advice you re read the project rules cuz as it seems you are not very well informed about them, aswell as i advice you to change your tone and select your words more wisely when you are directing them to the project itself or its administration. quoted from topic: Dear players! If you need to contact Administration, you can do it in a following ways: San0: Skype: san0.classic Forum: Discord: San0 #1631 QQ: 3149635843 kakaotalk: San0classic Koll: Skype: Koll.classic Forum: Kse: Skype: Kse.classic Forum: Discord: Kse #0347 Please, note, that other contacts, given to you by other people, saying they are server admins, are not real. Any contacts with "admins" by any other ways than written above can be dangerous for your accounts safety. And remember, server Administration will never ask for your passwords/documents. Be safe! Best regards, Classic Team please note that the skype you contacting with is not any of the ones listed before. its not koll.classic
  18. 1.6 Buy, sell, exchange (or try to) ingame goods/adena/accounts for real currencies.1.7 Buy, sell, exchange (or try to) game accounts and characters. rules apply for both buy sell exchange and or try to do it. that person talking to you is not any of the server administration.
  19. New content update brings to all of you the Lair of Antharas and Tower of Insolence PVP events. General Information: PVP event will take place in Lair of Antharas and Tower of Insolence(4+ floor) every Tuesday from 20.00 to 00.00(server time). Through out all the duration of this event (20:00 to 00:00), Tower of Insolence (4+ floor) and Lair of Antharas zones become combat zones(pvp zones). While the event is running some special monsters will spawn in Lair of Antharas and Tower of Insolence(4+ floor). This monsters have a 30 minutes respawn time, and can appear in all farming zones of Lair of Antharas and Tower of Insolence(4+ floor). Name:Blood Knight Level - 70 HP - 17,842 MP - 1,507 EXP - 163,287 SP - 4,898 DROP: Item Description Armor Ingredient Box - A-grade Double-click to receive one of A-grade Armor Ingredients. Ornament Ingredient Box - A-grade Double-click to receive one of A-grade Ornament Ingredients. During this event time, at 20:30 and 22:30 a Captain of the Blood Knights will spawn. This monster can spawn anywhere in Tower of Insolence(4+ floor) AND anywhere in Lair of Antharas (it spawns on both location and not only in loa OR only in toi). Name: Captain of Blood Knights Level - 70 HP - 5,040,713 MP - 1,345 EXP - 18,379,865 SP - 551,395 DROP: Item Description A-grade Armor Supply Box Double-click to receive an A-grade Armor. Ornament Supply Box (A-grade) Double-click to receive an A-grade Ornament. IMPORTANT NOTE: This event and its features might suffer changes in future if we see its needed or if future changes happen on official versions.
  20. it is as it was when they showed up on official servers. you guys should try something first before complaining about it already and... "IMPORTANT NOTE: This raid bosses behavior and skills might suffer changes in future as more information shows about them or changes are made to them on official servers."
  21. With restart of 25.04.2018, 4 new friends are joining us in the fields of battle. This 4 new Raid Boss additions are servants of the epic bosses - Ant Queen, Core, Orfen and Baium. As loyal and trusted servants of the Epic Bosses, this ones can also (with very small chance) present the warriors who dare to challenge and defeat them with the epic boss jewels and A grade items. General Bosses Information: All this 4 Boss Priests are level 75 raid bosses. All this 4 Boss Priests have 30 hour respawn after the moment they are killed. All this 4 Boss Priests have a Berserk Stage that is activated 15 minutes after the fight starts, during this Berserk Stage the Boss becomes insanely strong and basically impossible to deal with or kill. Berserk Stage lasts for 20 minutes. As with other bosses, taking this Raids into locations that prevent other players from reaching them (such as castles) is not allowed. Detailed Bosses Information: Queen Ant Drone Priest. The loyal servant of Queen Ant. This Boss Priest stays located near the Ant Nest. It uses normal mass cancel (3 to 5 buffs) and berserk skill and when on 15 % HP it uses celestial shield for couple of seconds. Level - 75 HP - 3,576,938 MP - 3,015 EXP - 87,480,000 SP - 2,624,400 Drop General Items Cnt Chance Sealed Phoenix Necklace 1 22.06% — 26.72% Sealed Phoenix Earring 1 21.94% — 26.60% Sealed Phoenix Ring 1 20.16% — 24.82% Sealed Tallum Stockings 1 1.740% — 2.115% Sealed Dark Crystal Robe 1 1.734% — 2.109% Sealed Tallum Gloves 1 1.698% — 2.072% Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters 1 1.683% — 2.058% Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet 1 1.681% — 2.056% Sealed Tallum Tunic 1 1.681% — 2.056% Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate 1 1.677% — 2.051% Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves 1 1.671% — 2.046% Sealed Tallum Leather Armor 1 1.667% — 2.042% Sealed Tallum Plate Armor 1 1.657% — 2.032% Sealed Tallum Boots 1 1.653% — 2.029% Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings 1 1.637% — 2.013% Sealed Dark Crystal Shield 1 1.631% — 2.006% Sealed Dark Crystal Boots 1 1.629% — 2.003% Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor 1 1.629% — 2.003% Sealed Tallum Helmet 1 1.621% — 1.996% Infernal Master 1 0.1% — 0.5% Spiritual Eye 1 0.1% — 0.5% Tallum Blade 1 0.1% — 0.5% Halberd 1 0.1% — 0.5% Elemental Sword 1 0.1% — 0.5% Dasparion's Staff 1 0.1% — 0.5% Bloody Orchid 1 0.1% — 0.5% Blood Tornado 1 0.1% — 0.5% Carnage Bow 1 0.1% — 0.5% Meteor Shower 1 0.1% — 0.5% Destroyer Hammer 1 0.1% — 0.5% Queen Ant's Ring 1 0.01% — 0.05% Other Items Cnt Chance Sealed Rune - Stage 1 17 — 51 ~ 100% Priest Orfen Lord Ipos. Servant of Orfen. This Boss Priest stays located in Plains of Lizardmen. It uses normal mass cancel (3 to 5 buffs) and berserk skill and from time to time changes his target to a random target around it. When lower then 50% HP it uses a mass debuff to consume MP. Level - 75 HP - 3,576,938 MP - 3,015 EXP - 87,480,000 SP - 2,624,400 Drop General Items Cnt Chance Sealed Phoenix Ring 1 21.03% — 25.69% Sealed Phoenix Necklace 1 20.42% — 25.08% Sealed Phoenix Earring 1 20.30% — 24.96% Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters 1 1.750% — 2.125% Sealed Tallum Boots 1 1.746% — 2.120% Sealed Tallum Gloves 1 1.734% — 2.109% Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor 1 1.706% — 2.080% Sealed Tallum Plate Armor 1 1.698% — 2.074% Sealed Dark Crystal Robe 1 1.685% — 2.059% Sealed Tallum Helmet 1 1.683% — 2.058% Sealed Tallum Stockings 1 1.675% — 2.050% Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves 1 1.673% — 2.048% Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet 1 1.667% — 2.042% Sealed Tallum Tunic 1 1.663% — 2.038% Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings 1 1.659% — 2.034% Sealed Dark Crystal Shield 1 1.653% — 2.029% Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate 1 1.643% — 2.018% Sealed Tallum Leather Armor 1 1.635% — 2.010% Sealed Dark Crystal Boots 1 1.629% — 2.003% Infernal Master 1 0.1% — 0.5% Spiritual Eye 1 0.1% — 0.5% Tallum Blade 1 0.1% — 0.5% Halberd 1 0.1% — 0.5% Elemental Sword 1 0.1% — 0.5% Dasparion's Staff 1 0.1% — 0.5% Bloody Orchid 1 0.1% — 0.5% Blood Tornado 1 0.1% — 0.5% Carnage Bow 1 0.1% — 0.5% Meteor Shower 1 0.1% — 0.5% Destroyer Hammer 1 0.1% — 0.5% Orfen's Earring 1 0.01% — 0.05% Other Items Cnt Chance Sealed Rune - Stage 1 17 — 51 ~ 100% Priest of Core Decar, Servant of Core. This Boss Priest stays located near the Cruma Tower. It uses normal mass cancel (3 to 5 buffs) and berserk skill. Level - 75 HP - 3,576,938 MP - 3,015 EXP - 87,480,000 SP - 2,624,400 Drop General Items Cnt Chance Sealed Phoenix Necklace 1 21.95% — 26.61% Sealed Phoenix Earring 1 21.94% — 26.60% Sealed Phoenix Ring 1 21.63% — 26.29% Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings 1 1.750% — 2.125% Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet 1 1.746% — 2.122% Sealed Tallum Leather Armor 1 1.736% — 2.111% Sealed Dark Crystal Shield 1 1.718% — 2.093% Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate 1 1.716% — 2.091% Sealed Dark Crystal Boots 1 1.710% — 2.085% Sealed Tallum Plate Armor 1 1.706% — 2.080% Sealed Tallum Stockings 1 1.696% — 2.071% Sealed Tallum Boots 1 1.688% — 2.062% Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor 1 1.677% — 2.053% Sealed Dark Crystal Robe 1 1.673% — 2.048% Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves 1 1.669% — 2.043% Sealed Tallum Helmet 1 1.667% — 2.042% Sealed Tallum Tunic 1 1.653% — 2.029% Sealed Tallum Gloves 1 1.653% — 2.027% Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters 1 1.647% — 2.022% Infernal Master 1 0.1% — 0.5% Spiritual Eye 1 0.1% — 0.5% Tallum Blade 1 0.1% — 0.5% Halberd 1 0.1% — 0.5% Elemental Sword 1 0.1% — 0.5% Dasparion's Staff 1 0.1% — 0.5% Bloody Orchid 1 0.1% — 0.5% Blood Tornado 1 0.1% — 0.5% Carnage Bow 1 0.1% — 0.5% Meteor Shower 1 0.1% — 0.5% Destroyer Hammer 1 0.1% — 0.5% Ring of Core 1 0.01% — 0.05% Other Items Cnt Chance Sealed Rune - Stage 1 17 — 51 ~ 100% Angel Priest of Baium, Servant of Baium. This Boss Priest stays located near the Town of Giran. It uses normal mass cancel (3 to 5 buffs) and berserk skill. Level - 75 HP - 3,576,938 MP - 3,015 EXP - 87,480,000 SP - 2,624,400 Drop General Items Cnt Chance Sealed Phoenix Ring 1 21.53% — 26.19% Sealed Phoenix Earring 1 20.19% — 24.85% Sealed Phoenix Necklace 1 19.87% — 24.53% Sealed Tallum Helmet 1 1.746% — 2.120% Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters 1 1.742% — 2.117% Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet 1 1.728% — 2.103% Sealed Tallum Plate Armor 1 1.724% — 2.099% Sealed Tallum Tunic 1 1.720% — 2.095% Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings 1 1.718% — 2.093% Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves 1 1.692% — 2.067% Sealed Tallum Leather Armor 1 1.683% — 2.058% Sealed Dark Crystal Robe 1 1.681% — 2.056% Sealed Tallum Boots 1 1.679% — 2.054% Sealed Dark Crystal Shield 1 1.675% — 2.050% Sealed Tallum Stockings 1 1.665% — 2.040% Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor 1 1.643% — 2.018% Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate 1 1.643% — 2.018% Sealed Dark Crystal Boots 1 1.631% — 2.006% Sealed Tallum Gloves 1 1.617% — 1.992% Destroyer Hammer 1 0.1% — 0.5% Spiritual Eye 1 0.1% — 0.5% Infernal Master 1 0.1% — 0.5% Tallum Blade 1 0.1% — 0.5% Meteor Shower 1 0.1% — 0.5% Carnage Bow 1 0.1% — 0.5% Blood Tornado 1 0.1% — 0.5% Bloody Orchid 1 0.1% — 0.5% Dasparion's Staff 1 0.1% — 0.5% Elemental Sword 1 0.1% — 0.5% Halberd 1 0.1% — 0.5% Baium's Ring 1 0.01% — 0.05% Other Items Cnt Chance Sealed Rune - Stage 1 17 — 51 ~ 100% IMPORTANT NOTE: This raid bosses behavior and skills might suffer changes in future as more information shows about them or changes are made to them on official servers.
  22. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed the problm on chain strike skill causing skill to be casted slower then intended after latest fixes.
  23. San0

    Eastern event

    as mentioned before, only events that will have decent scrolls are big ones, for exemple xmas event. about cloak well you never know, maybe since spring started there might be some cloak with tree on it cuz nature and sprint and stuff, but we never know till we know right?
  24. San0

    Eastern event

    why do i even bother... "Events - We have event 90% ready to pop so expect something coming out during next week. Spoiler alert, rabbits are fun."
  25. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Lightning Strike cast sequence. Before fix the paralyzing lightning was being cast and begin of animation (wrong), now paralyzing lightning is being cast at end of animation (correct) - Fixed Chain Strike "mini bash" effect. Before fix chain strike was leaving a mini 1 sec debuff on target not allowing target to make any actions during this time, now this does not happen and chain strike is just a pull. - Fixed pet soulshot/spiritshot being tradable. - Fixed celestial shard being tradable. - Fixed soulshot behavior when switching weapon with shots turned off, now it will not activate shots when putting new weapon if you had shots off with previous weapon. - Fixed Deadly strike debuff going through guard talisman and heroic berserk. - Fixed Ring of Core not removing deadly strike debuff effect. - Fixed Aggression and aggression aura skills "consuming" guard talisman resist charges. - Fixed Death sting skill damage. - Fixed Over enchanter D and C grade weapons not giving correct p attack/ m attack bonus to the character when comparing weapons with same status. (FE: D grade weapon OEd with same p attack as B grade weapon, but character getting more p attack from b grade weapon.) - Remove sleep animation from offline shops.