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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0


    classic has milestones, and this is something new people seem to not understand. those people who you see now with top gear. they have no were to increase the gap now, so its up to the new people to close this gap untill new updates comes that give high level new items. yes they can make their majestic helmet from +6 to +7, but that wont be any close of a boost as new guy getting from C grade to b grade. and this guy will prolly get to a TOP B GRADE OED set faster then the first guy will manage to get another minimum boost on his end game set. makeing the gap smaller again. and so on. dont play the game thinking the world will end in 2 months.
  2. San0


    becuz when we started the server we promised a lot of things that we have been keeping our word on and one of them was no wipes.
  3. San0


    you can make quest that gives you teleport inside DI so you dont have to cross all of it when you go farm. and again its late game content, it should be used for people on late game. about the noobs, people should stop being delusional thinking that any changes will make LOT of people start playing here again. doesnt matter how hard/easy it is, unless you give them lvl 76 full geared chars, vary few people will choose to start in a 4 years old server with such time consuming chronicle, its just how it is, we have all the bilion of 2 month servers to thank for it cuz they totaly broke most of the players play style on this game, back on my times seeing a server open for 4 years and active meant "all time and possible money ill put in here is safe. perfect" now it means" server is dead fuk too old next week rnadomserver x20 interlude is opening and will be the best server ever so ill join it instead"only thing that brings TONs of new people is a fresh opening of a new server and this is the sad truth. tho as rip mentioned, if you put effort into it eventualy you will get to the point where with top gear or not you can join a high clan and then farm top gear together with that clan and become someone strong, it just will not happen over a month and for sure will not happen if you choose to play solo all your life. and about the "yeah but back then you didnt had this people with all this gear so was easier" well, i bet the older people will disagree, there was not so many people with much gear as now, but there was harder times due to fact everything was more rare, more expensive, and farming zones were way less and the good ones were camped by top clans who would murder you on sight. EXP was slower. there was no boosts. some times there was even no shots, there was no fishing, there was way fewer bosses and many more reason... people stick stuck through it and now this same ppl who struggled before are now the top clans.
  4. San0


    both DI and GC have a solo zone, most of the quests in DI can be done solo. if for some reason you find it better to do BS or SV then it is your choice to do so but do not complain there isnt anything new for the not top parties or clans.
  5. those java files you gonna have to get from someone who has a java server
  6. it isnt like we rly have nothing else more important to do you know? do you even start to imagine how much time it takes to calculate drop chances for multiple items in a server that runs on official files and how mentally disturbing it is? its not like for us it says java style like you go to monster info and it shows "sop 20%" on the files. monsters have drop groups, each group has its own chance. each item inside of the group has its individual chance to drop if this group is selected to drop and groups have multiple items with multiple chances. meaning, to do that txt file we literally have to go to every monster, check the individual groups, calculate the chance of this group to be selected, see the items inside of this groups, go for every single item in the group and calculate their chances to drop if this group is selected to drop, multiple and divide every item with the group chance and the % and only then we get to the chance of the item to drop in a monster. now imagine repeating this process for every single items that drops from every single group from every single monster when there are so many more things to do. im sure people on ncsoft have their own tools/workers to deal with this issue and they can afford to share it with their contractors to make their databases and so on but unfortunately we dont have the money or the human resources for this kind of thing. is something that i might work on later, but it will for sure not be done while theres other problms to solve.
  7. to provide it properly as we do now with SP refunds and so on no. otherwise it would have been done already.
  8. with the lunch of the update we have been receiving many questions of when we plan to update the class change system or if we plan on doing it and what we plan to change and so on, both from players who want to come back and have their chars with some random class and dont want to relevel again from start, or from players still here that at some point changed some char to other class and now cant go back or that are already too high lvl and too invested on their chars to loose something from it. as so i would like to know from you guys what kind of things you would like to see there, in your point of view how can we improve it in a way to please most of the people and keep the service balanced and useful as it has been till now. please no troll posts. spam will be deleted, flames to eachothers will be deleted, serious business here.
  9. will try to make something balanced out of it. also there will be changes to pearl horrors and midnight dudelidoos
  10. San0's life in a nutshell dont make as official - ppl cry is too weak. make as official - no one uses it cuz its too hard and not worth it.
  11. 4 months latter in classic club forum... "dafuk this olys are a joke, like summoners necros da and sk wasnt enough now we need to get our asses destroyed by summoners necros da sk tk pala and random other op char. why you give this skills not official just to make chars stronger? china pay you cuz they want to play this chars? now i go in oly with by OMEGALUL BD lvl 70 and i cant win a single match and i get all 100% debuffs but my debuffs 0% what a joke bugged server"
  12. NPCs for the quests in Devil's Isle have diferent looks when they are affected by Zaken's curse (wont talk to you) and when they are not affected by Zaken's Curse (will talk to you). Following this model diferences you can find out if you can or not interact with the NPC you need without having to try them all. on left CRUSED, on right NOT CURSED
  13. San0

    I want an Event

    next possible event will be only somewhere at server anniversary/Halloween. no way there will be chance for event before that.
  14. San0

    I want an Event

    i want 1 million dollars and bugs and server errors from the NEW MAJOR UPDATE THAT HAPPEN 1 WEEK AGO to get fixed by themselves!!!
  15. San0

    beast shots

    ah you DA, then i dont feel sry for you!!!
  16. San0

    beast shots

    do spirit ores have weight?
  17. you totaly missed the point, people complain cuz they see on message the word FAILED! and they think something they did on the boss was wrong and their boss killing failed.
  18. So, i didnt rly thought this would be needed but after countless questions on discord and skype and forum pm looking like "hey, what is this boss bug in gc, we kill it and always says failed" "hi, can please explain how not to fail hekaton giant?" "why giant boss fail always, can you explain?" and many many more. Here is a short explanation. FACTS: - Giants Cave is a private secured facility. - Giants dont like people messing with their sh1t - Giants cave is controlled by a ALARM SYSTEM being it, this guys: if a strange creature (meaning you) passes by this guys they will sound the alarms and summon additional monsters to come deal with the problm. - If you read the patch notes, and if you are one of the ones making this questions i am sure you didnt, you would know that by killing Hekaton Prime you would break the alarms and this dudes would not spawn for one hour. - When you kill Hekaton prime, the message doesnt say "YOU FAILED THE BOSS XAXAXAXA NOOB!!!!" the message says THE CONTROLS HAVE FAILED! This means that their security controls are now broken and the alarms will not work for the next 1 hour, then the alarms will start working again and leogul and gamlins will spawn again. to sum up: WHEN YOU KILL HEKATON PRIME THE MESSAGE DOES NOT SAY YOU FAILED THE BOSS... IT SAYS GIANT'S CAVE CONTROLS HAVE FAILED, MEANING YOU MANAGED TO DEACTIVATE THEIR SECURITY, MEANING THERE WONT BE NO ALARMS FOR NEXT 1 HOURS, MEANING NO LEOGULS AND GAMLINS TO TRACK YOU AND SPAWN ADDITIONAL MONSTERS.
  19. San0

    04:00am 9vs36

    i NEVER played a dwarf class as main class
  20. but dont you see how ridiculous this is you zombie?!?!?
  21. San0

    04:00am 9vs36

    i dont think i need to analyze this one just funny to see the bishop almost running out of mp before he runs out of CP fighting against so many people. PS: i hate all of you who make pvp videos!
  22. San0

    When they keep comming...

    you were still jumping from ball to ball inside of your father and san0 was already a expert in pvp
  23. San0

    Fist days of Zaken

    acording to the statistics it doesnt matter cuz most likely lot of then will quit at about lv 60 cuz hard, others will quit at lvl 60ish cuz eventualy some wtv brand new omg best server ever will re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re open, others will get to 65ish and get pounded by the brilliant high level people who have fun griefing lowbies and quit and only a few of this, the brave warriors, will actually get to high lvl.