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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0

    Mobs respawn and spawn

    knoricks spawn with chance from pytan kills. banshees spawn on chances from maluk kills. both works. respawn is what it should be for 2.0 patch.
  2. San0

    Event: Summer Feast

    event idea was to be a high investment high reward event that would run for slightly longer time then usual. sadly seams only @Yomana actually got the idea people would have to collect lot of different items its true but they would have the chance of getting 1 big item, cloth piece. this same item that in zaken update becomes way more accessible then it is now due to the fact that will drop from baium with high chances and from zaken with 100% chance. for the ones saying that players with money would just buy all the event items to get cloth pieces so it will help only the ones already rich... well this people already buy the stones from toi that at end of the math give you higher chance of getting the cloth piece then the event would. about event drop rates, this are the drop rates for monsters 61+ lower levels have slightly lower chances: 3.5% for meat2.5% for red fruit2.5 % for blue fruit1% for spices roughly same chances as all other events meant to be balanced by the increase of items needed and the value of the highest value reward. just for curiosity chances for the cloth piece on the box were 0,2% meaning in a rough math (ofc not exact cuz random), you would need 500 boxes for a cloth piece leading to 2.5k Feasts meaning gazilians of event drop items. Addressing complains from other events: - too easy to farm everyone is full of items. - no really good reward for end game players. well, seams changing it doesn't make people much happier then they were before. this was my personal point of view, just had to vent somewhere. event statistics will be analyzed during this next days and drops/costs adjusted if needed for the rest of its duration.
  3. tenta fazer delete na pasta system e correr o updater de novo.
  4. San0

    Cyclic macros

    Birds tells stories of a certain pirate king that was reworked to better match the official one and a problm was found with the night and day forms, Some other bird, completely different one and not whatsoever related to the bird before, has old problms to solve with old skills that some other completely different bird doesnt want the update to come out without those are fixed first. oh fuk, i actually described the situation pretty well without saying sh1t lol. Thought would have hard time explaining but thats basically it.
  5. San0

    Cyclic macros

    bro, what if i knew when zaken patch comes live? ?
  6. San0

    Cyclic macros

    boys boys boys, look at this crazy, mad, completely insane idea i just had here.. check it out... omg.. what if.. yeah thats right... what if.. people would have to press buttons for the chars to do stuff??? damn that would be like... like you are playing a computer game... madness am i right?!!!?
  7. San0

    2pt vs 3ppl :P:P:P

    if i am not mistaken that is like 2 years old and its blocked since then in the server protection. might be confusing with something else tho, my mandarin isnt the brightest and all that is written in this characters looks the same to me.
  8. San0

    2pt vs 3ppl :P:P:P

    San0 is atm too sad siting in a corner crying while watching what my beloved DA has become in this game and how everyone forgets what to do with the char as soon as they get horror and crusher QQ Strong DA bar in 2012 (and had to switch between bars sometimes due to gear macros and some not so sued skills) Strong DA bar in 2019
  9. San0

    April fools

    nah, im not taking sides here, i just manage to spot this small things that make me giggle but if i would want to be a bit more aggressive and take sides there so many stuff i see in some videos that make me wanna punch people like healers going ham in front of everyone else, tanks dying without using all the cooldowns. heavy hitters running free for over 10 minutes without a single aggression while the enemy BD is right next to them making some BD on BD action. overall from the videos i see in general the tank aggro control is quite bad around here shiiiiii. shots fired..... i gonna get hanged cuz of this
  10. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed throw dagger in wrist interrupt chance to 25 %
  11. San0

    April fools

    should have listen to this guy telling you to focus on the only person there attacking... he had it all planed from start.. "when there will be only one of them alive, we focus that person guys"
  12. San0

    25 vs 50

    are we all ignoring the tyrant punching the pony for most of the fight until fear and then death? i am honestly not pointing fingers here but it cracked me up when i saw it. whole hell going havoc around him and he is there punching the pony doing his stuff, i watched it like 20 times and it still cracks me up. you the real MVP on that fight whoever it was.
  13. up for it also. specially if there's beers for the winners and beers before the brawl.
  14. i would be down for that street ball tho. not so much for the gvg.
  15. San0


    most of the fixes we miss are not even scripts related...
  16. San0


    or players cant grasp the idea that if i fix is done on the new client might not work on the old client. its not the case in this teleport situation but its the case on most of the rest. mini updates work if client to be used is the same, not when a full client is being changed, unless the fixes and the updates are already done for that old client specifically what in our case would take to making double work which is nonsense.
  17. San0


    i will make it whenever i will have time for it.
  18. both of those features are from antharas patch. we are not on antharas patch yet.
  19. beep boop.. me, no, robot... system error... power failure.. no coffee... ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR!!! 11101100011110110010100001111100110100100!
  20. San0


    i think its antharas patch
  21. San0

    Update Progress

    Added Super runes system. Added Dye Exchange system Fixed some old problems related to weapons with runes when using mail, wh etc. Fixed some old problems on the clan reward system allowing new characters joining clan to receive clan rewards right away instead of having to wait until next reward reset time. Added additional info to droped weapons to be able to see now weapon enchant level, augmentations and rune condition. Added new changes to seal/unseal A and B Helmets on Blacksmith. Adjusted Death Knight levels to better match the Raid boss level they spawning from. Removed Olympiad message for the 120 count. Now message will display from 60 seconds instead of the old 120. Fixed couple of minor client interaction problems.
  22. no new classic servers are in plans for new future.
  23. San0

    Update Progress

    Added: - Augmentation System complete. passing now some polishing phases to ensure all is working correctly. - All new items for new missions on achievement system have been added and working. - 30 new quests added. - Death Knights added. - 35 new raid bosses added. Other: - Fixied some smaller bugs and problems left from older updates. Missing: - Fully working zaken boss. (some things still need to be re checked about skill powers and so on - scripter working on it atm) - New quests in devils isle - Remove some old quests. - Some Tweaks on the new daily and weekly missions on achievement system on how they track the status (mostly the daily hunting and weekly hunting missions). - Fixing some minor issues recently found on the new client (manton working on it atm). SOON™!!! Best regards, Classic Team