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Setzer last won the day on December 14 2024

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About Setzer

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  1. 1 hour for 3 fights, just return as it was last month on Dion. TI i dont know because i dont play there. Reduce the number of players per wave like 12-14 and try to find a way to limit by IP the players on oly hours.
  2. Well, for sure i would say that we dont have 30% european players. If there is, show me where they are, because there is none in any relevant event like Sieges and Bosses. Nevertheless, the point is earlier Sieges would be better for almost everyone as you Said.
  3. Dear Staff, I hope this message finds you well. I’m writing to bring up a concern shared by a significant portion of our server's community regarding the current timing of the clan sieges. As it stands, the sieges are scheduled for Sundays from 13:00-15:00 Brazilian time (18:00 UTC+2). While this time might be suitable for European players, it poses significant challenges for both the Brazilian and Asian communities, which together make up nearly 90% of our server's population. For many Brazilian players, this timeframe coincides with family lunch gatherings, a deeply ingrained cultural tradition. This makes it difficult for us to fully participate in the sieges without compromising our social lives. Additionally, for our Asian counterparts, the sieges start around midnight and continue until the early hours of Monday morning, which is far from ideal, especially for those who have work or school commitments. Given these circumstances, I kindly suggest that the siege time be adjusted earlier by 3 to 4 hours. This change would not only make it more convenient for the majority of the player base but would also likely increase overall participation in these key events. It’s worth noting that a similar adjustment was made on the Talkin Island server, and it was well-received by the community there. I believe this change would contribute to a more inclusive and competitive environment on our server, ensuring that more players can participate in sieges without having to sacrifice important aspects of their personal lives. Thank you for your consideration, and I hope we can come to a solution that benefits the entire community. Best regards from the one that made the first siege video of Talking Island (and got a prize for it 😊) Yours, Setzer
  4. Please always complain, the thing is without exp loose its good damn good to disturb on any location, specially on bosses without penalties, specially considering that this mobs dont make u drop if you die from them. Thats why i suggested 2 months ago to add the death penalty skill on clan, it would make clans gather again to farm POBs + use the CRPs from clans and also dont complain about this exp lost.
  5. This no exp loss Just promotes even more the PVE fiesta, make good and FEW top spots and people Will compete for farming there. Simples as that.
  6. You are wasting too many time on this Topic. Instead, you should Focus on building a new side for more PvP 😬
  7. Yeah, Nice logic, lets disband the Minor side in two so the bigger one (the one that you play with) can dominante ALL epics and Sieges. This "Br Side" that you Said is composed of 2 BR parties (one not Full) and at best 1 and a half Arg. The thing is that there isnt enough players, at least for now, after this horrible update. No opportunites to new comers, nothing interesting for those who reached end game.
  8. Yeah, farming lvl 75+ mobs (like, in theory lvl 76 plus should be grade-S use). Droping items of a lvl 52... on 70+ mobs... sooooo appealing. Anyway, the suggestions are there, goddard has so many content, just need to be well implemented.
  9. Facilitating the drop of Gem-A is a necessity, since as Xanaks said, it is simply unfeasible to try to craft an A-grade weapon, even jewelry and equipment in general. What's the point of trying to craft a majestic ring using 3 Gem-A (each gem costs more than the ring itself), or a weapon that possibly won't even cover the crafting cost. It's very unbalanced. Not only that, but to this day I still can't understand why up to lvl 75 (farm LOA), it is possible to drop TOP weapons in the game by hunting normal monsters (is the chance minimal? Yes, but at least there is a chance). However, after lvl 75 (GC farm and now Goddard), there's simply isn't any full drop, not even normal equips have a reasonable chance (not to mention that top items like mj circlet and armor don't drop from these mobs). Please note that here on the Dion server the chance of even dropping boots and gloves is ridiculous compared to IT, if I dropped 5 full items to date it's a lot (I've already raised about 3 characters to lvl 80). Despite this, 1-2 players only need to kill a raid boss 60 to get TOP B weapons, enchant scrolls, stones (if DK borns), huge exp, etc. I ask, why does a mob that hits really hard, like (4k+ per turn) on goddard cannot drop even a single low or top A weapon or a good piece of armor? (since crafting is impossible as i mentioned before). You can see for yourself, practically no one is farming in Goddard, except the weaker mobs for dailys. Server needs a huge change for newcomers to catch up, and even more to keep players attracted. Most of my CP just log for Epics now, why farm hours and hours and no chance for a single good drop? No Bracelete 6, no new skills for clan, no new talisman (at least PI had it), no new bosses (at least for now - stage 2 will take at least 1-2 months since nobody hunts on goddard). Talk with your playbase and see what's happening.
  10. No bracelete 6? No boost on Hp, Power on Bosses? Please, we need more info
  11. 1) I also dont like the idea of one player logging a full cp to play. But at this points i would say 1 main + 3 boxes would be good so ppl can log bd, song, wc and DD, so it can be possible to farm on harder places. Anyway many ppl get more pcs or notebooks to log more boxes. This way at least they will have to buy PAs to log them. 2) Phophet auras are very nice and bring a fresh air for the class, but i also think its too soon to introduce it, maybe after lvl 80+ is released. 3) Fruits should already be available from dailys... xp scrolls should not be given, MAYBE 50% rune for 1 hour would be a good thing. 4) Many players are already waiting for the new cap, some classes are not worth it to get lvl 79 for now and also we have many players that deleved from 79 to 78 and not see many reasons to farm now, since the penalty on dying on 79 is too damn hard for now. lvl 80 should be released. With CC many players will be able to get to 80 easily. 5) Just for FI and maybe some new goddard places (i hope) 6) Item drop from mobs is what makes farming exciting and makes you to be careful where u try to kill mobs, if there are ppl disturing u can always log PK char, use a class to control it (sk, wl, etc), or even change spot. Its fine the way it is, its classic feature. 7) Some exp loss should remain because if there isnt any penalty, ppl abuse this with flag attacks, etc. Its fine the way it is.
  12. No Future It seems, TI Reborn feelings
  13. Imagine expending 3-4 hours to hopefully get one tablet to share it with 9 players. Thats Just nonsense. I hope that some changes Will be made soon or the server Will see Just chinese and koreans enjoying the big event. We had like 12 active cps on Brazilian prime, now its 2 with 4 players each.
  14. The thing with the larger window is to difficult one Clan/ally to Control this bosses. Im not sure i can agree with this one, specially considering that we Will have potentially 3 Very active primes...
  15. Lets remove the scrolls for now then. And maybe implement them on the Future for lower levels for easier catch up. It Will also avoid Power leveling on RBs with tons of boosts...