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Posts posted by fishfood

  1. 24 minutes ago, UchihaMadara said:

    5month are you kidding me?
    PS: Joined perkunas on 45lvl, when it was only biz pt
    PSS: You got my offer to 9v9, when you had archer pt 70+, and overall you had higher lvl archer pt than my pt.

    Never once got a pm from you on forums or ingame, you lied to your CP about me denying a 9v9 from you. Keep up the propaganda 3rd rate Russian.

  2. 48 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    i can only laugh at this dodge :D so first u brag nobody would like to pvp u 9vs9 anymore, and 5 mins later u cry your bishop is 67 lvl? what the actual hell dude? maybe if your bishop wouldnt get double banned for botting, it would be higher, well too bad

    i can tell u that when perkunas were fighting vs vigilance or UQ, they were MUCH less lower lvls than those guys, for example uchiha cp joined this ally when it was at the early 50s, yet now they are core and one of the strongest parties in ally, so yes, go to EV, find some nice guys and help them grow, more u help them, faster they will help u

    sorry to disappoint u, but this situation wont change from day to day, it takes time to build a side, however nobody is even trying from your side to organize anything

    Nobody 9v9's me that plays in my prime. Ain't nobody dodging lol. How you want me to pvp them when I'm at work? I don't play on weekends at least very rarely, and never a full party ever usually 5 guys.

    Botting = Clicker sure.

    Keep denying the fact every clan in your alliance is still recruiting CPs and then claim we can't organize. LOL.

  3. Just now, MoDoy said:

    yes, last siege when ur alliance was in total desctruction, and yet we had 120 ppl more, not 180 (which is 50% more in case math doesnt tell u anything, so yeah, that IS propaganda)

    thats pathetic how u cry about not having numbers, yet i heard OOC is fighting certain jungle parties? not like u should try to invite anything whats left which is not in WS, but its up to u to decide who u fight, so stop crying and go, take leadership and organize your side, so u wont be like sheeps

    ps: nobody will fight u 9vs9 anymore? i dont think uchiha cp would decline to fight u anytime :D 

    120 people more is literally more people than our entire force, including jungle. Yeah I'm sure Uchi cp wants to 9v9 after 5 months of playing with the zerg, my bishop is level 67 lol. If he wants to stay up and play when I do, he can meet me in heart.

    Organize a side? Where are we suppose to find all these people to ally with? Almost every clan in wickedsick ally and affiliates are still recruiting full PARTIES and solo players. There is nobody left to ally with, keep being in denial that your slowly killing the the server. More people are quitting than coming back. And no I'm not talking about the guys in EV because everyone is 74+ now, so the new players are useless for months.

    The only sheeps is your zerg, you should see them scramble 3 parties in abg when I come to gank :D

  4. 6 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    same blabling is how we have 180 ppl more, did u get this number out of your ass? but gj with propaganda, instead of crying take the lead at put ppl together, because this isnt going to fix itself even if WS would break with some of the clans

    ps: yday AD was freefarming loa heart, anytime pt was freefarming abg top spot, where were these numbers?

    You have double our numbers. The last siege we went too we had 108 you guys had 228 or something. That's not propaganda dude that's straight up fact. You wanna talk about groups and where they farm? Any given weeknight in NA time, there is 3 parties in abg, 1 or 2 in loa, me in heart. Some china guys with orfen 3 in BS.

    I'm waiting for a few more good fights before I post some frapses but nobody will 9v9 me anymore so I'll just finish it with all the PRs.

  5. 3 hours ago, Rizos said:

    dude ur such a pussy in game i guess u bsoe before my pc can render ur char, but the truth is i thought u use other nick in game than in forum cos i never saw u. If not forum, i wouldnt know you exist :(

    P.S. Investigation costs ticket + 5 euro, its not for free ;), so go ahead pay 5 euraski to check if im boter

    Okay done

  6. 6 hours ago, shibb said:

    Yeah yeah. Weve heard it all before but the players know how 90% of those cams are really set.

    Im sure those ee's arent set to party recall when wars run into range too. (cough afrody/play cp back in the day). 

    It was pretty entertaining tho. You couldnt even see their chars due to vision range, only the leftover pr animation.

    putting cam on 2nd monitor you notice if somebody runs by through the corner of your eye

    • Like 1

  7. 1 minute ago, kkthx said:

    not saying bout boting now :) 
    saying bout post Rizos made yday, that pissed me off, and i was about to pull out my sht, but i calmed down.

    You better calm your shit down Mascot, wouldn't want you to offend the only decent party in your zerg ally.

  8. 23 minutes ago, kkthx said:

    8minutes took u this smart response. Too bad every each of them is in same style, not touching at all. Ofc im a tool, im vacuum cleaner getting rid of trash like u, why would i want to be more? I know my sht, i leave rest to others more ambicious to waste time, i play and have fun.

    Yeah that's when my work break started, since you wanna play detective boy, I was mia from this thread for over 12 hours. The only thing you suck up in your vaccum is bizzquit's cock for lessons. You don't know any shit you can't even play your char. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, Rizos said:


    then why do they note it if someone is banned 2nd time? 


    Idk how they update that page once a month or whatever but I'm pretty sure I was never posted until I was banned the 2nd time. I'm not speaking in absolute's since it was a long time ago and I do not know for sure. I'm really curious to see if the self-proclaimed most notorious bot hater, himself, got autobanned for software. Ask @San0 to confirm or deny the allegations for you. I trust his word.

  10. 3 minutes ago, kkthx said:

    in general shouldnt be playing anymore, yet here u re. The last person that should take part in discussion about bot thread. Even ur boyfriend nyxi is back. Can ban ur ip, ur hardware id, sadly cant ban broken brain which told u to change pc and continue spread cancer on 

    Mascot boy still trying to talk to me? Even your own ally mates think you're a fucking tool, go sit in the corner and let the adults talk.

  11. 8 hours ago, Rizos said:

    Ask him who reported him, im pretty sure he will say it was me.

    If a player is caught using 3rd party program or software your entire party gets banned for it. So if he was bannned in your party, your whole party should be banned too. Those are the rules.

  12. Not sure of the total population, but the server has people on throughout the entire day. NA/EU/Asian timezones. Population was 2k+ back when sieges were almost 300v300. Yes at one point we had more people than Gran Kain sieges at the time, but due to recent events one ally disbanded making the server extremely one sided. The current online activity has declined dramatically but still has active groups online at any given time.

    Something unique I noticed with this server is that the total population might seem low but the activity is enormous. I can't speak for lowbie zones, but once you hit AbG+ there is always parties everywhere. Check giran harbor and see the market for yourself.

    The server has been stable for well over a year and has ongoing updates, expect a lot of new players and returning players in the upcoming 2.0 patch.

  13. 8 hours ago, BlackJack said:

    This shit happend more than 6 months ago no? Dunno why you keep giving excuses , you cheated you got banned. That clicker crap about 2.0 i already told you it's not true because loop macros are not available in 2.0 here and even if they were it's not a valid excuse. If you kill a person in real life and in 6 months they make killing ppl legal, you would still be an outlaw.

    Nice g15 keyboard on that prophet at 15sec in this movie, also nice assist hexing from a "boxed" bd in the next clip, where do I buy this version of g15 keyboard? :D:D:D:D:D:D



    Lol. Give me 3 minutes and I can check anyone using any bot/clicker device 100% full proof. Sure we were using clicker devices and we were banned. I was punished according to the rules. No one is arguing against it. I just want everyone else who uses the same devices to be banned accordingly.

     I'm not sure if you know how to multi-box, go watch some russian streams box a whole 9 man aoe party, train, pull, aoe, heal, singdance, nuke all by themselves. 

  14. 12 hours ago, Kosmos_VN said:

    no, you were banned bc when fishfood log in Nammi and Kaii start to hit again when in a common sence those should assist on nNyxi, and as far as i concern, all the program which interfere with the game that help you to stay AFK is prohibited :) btw, goodluck on how to understand how the razer nostromo working :))  

    I'm not sure if you know how G15/nostromo/clickers works spamming /assist fishfood macro every second. Kse never checked if we were afk, she just checked if we were using programs/hardware to automate game play. Which is literally 2.0 ingame macros.

  15. 1 minute ago, ToNearest said:

    Fishfood wtf this drama you didnt only use1 skill but you used t box ur whole pack and many of them were afk its different than leo

    What? Yeah, I'm running moving around playing imxo, nnyxi, koktua, myself. Not only that the GMs can see who has logged in what char. And yeah the archers are only using auto attack. 

    The rules clearly state any hardware or software used to automate game play is a bannable offense. So sorry Leo is doing the same thing my party members were. Go make more accounts to try and defend yourself though, it's cute.

  16. 27 minutes ago, realKingLeonidas said:

    You are more mad because i dont give a shit about your money right?You mad bro?2v5?So mad?

    What are you talking about? My money? 2v5? Sure come 2v5 anytime you want, I'm ready now where you at?

    You're right I will be mad if you don't get banned for doing the same thing that got me banned. Fairness and equality for all.

  17. 2 minutes ago, realKingLeonidas said:

    Check my vid...In the first time your Necro before the first death was getting by far lower dmg than it was getting after the rez...Stop lie to me and be a man stand your ground and say "Yes we are noobs we get rekted by a bd and da"
    And tell me something else...Is that you the guy that gives the orders for banning or the guy that inspect guys?I Though Modoy was....
    Find more "fake" reasons to ban me cowards thats the only reason will stop me from rekt guys like you
    I never used nostromos to automate gameplay like you but to press a button with my little finger which button was for example F1 ->/target kingleonidas-/useskill heal and nostromos helped me with that because you can put it near your desktops keyboard.
    Fishfood go feed fishes and stop play you are not able to do anything else

    Lool enjoy your ban botter.

  18. 7 minutes ago, xNirvana said:

    lol fishfood you taking this game too serious, dont ya?
    Enjoy your ban botter ? really?
    oh that was so 13 years old 

    Hypocrite clowns strike again. Your entire alliance calls me a botter after I told you I was banned for clicker. Then I post proof of my party using clickers when we got banned, but when your party member is caught and admits to doing the SAME thing I did.

     I'm taking the game too seriously? Why because I want the rules to be enforced on everyone? Funny how you call me 13 years old when half of you guys have a botting witch-hunt against me.

    Gtfo of here with your hypocrite bullshit.

  19. 3 minutes ago, realKingLeonidas said:

    Fishfood: "please GM!!!ban this guy-he use gaming keyboard like 70% of servers population!!!"...Guys you cant beat me in game and you try to force gm ban me for no reason?Also about you i must say that i didnt wait anything honored by a guy that was on Tempest.
    Ι dont think im a Pro player nor have good equiped char like you guys and never will have a top equiped char but i have something that noone ever doubt about it in my 11-12 years of L2 Gaming->I am trustworthy and i like to act to others like i want to act to me and this is the reason i send your sws the bo earring he dropped after the 2v5 because i dont mind your money/items even im not rich because there are some ethical things that the most ppl will not understand.
    Anyway you can bring whole server to fight me or you can delete my char via donate i dont care in my mind i am victorious because you dont have the guts to oppose me face to face and like my tittle said: Against All (As Always)....boring isnt it?

    Can't beat you? buddy I 4v9ed your entire party last time I saw you with vanity. And yes using a gaming keyboard here to automate game play is a bannable offense. That's why I was banned. Nyxi still has the skype convos with Koll.

    You feared him into mobs and made my sws drop. So yeah thanks for mailing the earring back but why even fear him into mobs in the first place? 2v5 we logged in without buffs and got rekt. Congrats on your victory. 

    Whole server to fight you? Have the guts to oppose you? Buddy you're in an alliance with double the people than the opposition on sieges. Unlike you I am alone just my party fighting 6 different parties in my prime, fighting 9v9, 9v18 and when/if they lose they bring a 3rd party for me.

    Enjoy your ban botter

  20. Back when I played with nNyxi our whole party got banned because nammi and kai were using G15 keyboards for auto assisting. I was told any hardware that automates gameplay is a bannable offense. (You know the same macros in 2.0 that do the exact same thing but better)

  21. 3 hours ago, realKingLeonidas said:

    Ok ok girls and boys calm im here
    Even the rocks on Bs laugh by this "my butt is so stomped by this guy when he was untag that even 4 months later i still feel his penis in my anus"...
    You record an ally member (as it is supposed i was back then) farming on bs by 4000 range to prove what?You plan all time to do that right?So you would have something to say by the time you gonna face me directly?Why you didnt upload it all this time this "wanna" report someone because he farm for 40 mins on bs
    Secondly...You must learn that by the time you tried to make me get banned for no reason and i saw that clearly you took my attention to you, and what this means?... ^_^
    Thirdly...the active heal you see from pp comes from this little think i use in my laptop near my main keyboard of my desktop....learn what is that even it is very old but he do its job very goodrazer-nostromo-gallery-1.png

    And lastly..Because i like the actions more than words and you are not the guys that can stump me at all here we are
    (the songs name is Adrenaline xD)

    Also ModoyD i got like 4k screens i will search for them and i will find that moment you were down there for this long time...I think i screened you there being "afk" like a nerd...Give me the date

    I got banned for using a G15 keyboard for assisting, you are not allowed to use any hardware that loops gameplay. That is what Koll told me. So please ban this guy. @San0