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Posts posted by fishfood


    4 hours ago, SoSalty said:

    start wondering whats gonna happends next if 2.0 isnt released soon , since now everyone is SELLING and not buying items , mats price is getting lower and lower and items are going same .. for what we play now? rearch lv 76 and make C-B items ++? :D you noobs only care about 2 sides pvping and flaming each other about zerg , u all are dumbfucks and dont have nothing do to


    forgot to say : fishfood aka retarded botter in all servers he play

    Your name suits you well

  2. 9 hours ago, UchihaMadara said:

    Stop lying dude, ask AD pt how to find us, we are pvping 9v9 4-5 month almost everyday. 
    PS about freefarm it's not so free, we are fighting everyday 9v9 or 18v18 for loa
    PSS You are the guy who transfered he's prime from eu to america and talking how many % he is doing, and after you will talk with my pt members about pvp's? You are brain damaged.
    PSSS Remember how your archers were 73+ and mine pt was 67-68 besides rizo and daj, and you decided to relog at heart. Remember 3 way on mages same, abg when you saw us at tp you did insta pr from top spot. We are always trying to find pvp vs your pt. 
    PSSSS You are continuing talking sh1ts about my pt, but u didnt accept 9v9 invitation for 3-5month? 

    So you didn't read anything I said, good to know. I never once claimed EU was free farm, it's the only contested prime. I switched from EU to NA because working season started again and I live in Canada (gmt-5.)

    Buddy Half of my party is still 68 LOL. We have four people level 73. You guys keep bringing up this one PR at ABG when you guys where on port? I never remember being in ABG once so if I was there it was probably me and some boxes.

    I wasn't even playing for a few months. I was everyday in LoA for my 8hs, usually at 3 way, 75% of the time everyone else was deeper, and almost nobody tried to fight me 9v9. Idk how hard you were looking but we had the same prime and I was in the same spot everyday, must be hard for you to find people logged out on money room ramp everyday.

    Anyways I'm bored of talking about the same shit, i'll try to play some weekend in an EU friendly time so we can find eachother ;)

    edit: For clarification I was calling the South american community bad at pvp because they just hit mobs all day everyday.


  3. 5 hours ago, BlackJack said:

    I like how fishfood keeps pointing out that one time they won pvp 18vs18 , too bad me and rizo ( the 2 main dd's in pvp ) werent there once so u won once and keep bringing it up a zillion times in forum. I guess it's memorable for you since it's the only time u won, I understnad that. Also the info in your main post is beyond wrong on almost everything :D

    Outside of mass pvp you guys were nowhere to be found, logged out lol. How can we fight when you're not ingame? So of course we talk about the few fights we had, they are the only ones to talk about. 

    Let me just put this freefarm thing into perspective for you guys. I have made more exp in 1 week playing in NA time with a 4-5h prime, than I made playing in EU timewith 8-10h prime in 4 weeks. (Back when we mass pvped almost every day in LoA)

    That's all there is too it, you guys would rather fight mobs with little to no resistance, you're welcome to play the game however you want but it's no surprise you guys are shitty at pvp.


  4. 10 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    No i just moved to my workplace town from parents home, so i was off for 2-3h and you had a fight at that time, dude we discussed it already more than once, just use search and check what chars/ how many live players my cp had that time, its either you are brain damaged to understand simple facts or you dont even read forum posts. We didnt fight cos your pt always pr/rr/regroup with more partys when we moved to loa as 1 pt (9 ppl), this shit happened atleast 5 times. Also you refused all forum 9v9 propositions (ignored posts in ur own thread). Why didnt you ever accept 9v9 and always avoided my pt in game when we were coming alone as 9 ppl just to make proper 9v9 with you to shut up ur mouth? Why didnt you ever offer us 9v9 if you are such a stronkkk guy killing ppl 9v27, destroying us 18 vs "18" without 1 death? You dont even believe in your own words, else you wouldnt avoid us or accept 9v9. Stop cheating urself. I dont even mention ABG where you PRed from pve spot just when we appeared on abg port 10k range away. Nothing to add more, keep cheating urself and spread ur imagined propaganda, im not talking to you since long time because logic agruments dont work on brain damaged ppl. Ill leave this again cos, there is nothing else to add and after reading your answer i still think you didnt read this post.

    Im out from discussions with you.

    I said multiple times 9v9 anytime, wouldn't be much of a 9v9 since I only had 6 people in my party but that's more than enough to deal with you. ABG? I was in LoA 99% of the time waiting for papa oppa to log on so you guys would get some balls and come mass pvp. Everyone is boxed with 5-6 people while enemies party are full live, even oop recharger is live right? Nice logic. 

    You never -once- came to 3 way to fight me 9v9 in 2 months or w/e I was there. You spent more time logged out in money room ramp waiting for people to go to bed so you can solo karik bridge like a little rat. How did that work out for you? The koreans thank you for the orfen btw.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    About 18 v "18" i remember we won you several times and you won only once 18?(vigazerg) vs 14-15 perkunas( me and dajtovillage wasnt even in these fights, not even my character lol :DD). you even frapsed it, not hard to check by urself unles ur blind.

    It's only natural you took a 2 day break when you dropped level 3 orfen, modoy replaced you in these fights.

    The real fact to take away from this is how I had an 8h EU prime and we barely had any fights. I was in LoA everyday at 3 way alone, while all other parties were deeper and nobody came to fight. At least ES always came to fight when we stayed on late, props to them.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    probably because whenever my cp was coming to loa(9 chars, some boxes) and you were on 3way, you always decided to relog/pr or group with AD cp. Tell me more about fair party vs party...-_-

    Uhh you guys would run your party, all your boxes and log out on money room ramp when it was only my boxed party on 3 way. You guys came with another party and we had one 18v18 with AD.. and well you didn't kill a single person. I liked watching Trille's stream running into loa to log and sit on black screen his entire prime.

    I never had more than 6 people live lol. But hey uchiha claimed he messaged me for 9v9s and I dodged right? I know Russian's are good at propaganda but damn.

  7. 1 hour ago, kkthx said:

    nobody said u bot mage. U botted archer u got banned - now u play mage pack but time changed and u cant free farm, and u QQ, and when it comes to answer u got no arguments and not even read posts, so ur answer is "blah blah blah".

    pathetic, grow balls kid

    btw kid, u must be missing me with somebody, if i die at mass pvp then u re joke :D im not soil or lovepve


    lol, my apologies fishnoob i forget past days somebody could drive me xD but bich plz, u alrdy calling me guy that die on mass pvp?

    I farm just fine even with 6+ enemy parties on the map. Grow balls? I fight 9v18, 9v27, tell your allies to grow balls and try to fight equal numbers. That doesn't matter to you guys, you just want to continue free farming at all cost. Zerg out enemies so you can hit mobs. I've been playing this game for a long time, many servers retail and private, and they all share the same fate. 

    I understand the beating you guys took for months, winning only 10% of fights and barely any epics. But damn.

    @BizQQuiT You talk about building a team like you're a family. You recruit anything that walks. Half of your clan openly calls you shit and disrespects you continuously. I've never seen a clan leader not have the balls to even stand up for himself lol. I mean you did invite any band-wagoner and managed to get an epic scammed, in classic where it's almost 100% not possible lol.

    Whatever you guys seem to miss the point claiming I am QQing I can't farm when I pvp everynight and still make 6% a day with 4h prime. Suit yourselves live in your own delusion.

  8. 1 hour ago, kkthx said:

    in conclusion pussytalks like fishfood re mad that Perk went into having spots but they farmed freely for long time, fishfood even once got banned for botting after he hit 74 freely.
    And suprised after half a year later he cant continue free farm. How that happened?

    Blah blah blah bots bots bots, and yet nobody has seen me bottig right. If anyone knows how to bot aoe on mages let me know please, because you must be a really good scripter.

     You seem to forget who was kicking you scrubs out of loa for weeks. The only pussies here are the guys exping on 3 way and will only come to pvp me at heart when they are atleast 1-2 parties more. Why is the mascot of perkunas trying to shit talk me? You are by far one of the worst players I've ever seen, always running in first mass pvp to just die on a tyrant. I'd hate to see you play without having your personal coach with you.

  9. Since my last thread got deleted I am gunna remake it with some more clarification this time I guess. The fact you deleted it means you understand what I was trying to say to begin with. I am not bashing the admins, this is 100% the players doing.  The server is an a very unhealthy state due to the "politics." You can call it QQ, emo, whining whatever, or you can wake up and smell the roses. I'll update it when I get more confirmation on other prime times. 


                                                                                                                            Epics: Uncontested


                 NA Prime Time                                                                                  Asia Prime Time                                                                                 EU Prime Time


    WickedSick: 1 Party LoA, 1 abg                                                                                                                                                                                     2 pt Perks LoA, 1-2 Anathema at LoA

    ES: 2 Party LoA, 2 abg                                                                                                                                                                                                   1-2 mixed parties. Mostly ganking AB/BS

    Fun: 1 Party abg                                                                                               Uncontested (?)                                                                                        1-3 parties, AB/BS just gank there +                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      usually 2 parties untaged


    Vigilance & friends: 1 Party LoA                                                                                                                                                                               3 Parties abg, 2 parties loa,  +1-2 random


    As you can see, NA timezone has been completely free farm since the only three NA playing clans/alliances are dickholding. There is literally no one to PvP. (My party just started playing here again few days ago) I know Asian time is also free farm, with EU being contested. I have played a lot of servers and they all suffer the same fate. You can keep on recruiting, dickholding lifelong enemies (ES) but at the end of the day the opposition will get bored and stop playing, all you have left is your levels and your mobs. But don't take my word for it, let's have the siege numbers do the talking. Soil took 4 castles while perkunas kept Aden when we had only 10 people more in CC.



  10. 14 hours ago, SayMeowWithMe said:

    I am the best SUMMONER on the server, by hands, per level, per ability and smart choice in PvP. 

    There will not be an enemy who does not agree,As if there will be some who are because they know that it is true. First time I presume this in the forum but the truth does not hurt anyone,

    - Greetings. 

    I'm confident when I say, ES isn't the best anything.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Stiba007 said:

    Its funny how do u can open your boters month on us. ?

    We pking people which start attack on ours members or take mobs where we r farming.

    U can hunts us, but your archers CP were almost time on bots, u broken, second cp from mage too.Now in america prime time do u make from self big mommy? Oh, cmon, u can try it on same naive kids, not  on us.

    We playing as pt 3-4h, 4days per week, but we do it without bots. U can find us very simple. ?

    Uhh k

  12. On 3/24/2017 at 4:07 AM, Stiba007 said:

     Its TotallyToxic. I see so many our players from our clan on this screen. ?

    1) This clan Lostinparadise is not regular clan. Just some bullsh.t random enemy which he has as 1 player a lots of chars and recruit same randoms on free CR. Its sad for him, maybe one day he find some real friends too.

    2) Everyone who will attack on our others clans TotallyToxic, we will killing him our top chars from main clan. We protect our players. Its so so much simple.

    U see guys without crest from TotallyT0xic, T0tallyToxic or T0tallyT0xic and u dont want problems?

    Just dont attack on them, keep distance from them.?

    I find it pretty funny how you guys go around pking lowbies. When I was playing a month or two ago, your entire clan would logout or bsoe on site. I really wish I played in EU time just so I could hunt you shitters.

  13. So the TL;DR version

    -Zakna cp picks up aq ring drop

    -People QQ, gm "returns" the epic  to ES

    I don't condone any type of scamming whatsoever, but the game has a pretty simple mechanic which stops this from happening. Don't invite anything that walks just to "win" especially people who jump sides as soon as the ship is sinking. I don't agree with the GMs interfering, it is your fault you invited him into the CC party and let him pick up. The GMs shouldn't have interfered with the vigilance CH bullshit either. For all the trash you talk about soil he never got an epic scammed and we didn't pull all the scraps together just to free farm raids.

    I find it funny though how you guys invited mordekayzer after he scammed his party but nobody cared about that because it happened to vigilance guys (at the time) The GMs never returned their epics back.

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