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Posts posted by fishfood

  1. 2 hours ago, Rizos said:

    On this movie in moments when i was 73 uchiha was 69 lvl trilbil 67 sws 69 ee 67, bd 67

    You just described my groups levels too 4 people 73, 5 people 68-69. (And its still like that except I'm 74 now)

    Just saying everyone has boxes on both sides, and level disparities. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Werew said:

    I see a guy that stun mobs while chaneling, runing with a box after him. I don't know any  bots that are able to see a mob chaneling spel, and react.

    Just looking at the way he stuns you can se there are no patern in it,like a boot program whill do it, sometimes he stuns first mob sometimes is 1 hit and after stuns sometimes 3/4 hits till mob start casting something  and he use it to intrerupt.

    So if you hate him so much you need something better than this to ban him.


    Edit: and at min 20:18 you can se how he kill mob forget to pick up and stun next mob that apeard and start casting and after pick up,this is not smth a boot program can do.


    Actually any bot can be set to interrupt mobs casting. You literally described one of the most basic bot functions with priorities. 

  3. 55 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    its funny nobody mentioned anything when there was free farming of epics for half year, when WS had no chance to compete for them, but i guess that was ok

    No chance? When I was in perkunas we didn't go for epics because nobody had chars, I came back 6 months later, perkunas was bigger and still didnt contest epics because of "no chars." So yeah if it's your fault you don't go to epics because of no chars then thats your problem. ES would still kill AQ time in there timezone when they were 1/3 of perkunas numbers

    Here is your ally.

    Come 9v9, lose.

    Come 9v18, lose.

    Come back with 3 parties and make me PR.

    All the while there is 3 groups in ABG free farming and 1 in BS.

    Cool server)

  4. Just now, MoDoy said:

    rofl, today during BS scout for pvp i hooked up on biz pt, which was going from BS to abg, and i thought like i will come and steal some frags while they massacre party farming there, but the surprise came once i saw there were actually 3 parties of enemies :D

    the double numbers u are talking about are the siege numbers, eu prime is nowhere to be close to be double number whatsoever, so stop being delusional :D 

    Delusional? I don't play in EU time I don't know what goes on for the most part, I asked where all the footage of new fights were. I mean you guys fight ever day equal numbers multiple times but not a single video from any side is posted, just a video from 3-4 months ago. Forgive me for wanting to see some new fights.

    I can tell you about 6x times the numbers NA time, and double the number enemies in Asia time though.


  5. Just now, BlackJack said:

    Sorry to tell upset you but we play in EU prime where the numbers are around equal every night. and mass party on party happens multiple times a night.

    Interesting, you guys fight multiple times a night even numbers and yet there's no videos at all? I remember deleting fights because it was taking up too much space in a days worth of pvp.

  6. So I skimmed through the video, all of these are old fights from when SoiL and everyone else played? So your party that has remained playing here. I'm assuming normally maybe a bit less whatever, but you have no fights to show except from a few months ago?

    Tell me more how much you like playing with double the number zerg. xDxD

  7. 2 hours ago, BlackJack said:

    Don't think thats a fair thing to say, how much control would you have had as a member of westworld regarding who ROK recruits as an example or jungle or w/e other allied clan.

    Well I can tell you when Zakna asked to join us all cp leaders had a vote, and as you can see he's not in westworld or affiliated with us. That speaks volume to your ally leader who invites whoever and whatever he wants without say from his people. 

  8. 20 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    actually we called him a rat because he was jumping to from side to side, nothing to do with what you mentioned. I dunno why you are so angry recently btw , its just a game :D

    Why do I have to be angry because I post about server politics? He's a rat that jumped from side to side because you allowed him too and welcomed him with open arms, so what does that make you? The Rat Nest?

    If anything I'm disappointed in how this server is turning out to be, and even more so I can't play EU time anymore.

  9. 28 minutes ago, rhaegar said:

    Chinas at my pov dont need low itens... If they're doing that, theres a reason on it. 
    If they suspect something that those guys are enemies, what can we do about it? 

    And again, is too much QQ. Since I've started on Classic as tank, I get stunned on trains and got my itens dropped. If u have balls to deal with it, then just be patient and grow to fight against'em. 

    And even ur "supreme leader" Soil killed ppl at EV and FoM. Even untagged ppl... So...

    Who's calling Soil a "supreme leader" lol. Two wrongs don't make a right. You guys are free to go grief lowbies and stun them if it makes you feel better, but we are free to call you pussies out on the forums. 

    I'm not sure who's stunning you on trains when you allied all of your enemies :ph34r:

  10. 1 hour ago, kkthx said:

    u love me fishbot thats it. The only trash is in ur head, try take this out first. Said the guy playing mage F1 F2, plz.

    What u do re first steps of jealous fanboi which i meet alrdy alot ;)

    Necro is single handily the hardest class to master in classic. I wouldn't expect somebody of your caliber to understand that. You're already starting to bore me so I'll let you live in your fantasy world where you have "jealous fanboi's"

    Bye mascot. 

  11. 29 minutes ago, kkthx said:

    kid, look what class it was then, what class im playing now :) try not to die on Destroyer vs mage party, and defacto i was 64 lvl bcoz i just started to farm this char. While mages as u see were 75 :) thanks for being my fan, u just look for me on vids :D:)

    Here is my channel for u if u need more :) 

    P.S: stop being pathetic ;)

    Believe me buddy, you don't have any fans. It's Thursday so I decided to take the trash out IRL and on the forums. Do you pay bizzquit for coaching or do you just stand there if he doesn't tell you how to push F1 F2.

  12. 44 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    dream pvp :P gj, hopefully we can see more

    ofc i am jealous, he is playing dagger and even with bow he is making more dmg than my full STR SR, there is no way i wouldnt be jealous, but #soon

    There's no way he's making more damage than an SR, maybe get rid of your dex dyes and you would do damage lol.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Kim said:


    I've heard this same story on patch 1.0 ; 1.3 ; 1.5. This server never stop growing. Great/Better times are coming :D


    Except the server has hit its peak. Down from almost 300v300 sieges too 108v200~ 

    I can't speak for 1.0, 1.3, but I can tell you when I first started playing in 1,5 I didn't see anyone in LoA for 2 weeks. I think I started just after reaver quit. You should know better than anyone else the server was most alive few months ago.

    So unless 2.0 brings back 100 people who don't join perks, I don't see the situation changing much. I don't speak about new players joining it will take them months to catch up.

  14. 24 minutes ago, BizQQuiT said:

    In the message I sent to you it was Jan 30 when DL was in their prime controlling epics and I told you then that we finished AQ strategy and are completing Core/Orfen right after it and if you want, this is the time to join back. This was before we took control of AQ.

    You obviously chose the path of DL "we like vigilance now" of course you do, sucking up on epics (made aq lvl 2 ? gz ). That was your last chance to switch but you didn't see far enough haven't you.

    And to all "alliance leader" should do this and that - go build a side and then we talk about famous wise man quotes.

    Just like few months ago - you don't see far enough to understand the new vectors the server is taking.

    Didn't see far enough? If I joined up with perks I would have quit the server out of boredom, I unlike, the entire NA/SA community like to pvp. Playing a server where I meet 0 wartags except biweekly for 2 hours isn't L2 for me.

    You only care about "winning" you don't care what half the ally thinks or says about you. The openly bash you on forums. You only started touching AQ after inviting wartags into your ally. The only vector I see the server taking is you still mass recruiting and playing by yourself soon enough.

    For the server sake I hope people come back for 2.0.

  15. 1 hour ago, BizQQuiT said:

    I don't get people who throw garbage at my side. I only did my job and built an ally which actually was weaker then the other one.

    If you failed it's not my fault and don't expect us to break to comfort you.

    Until we wipe the core parties of war we won't make any changes. in fact we are recruiting more in Europe (pm me on forum).

    People are throwing garbage on your side because you are still recruiting. You will do anything to win at all costs after the beatdown you got for a few months it seems reasonable but there's something you don't understand. You keep continuing what your doing the server will die, sure you can call them pussy emo quitters if it makes you feel better, but at the end of the day you're just ruining the server for yourself. It's happened on 90% of servers that ever existed.  - Trying to recruit me even though your whole ally hates me.

    You recruit anything that walks, even band wagoners who jump ship like Zakna, looked how that worked out for you. You talk about loyalty like you're some big family when you're just a zerg where 50% of them prefer to freefarm with 0 enemies on the map than actually play the game like a PvP game. 

    Talk about winning because you stayed the longest? Sure I guess, your only victories came after half our side quit, and even then you barely won anything even after allying up with life long wartags (hello es)