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Everything posted by siLve

  1. they saying.. client.. not server. Like here.. just in ru who doesn´t care at all.. so have fun. Maybe all the non english speaking and non willing english russian will play there.. peace for every1. hooray !
  2. no flame no game i didn´t even read it
  3. ​ that picture describes is pretty well... just 1 mistake... some ppl holding not a carrot.. more a whipe. Funny that i imagine the most ppl looking like the kiddo with the hat... "faster admins or were leaving.. hurry blablba" cool that you understand it. since we ( the gamers ) putting nothing into this project ( not even a carrot lolz )
  4. some ppl act as the admins owe them something... pathetic.
  5. ​thats the biggest problem right now. IDK if it is like that on classic.. but if your 4 levels higher as the mob.. not worth to kill them anymore.
  6. ​+1 but im stop testing i dont know live date and i dont know if i will be play here when i see this date. Dont want waste of my time on testing when i dont know if i will be here. ​less tester = it takes more time ... more bitching like you do... = server will go live with bugs and exploits ( and the tester do know such bugs and exploits ) = more bitching and crying from ppl like you. It is a circle.. cya.. or not idc.
  7. siLve

    What music you listening?

    meh i hate this board sometimes..
  8. dont worry... ppl who know how to roll L2 alrdy testing the stuff ^^ no need to add that ^^
  9. ​Does mental shield work in classic like used to in old cronicles (80% resist on top of everything else)? Because if it does, then there are no roots and no sleeps to worry about. Slows always worked against any melee though. i dont think any skill work like in the older chronics, the skill that got a "fix" remained that way (sleep cast time, agression not working on pvp, cancel removing 90% of buffs, etc) ​it is a beta .... test it lolz *we did... it works like it should*
  10. siLve

    OBT verlegt

    ​Das mit Innova halte ich auch für naja gerede.. ausserde kümmert mich das eher weniger. Was hier mit dem Server passiert ? Tja... mal schauen.. es gibt soviele die auf den live server warten... alleine in meinem L2 freundeskreis spielen 3 leute die beta und 22 warten. Wenn sich die ratio wie ein roter faden durch die community zieht.. oha
  11. sorry guys... but i did finish to cook my lunch..
  12. Es gibt 2 Leute auf dem Server im Moment die reich sind.. der eine hat Cruma gebuggt.. der andere ist nen BH/Smith kannste dir aussuchen
  13. ​sind halt ru classic drop rates x10 alles im grünen Bereich ​ also wenn ich 5 std xp und 2 unterschiedliche mob gruppen schlachte... dann habe ich am ende 21 coal im inventar... 2 blades und das wars. da passt doch was nicht... *coal war jetzt ein beispiel* wir können das gerne auch ingame besprechen wenn du die rates checken möchtest. *kennst ja meinen ig namen*
  14. siLve

    Laber Ecke

    Wie schön... mal sehen was der HSV dropt wenn er down geht ! muhahah
  15. ​you 1hit mages with devotion... daggers in classic are a real shit before you touch a mage on 1vs1 he nuked you 4 or 5 times, specially with the new tatoo system with +12 WIT, and you will not 1shot mages with karmian or avadon never ​ u can also watch the other parts from him...seems to be possible ​just a video recorded when nobody focus him and he get some kills, even a bounty hunter can kill people if all ignore him, 10 mins rooted ftw ​this video was more about 1 hitting mages..but nvm... ​ but you just did show every1 that this guy isn´t 1 shoting mages. 1.2k damage won´t kill a mage at his level range... you can see that in the middle of the video where he rushes in and hitting fresh mages. Daggers are killstealers..... and healer buggers.. but if somebody got a dagger at level 47 we can test that
  16. like the title says... Didn´t want to use the rec. board.. since it is just temp. pm me on board
  17. siLve

    Laber Ecke

    ​ja, ich bin jeden Tag damit beschäftigt den idealen Weg zu lvl 40 im Bezug auf EXP/Money/Stunde zu finden, um das maximum rauszuholen. Equip>LvL, das steht völlig außer Frage. ​ kleine gruppe starter town... AC trains OB trains ( die Alternativen dazwischen verrate ich hier nicht ) Cruma trains.. was gibts da zu testen ? Test lieber die spoils das habe ich nämlich noch nich gemacht weil ich zu faul bin .D Das dicke Geld kommt erst mit 40+ oder pre 20 kann aber auch sein das ich was falsch gemacht habe... ​Es geht mir weniger um die Trains, dass ist ja ein bekanntes Mittel. Es geht um Quests und Mobs. Ich mein, es macht schon nen riesen Unterschied, wenn du nen Mob findest, was einfach mal 10x Adena dropt als andere Mobs auf selben Lvl und dazu noch ne Fulldrop Chance von 20%. ​ hab mir n BD hochgespielt, leider keine duals, da cronischer adena mangel ​ja, ich bin jeden Tag damit beschäftigt den idealen Weg zu lvl 40 im Bezug auf EXP/Money/Stunde zu finden, um das maximum rauszuholen. Equip>LvL, das steht völlig außer Frage. ​ kleine gruppe starter town... AC trains OB trains ( die Alternativen dazwischen verrate ich hier nicht ) Cruma trains.. was gibts da zu testen ? Test lieber die spoils das habe ich nämlich noch nich gemacht weil ich zu faul bin .D Das dicke Geld kommt erst mit 40+ oder pre 20 kann aber auch sein das ich was falsch gemacht habe... ​Es geht mir weniger um die Trains, dass ist ja ein bekanntes Mittel. Es geht um Quests und Mobs. Ich mein, es macht schon nen riesen Unterschied, wenn du nen Mob findest, was einfach mal 10x Adena dropt als andere Mobs auf selben Lvl und dazu noch ne Fulldrop Chance von 20%. ​ Das hatten wir ja schon in der pm ingame festgehalten Ich hoffe das machen ein paar mehr Leute so... dann kann sich wenigstens jemand die crafting parts leisten.
  18. siLve

    Laber Ecke

    ​ja, ich bin jeden Tag damit beschäftigt den idealen Weg zu lvl 40 im Bezug auf EXP/Money/Stunde zu finden, um das maximum rauszuholen. Equip>LvL, das steht völlig außer Frage. ​ kleine gruppe starter town... AC trains OB trains ( die Alternativen dazwischen verrate ich hier nicht ) Cruma trains.. was gibts da zu testen ? Test lieber die spoils das habe ich nämlich noch nich gemacht weil ich zu faul bin .D Das dicke Geld kommt erst mit 40+ oder pre 20 kann aber auch sein das ich was falsch gemacht habe...
  19. for me the most important part is.. no pay2win and active gm´s. Who aren´t corrupt like on retail.
  20. ​ thats the problem.. you know how many comments ive got alrdy for doing the 2nd class change ? If we got these bugs on live.. oh my so much drama. I don´t wana even argue anymore about the drops.. since i dont know like nothing from classic.. but it seems odd to me that x X hp mobs dropping full items like 1x hp mobs dropping crafting parts.
  21. ​Thanks! I'll do it. I really hope it runs through MAC... ​IP doesn´t matter... 1 client each pc / mac premium 2 clients pc / mac 3 pc´s .. well 3 clients.. and so on.. there is no IP restriction ​And this is where problems come in. I'm already seeing people 2 and 3-box (it's obvious with how they move the characters). Most of us have multiple PCs anyways. I'm hoping they will be proactive in stopping boxers. ​That's because the live version is not out, when the beta ends there will be a box restriction for no-premium accounts... so.. your saying that the restriction must be for IP? So... the people that are living together, can't play in the same server? Really? ​IP doesn't work either. I can spoof my IP and MAC and play as many as I want on one PC (granted, I can only 4-box effectively in PvP/Raid situations, though I can run up to 13 clients with zero lag). What has to be done is being proactive in hunting down those that are "illegally" dual boxing. Otherwise there is no other fix. It just doesn't work. Any automated system can be exploited. And if I have to prove that just to make a change, the admins can secretly implement anything they want and I'll do it solely to show that it's still doable. There's only one way to stop that crap, and that's by being proactive. ​could you maybe stop quoting me ? I dont wana read your nonsense blabla i realy dont care what you wana do or what you can do. You are a selfish guy who don´t understand that here are enough mature ppl who wana play with their wifes/husbands or friends when they live together... idk why i even try to explain it... you will not understand.. and your luckiiy you are alone on your island. have fun . stop quoting me. thx ​You're a fucking moron. When did I *ever* say people in the same household shouldn't be able to play together? Not. Fucking. Ever. I said ONE PERSON should NOT BE ABLE to RUN AS MANY ACCOUNTS AS THEY WANT. ONE PERSON is NOT equal to TWO+ PEOPLE. Simple math, dude. Here's proof that 1 does not = 2. Now quit being a little bitch and learn how to fucking read. ​uhhhh thx god that the discussion is over now... next time you try to insult me use caps and more !!!!!!!!!!!
  22. siLve


    ​Sorry to tell you this but classic doesnt have the rates 1/6 of C1. If you believe that you never played C1. They made the game easier through the different Chronicles. No official ever said its 1/6th rates from C1. But classic is about the same as C1 rates. I feel i level as fast as i did back in the C1 days when i play on jap classic. I get around 130a from an eye around Dion on classic. I'm 100% sure we dont get 2600 from it here at beta. I'll do some tests later with pics ... ​your talking about a picture from a classic server right ?