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Everything posted by siLve

  1. na dann will ich auchmal... also ick bin dagegen.. wie sieht der rest das so ?
  2. ​ I don't speak Russian. But I can read Cyrillic. You would be surprised how many English words Russians write in Cyrillic. Any trade chat in Giran that happens in Russian is always English written in Cyrillic letters. You don't have to learn Russian, just learn their letters. Problem solved. And if you don't understand what they're saying even when you're capable of reading it, its probably not meant for you and it doesn't matter whether you can understand it or not. i did play for 2 years in a ru clan.. trust me.. only the dumb and idiots are not speaking english... in every country there are such ppl.. so nothing new. ( i realy dont wana insult the ppl who cant but trying ^^ ) On the other side, like in a few topics here, its funny that ppl making fun out of ppl who are trying to speak/write english.
  3. siLve

    OBT verlegt

    ​Sie macht für dich keinen Sinn,weil du sie nicht aus einem wirtschaftlichen Aspekt siehst. Heute können ganze Länder und Währungen in den Ruin getrieben werden, nur weil jemand sagt, er denke über eine bestimmte Aktion nach. Und so kann es auch mit einem Server laufen. Also warum jetzt schon massiv Kohle in erweiterte Serverressourcen pumpen, wenn ein mögliches Announcement von Innova die komplette Zukunft des Servers gefährden kann. Natürlich wird Innova an dem Tag nicht verkünden, ob oder wann sie einen Server eröffnen, aber eins wird an demTtag feststehen: Wieviele Leute sich registriert haben Und allein an der Anzahl kann man schon was ableiten. Denn wenn die z.B. 30-40k ist, wird es auf jeden Fall einen Server geben und selbst wenn er erst in nem Jahr online geht, wäre er mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit das Ende dieses Servers. Was die komplette finanzielle Planung dieses Servers verändern würde. ​ Die meisten werden doch abgeschreckt von dem pay2win system. Xp boosts etc. pp usw. Das hat mit L2 nicht mehr wirklich viel zutun was da abgeht ausser der Name noch. Zudem frage ich mich was du glaubst was ein Server kostet bzw. 1-3 jenachdem wieviele Spieler sich hier einfinden werden.
  4. ​there is still 1 problem. the lower adena rate. Since adena isnt on a rate like spoil/drop you can´t just raise the amount. Because thats what your saying.. instead of chance x3 you want amount x3. retail : 1.000 adena 1.000 xp 100 animal bones here now : 500 adena 3.000 xp 100-150 animal bones (depends on the original chance and amount of animal bone ) your system : 500 adena 3.000 xp 300 animal bones so there will be mats but no adena.. mats will be cheap as hell.. and not sellable since every1 would just spoil their stuff.. on lowbie areas since the chances will be the highest and you get the most out of it. All this stuff just does apply to mats/recipes and so on.. which will reach the 100% chance. still i rather want more chances... since we all know its later harder to get your mats and recipes and stuff.. i rather see a recipe after 100 mobs as 3 recipes after 300 mobs. correct me if iam totaly wrong now..
  5. ​Its like a normal keyboard but full of spilled vodka and cigarretes all over ​like mine.. but since iam german.. its not vodka.. its beer ( krombacher ) and WURST ! ha !
  6. your right...... but i needed to do the math lol still.. it does just apply to mats and chances which will be hit the 100% tho ^^
  7. ​Суккуб_Малрука Sword of Magic Fog ()10.001% - 0.01%Do you think those are "exact or accurate" drop rates? 1/10.000 - 1/100.000 ​thats why it is called CHANCE .. not accurate rate.
  8. As they would say something like that... holy.
  9. ​Read drakla post, and -"shoot him in the face"- he said they dont have l2classic off files. who cares if its l2off or l2j, the truth is that this isnt l2classic, they lied on all of us ​He said, that they dont have official files, that Innova would base their server on, if they decided to release it, at least that's how I understood it. But they do have L2off files (I played it on previous OBT), and not just emulated L2j. Countless servers were running on L2off, that wasn't actual retail files (buggy drop rates, buggy geodata and some skills), and L2j is just sad (or at least it was back when I was playing). ​yes they have l2off files, from other chronicle different than l2classic sooo this is not l2classic. the drops are different geodata will have bugs. skill effects wont be the same While streaming among the last month, and getting nearly 1400 advertising points, i've talked to some people that have been playing here at OBT st 1 and st 2, and they confirmed the geodata is buggy, the skills are wrong, same with quest, and that this chronicle is not l2classic. ​so you all knew this and now your still bitching about it ? Maybe the ppl who call you a moron.. are correct... lol
  10. there are no pets on l2classic ​for some ppl summons are pets.. cats panthers.. and that stuff
  11. ​it just seems like.. they are not that good at it.. i mean how to handle such situations. Lack of communication is a problem.. but well.. they made the post now. Maybe they fix the event stuff too. About the server... its free... if it works.. all is fine... if not.. we will see...
  12. siLve

    OBT verlegt

    ​was würde sich nicht rechnen ? Die Server ? Die kosten laufen schon... falls nicht.. ist es total egal wieviel Leute auf diesem Innova Server spielen werden. Zudem wie kann man das überhaupt vergleichen ? Ist zwar vielleicht beides Classic.. aber 1x mit Ungame Shop und Zeugs.. dazu noch ohne Gm´s etc pp. Macht doch keinen Sinn. Das was mich wundert.. 5-6 Std. vor der Beta fällt denen was auf das etwas nicht funktioniert ? Ist doch lächerlich ^^
  13. ​not today.. in 12 days.. maybe
  14. ​aslong there is the shop and all bots will work.. no active gm´s.. there is no point to "play"
  15. you dont make sense.. but w/e maybe my mind isnt twisted enough for that kind of "logic"... and iam happy about it.
  16. ​then 60% of the players will quit .. how many will be online? 300-400? ​ we know you dont like this server.. so if your right... why your even posting ? to safe us from hell.. are you ISIS or smt ?
  17. siLve

    gute alte Zeiten

    ich denke man sieht sich dann auch einem anderen server... innova ist jetzt nicht so meins.. wegen dem shop und zeugs was nicht zu L2 gehört.. gibts da noch eine andere Alternative ?
  18. ​ WAT? the normal server start was supposed to be in 5 days from now. now we will get OBT after 2 weeks and live after 1 month? it was too good to be true. server failed before even started. russians will DDos it hard anyway so.. ​ this is what the start site did say... i didnt check the "about" post.. now stop bitching.. ​It means nothing but that they just forgot to change this pop-up, just stop spam kiddish hopes. ​now i have to ask you.. are you stupid ? where did i post hopes ? I had the wrong informations.. because i just did check the start site.. and made my post.. then i did check the about post.. and saw the ??.??.???? .. stop acting like a 10 year old baby who is mad at the world bc momy didnt buy him a toy. grow the fuck up even its the internet.
  19. ​the quesiton is.. there are any alternatives... like real l2 classic.. ? not to mention i don´t wana play the ru server or korean server ^^ either wait... or leave... but to be fair... i think it kinda suxx that you dont get a message at all what happend.
  20. ​ WAT? the normal server start was supposed to be in 5 days from now. now we will get OBT after 2 weeks and live after 1 month? it was too good to be true. server failed before even started. russians will DDos it hard anyway so.. ​ this is what the start site did say... i didnt check the "about" post.. now stop bitching..
  21. ​Are u stupid? ​No iam not.. since on the start site still says 5 days. just saw the edited "about" post. *i love those are you stupid comments*
  22. its just a beta.. holy how old are you guys ? not that they delayed the normal server start....
  23. ​He is not going to play this server, he said that 2 post before. ​ ​Oh... i might missed it ... He talk to much... cant follow him! To bad .... with 1,5k randoms he would have atleast over 9k pvp count in one month trololol Thanks cassiopeia! ​ I am not talking about Russians... I am talking about you! Give us your in game name and lets see how strong you are. I mean common since you are pro... and you dont afraid to pvp... As for me no worries if I see bots... I know what to do ... for me this server is the test for retail... because in retail I wont find pros like you... pros like you emo quit after 2 weeks ​He is not going to play this server, he said that 2 post before. ​ ​Oh... i might missed it ... He talk to much... cant follow him! To bad .... with 1,5k randoms he would have atleast over 9k pvp count in one month trololol Thanks cassiopeia! ​ isn´t he a random ?