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Everything posted by zorgzor

  1. zorgzor


    ​abaut what ES archer you speak ? all was ok then land rate was like you say 100 %, cose normal land rate is 80 % for sleep, when enemy is 10 lvl less, than yes it can be 90 % for sleep, from this all fight ppl like you start cry for admin, and someone change is, Sano know it cose he teleport to us and we show how now all debufs work, its on list for fix, so stop CRY LIKE NOOB cose admin know what is bug now with debufs, we have lots prove of skills and lots movi when my OL 72 sleeping 55 pp and have 1 / 7 sleep and 1/9 feer, i dont know how abaut LOa with yours box, cose if you have so old info abaut debufs and other bugs i dont wana speak abaut some yours box in pvp
  2. zorgzor


    from 70+ debufs on 60+ is 1 / 5 on 50+ 1/8 there is lots of bugs, so less enemy have more chance than +/- 3 lvl different, and all this enemy are 60-68, just no skill
  3. Nuzed bd liba driver v pvp pak.63lvl+ 20-24 prime (inagda do 1-3 noci). Pm na bolse infarmaciji.
  4. Reikalingas BD 63+ arba driveris jam, i rusu cp, reikalavimai rusu kalba bei ts.
  5. 50 lowbies ? Hahahaha we have 65 ppl max on siege with bufers and suports.
  6. make video and post admin or just post nick who do it and Gm check. nobody from us do it so "be happy dont worry"
  7. ​Or ur alt lowbie chars placing flag 50m behind ours and just respawn ---> attack on bot during the whole siege to try to kill our flag ​LOL ???? what alt ? what bot ? are you idiot ? .... pffff screen it, than say
  8. Hahaha. Boring is when 3 pt attack flag and need 3 min for kill it, and one golem need 1 min for crush wall or one pt in 30 sec destroy crystal. This is boring,
  9. From 2.0 no lvl cap. So you can lvl up and up. Dont realy know to how much. But i think still blue mobs must give exp. Cose if you will be pk and last mobs give 0 exp, than how drop karma.
  10. Lol.... did someone tolk abaut -% on siege ? Realy, now ? When we fight for this system, all say no. So what happen now ? You cant kill ppl on flag who resp in 1 secound... ? Yes !!!! We say the same shiittt, when we kill all enemy but cant kill flag when all resp with no lose exp.
  11. Its secound siege..... when some cp leave perkunas.
  12. I think thay dont have scripter now, long time we dont see any update with bugs. And we have more important bugs than pets
  13. secound lvl orfen = 25 mp but he give 31 now... i think other bonus also can be buged, check it,
  14. ​will be good, cose some noob player say its repeired or its must be like this, when we all know its buged and admin dont ansver just ignore all topics abaut bugs, and skill bugs, and we have its from 1.5 update, how top clans can fight and somethink do on server when top items and skills dont work ? or ppl like you say will repair when all server will be 70+ ? than you repair top cp skills and epics ? PPl who cry abaut Taduliz sleep and Xwarx stun fail and leave server, when someone chance us nobody more post topics abaut skills cose we cant debuff enemy, so you wana more fail clans ?
  15. NOTHINK REPEIRED !!!! 30 sec sleep with no mental and 15 sec with mental buf, the same stun, chance for sleep the same bugged 1/5 - 1/8
  16. ​ i saw this too when my clan had a castle , but never asked Lots bugs ppl dont report cose nobody repair. Or repair very slow. Someone better repair events, abaut nobody care than epics or skill bugs.
  17. how this bonus work ? the bonus say HP recovery 1500 % and mp recovery 5000 % when my normal mp is 12 / s with this bonus i get 18 / s . its 6 MP regen is 5000 % ????????
  18. 2.0 ma byc po pol roku, powiedziano ze bedzie jak na offie bedzie kolejny update to unas bedzie 2.0