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Everything posted by Fortuna

  1. It has been like that forever.
  2. I stopped for the same reason kind of. L2Store gives ridiculously huge advantages, you cannot hope to get close to top " NC customers" in legit ways. Other than that, I enjoyed the new chronicles but anything managed by NCWest or Innova is retarded p2w these days.
  3. These instances are fun though, the first few times at least until you figure out what you have to do(except from Octavasfkjasfas). What sucks is that they allow you to progress by completely dodging pvp.
  4. Fortuna

    Autistic October

    How do you have a video for everything, man? Are you a youtube librarian or something. I'm actually impressed.
  5. Fortuna

    Autistic October

    This CP is so fun that everyone wanted to jump from the cliff.
  6. Fortuna

    Baium PVP - BD POV

  7. Most forums have an option to choose between bright and dark themes, they're not automated. Don't care personally, but why not. Alternatively you can try using f.lux . It's a program that adjusts display settings according to current time.
  8. Fortuna

    Baium PvP

    Exactly, now eat shit and go back to your corner.
  9. Fortuna

    Baium PvP

    If you were just a little dumber, you wouldn't meet the criteria to survive.
  10. Fortuna

    Baium PvP

    You are not making them justice. China fought most of these fights without shaka leading them and they had issues with disconnects.
  11. Fortuna


    double posting is not allowed btw
  12. Fortuna


    Not everyone records to show how big his penis is lol. We don't need validation from random forum warriors(literal ones), like the triangle crest dude that commented above. Do you really think we take any pride in killing randoms that have been playing on the server for more than 1,5 year and still walk around with safely enchanted items? We don't even share these crap "fights" out of our cp channel.Hence, the retarded edits.
  13. Fortuna


    What's your nick ig?
  14. Fortuna


    Doesn't even use song of hunter to flex on how easy it is.
  15. Fortuna


    Thanks for mentioning me in a topic that i have to read all these walls of text to get some context. Can't be arsed right now.
  16. Did we lose if we killed ourselves? ?
  17. What? Weren't you the one saying that China carries us on pvp daily? Now that you're considering allying them they're just 1-2 times per week partially present? Preparing the excuses already I guess.
  18. Well, fuck you got me. We do this to boost our great leader to 80 so he can pk with mana shield, while we're being carried by China and get nothing in return for our effort.
  19. Deviate is organised in CPs. Randoms are individuals. Deviate CPs can prioritize high value classes for collective benefit. Randoms cannot, because they care about themselves. They don't belong anywhere. It's more efficient for us to do this, but it's not for them.