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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. + If u upgrade it on higher lvls, dmg is bigger and bigger.
  2. Monsters dont respawn, buffs stop on 0s and dont fall. Quick restart, thx.
  3. I told u manytimes, just a make a movie from your zerk ganks on me. Maybe again read what i wrote. Angela CP and her no brain style, Allah Akbar ? Give me more love JerryZ's puppies. I had always fun from your zerk ganks when my pt started here and we were 10-15lvl lowers lvls than u and we made u crazy with PR. I have same fun if u gank solo location for 1-3people with 1-2pts and fail it or u take same numbers and u get totally rekt. Myrmi dont be sad, one day u maybe won Keep your zerk and be happy. Unfortunately, this forum Is one big SM zerk sh.t too. See you on other side. <last PR here> Stiba <3
  4. It was neverending pvp and we go 2 times take on Oren without nothing, just fast rush, because our "totally" blind spies give info that Oren is empty. I have so big smile on my face if i ride on my mount inside oren castle alone and there was tons of NF. This CS was very good from WS and WK if we talk about pvp. I play lineage mainly for it, that i want fight in mass pvp, 1x per 14 days on CS. SM all time stay back and take free castles. Its cleaver from tactics side, but totaly useless for pvp players. But who is surprise, when u gank 1 DA in SV with 2 parties and fail it.
  5. Deep for who? I call it eye contact.
  6. No pvp 6vs7 from ToI 10, no fun. Btw smart move that u dont listen commands from rushers specialist from your clan. Nice watching on your smart position playing in mass pvp.
  7. U mean, that is clever fight vs 2pts and tons of Angels on my back with 1 activ DD in our pt? Yesterday, i hunted SM and result? Tons of Bsoe and fight only if u were 2/3 vs me. Heroes!!! And what about ToI, if our ally go sleep? 6activ from u vs 7 activ from my pt. U get rekt and result? U bring second wave with 11/12 activ people. Gf for first wave for pvp with same numbers, second wave show us again that SM quality go down and need only zerk if enemies have same lvls. Are u rly compare me with Angela's daddy? Cmon baby, learn czech/german history and u never will compare me with Angela's heroes. Alah Akbar. ?
  8. Its like ingame. SM zerk everywhere.
  9. I anytime leave? SV is top location for doing 77+ lvls. China know it, we know it. You know it probably too. But with full pt exp is suck there and with small grups u get rekt from everyone or u droping weapons on the ground if u running with panic in your head.
  10. We reach ToI 10 and SMs pts were hiding like rats. You were waiting in login menu over 30mins(1/4-1/6 our prime time) awesome ? and zerking my CP with 2 your pts when we pull half floor was typical SM style. Its same like farming in SV/FP, all sides farm there with small grups, only SM going there with full pt. Enjoy your sh.t style, because we are in war. We enjoy are fair play style because we have higher grade.
  11. Cmon snooper, u must take more info from your friendly rat inside our ally. You dont know nothing about our tactic. Probably rat havent acces to all chats. Sad. Btw. Do ETE know that u plan support your friends out of ally be hero for craft/spoil your ally epics jewels? Its not nice move from u to ally craft. Loyal like Judas. Cink cink 30 silver coins.
  12. BoP was exhibition your skill. Im atheist, people like me create god for people like u. Sorry boy, he cant judge me. I allow everyone say everything. U can know it from game, where i let enemies cry/celebrate to my pm without block. Last time Tys0n and Plaza or after CS Angela. Ave me, <PR> to town for now...
  13. Yep, go and scam same accs, its war. SM logic. Sry, Mr.Lama, we are fair play players, our game style has higher standarts. About support, U mean like u drop BoP +7 if u gank us on non-agresive mobs in SV? CS wasnt bad, i return from weekend 15mins before start CS and 10min before start i get info that ally leader isnt online, nobody create CC and leading CS, chaos in spies and on start CS, GM team prepare next dirty trick with blocked GKs. Funny. In final result, we save our home, TT are free from Oren. Not bad. Im happy for it.
  14. Thx, i rly appreciate it from next noname enemy. For SM without little pride, using lies and scouting on enemies TS or clans its normal behavior. People need feel useful, poor people must play with us and giving info enemies. Poor enemies like SM need this info. Im very pride on people from TT and our fair playing. Memeda WK. Fair enemies exist too.
  15. Very good access man.
  16. If your project start, u were very smart and u protect chars like ol/dwarfs in your class change and u hold their unique abilities. Weak players were crying and u start ruin Classic and make playing easir for them. Just tell me why? Only DD change their position with 2.0. Support class have still same position, but u unbelievable ruined balance on server, help solo players and destroy all hard work players playing in grups. Im not alone, who is waiting long time on all chars set up like offic.
  17. Its like catch 22. @Kse @Koll @San0 or @Mantonare screaming: "We want be close to offic" but they ignore all wrong set up chars. They start create more and more bad things and make playing Classic easier and easier. After it, others players propose others thrash like this. So, cmon GM team, wake up. Set up all chars like offic, take back your bad moves like new class change or finally stop play on server which is almost like offic and make from Classic trololol custom server. I dont like this pisspoor behavior where u choose from "like offic" or "we are not offic" along situation like u need it.
  18. Its not about PoWs/Vops etc.. Its all about admins changes without use brains. For all time i didnt see more stupid change like this. And reason all of this? Because people crying.Wtf? Really? I dont care about randoms, i dont care about all players from others sides. Low rate classic is hard game, u cant be idiot on start or u will be punish for own mistakes from begining. When i start play here and we play with 2 archers pts, we exp clans OL. Why? Because we are not idiots. We knew very well that ol is need on mass clan action and cant be changed. Many solo randoms, many enemies didnt it. They just in later time start cry to GMs and GMs havent idea about clan/ally playing and made others trash custom for solo players. Exist only one thing which normal players can poison game from playing. GM team. If GMs team dont start repair tons of mistakes like custom chars skills, bug geodata in Castles, class changes for players without brain and they will create more custom sh.t, because people are crying, they make amazing job like kill this server rly fast.