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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Yomana:Thx for info, but i dont belive it. Soil: We r lows lvls, we know it, we dont tryhard it, we just go there for fun. We love mass pvp and last CS was rly good relax. Amazing start, when we go to Giran Castle and first enemy down Soil. Man, when do u listen guys on our TS. Its funny moments, reason play this game. Btw. We have there 1st archer pt, 2nd pt without heal, 1arch,2mage, no sws.Guys have lvl 50-60lvl and we kill so many players from your ally(65-76?), we cant take Castle, but we can join to mass pvp and we can little help your enemies killing u. U still talk about respect enemy and u alone dont respect news low lvls players, clans and your clan/ally hunting it on low hunting zones. So many clans are strongers than we. But thx your strategy pking, fear they never join on CS, we do it. Y, we visit Gludio, our top sws die for sec from guards, so we run away, but u must port back to your castle, little victory for us.
  2. Can u tell us true info dear ninja boy? Im only human.
  3. Man, on Castle siege join max 1/3 population of this server, rest pop are farmers or they have fear from rage top ally(i remember as ally DarkLegion hunt us when we go check CS with 5chars +-55lvl) Example: Guys from SoulMate are rly good PlayersKillers, but on CS they r sucks. Now they havent players and they helping so hard Nonfactors. Dont be little grill, u must hold pking from enemy and keep in your memory which sides pking u. On Castle siege u can offer free help enemy your enemies. I still hope, one day come Castle siege and gludio change owner. We r over 3months old clan, we have more than 55activ people. Yes, u have little true, so many guys leave us after rage,hate and pking us from enemis with high lvls , but main core stay here and we still grow up.
  4. Reflect dmg was always work only on short dmg, not ranged/spells. Classic from NCsoft balanced lifesteal on chance for all/ not rush for destro. Bad news for all archers, here rework lifesteal for melee/ patch 2.0 rush destro - rly lots of archers finish or change class for 25E.
  5. Its easy. Bad boys and grills as u get nothing. Good guys as me get BoP +16 with big thx from gm team.
  6. V neděli proběhlo parádní CSko(castle siege). Jelikož na serveru mají top klany náskok 3/4 roku, náš úkol zněl jasně, co nejvíce škodit jedné ze tří top ally na serveru, kteří nás již od 40lvlů PKují s chary 65+. A jak to dopadlo? Více než dobře, ve dvou partách(50-60lvl) se nám úspěšně dařilo nabíhat nepřátelům do zad a i přes jejich počáteční obsazení dvou hradů, byli vyhnáni zpět a hrady si rozdělili top ally se kterými udržujeme přátelské vztahy. Momentálně vedeme války s klanen Vigalence z ally DarkLegion, dále s klanem Nonfactors (kde hraje i pár českých solistů). Tímto děkuji všem za účast a dík všem kdo hrají v našem klanu a ukazují zbytku světa, že i československá komunita je schopná konkurovat top klanům.
  7. Stiba007

    WTT AoBA for BoP

    WTT AoBA for Bow of Peril, pm/mail in game Stiba007
  8. OMG, why do u talking about it. Dont make trolololol server from it.
  9. Fighters have 2-3 more hp, stronger P./M.def, so what do u want? Same land skills when do u kill on IK mage/archer? Now it is good. Wake up Soil and go kill more +-55lvl players, your ego up!
  10. Zdravim, tak po nejakem case napisu ve zkratce deni na serveru. Momentalne k tretimu mesici pusobeni na serveru se nase top lvly blizi k 60lvlu, celkove nas je v klanu okolo 50aktiv. Diky vysokemu poctu aktiv lidi je o nas na serveru celkem vedet. Radi chodime RB a expime spolu, diky tomu pri pvp o RB nas randomove na serveru nemaji v lasce. Nadruhou stranu nas jiz oslovili 2 ze 3 nejsilnejsich ally na serveru. Treti ally DarkLegion po nas tezce jdou a PKuji o 15-20lvlu mensi hrace. (tezky strach z mozne konkurence??) Co se tyce druheho ceskeho klanu, s tim jsme prestali spolupracovat uplne, vulgarni chovani od jejich hrace, neustale narazeni na par jejich hracu v random partach u RB a nezajem jejich vedeni se nejak spojit to dovrsil. No kdyby nekdo mel zajem o nejake dalsi info, staci se optat tady nebo skocit za nama na TS.
  11. ​Stop cry lol! and use this: ​Its so funny when u come to this topic posting funny pictures, when u were one of coming up with sht idea of boosting lowbies, bcoz u suck at it urself. Go, go kids, look at the price of enchants go up to 10kk Grow up emo kid, only u visit all topic and everywhere u wrote negative post. U rly need lots of cream.
  12. I can say only: Good job, guys! Ignore crying kids, they have fear from enemy, its all, we play here 3months and high lvls from ally DarkLegion still pkings us. Fear from more enemy, more pvp, more fun?!
  13. Stále sháníme swska a bishopy, momentálně není problém složit na večer 3-4party. Top lvly chodí farmit LoA, AB, spodní lvly vlakují EV nebo expí jednotlivě. Hráči pod 40lvl mají na pomoc při expu klanové PP 49lvl, když je k dispozici jiný buffer pomůže také. Pravidelné večerní zabíjení RB přes CC (50-62lvl Rb).
  14. Stiba007

    PvP and Fun ^^ (2)

    Why do u stop first part your video with mass pvp by Aden castle?We watching on Kolls stream and we see Unique win this fight. Your ally lost Dion castle and u put only part of CS which your ally won it, but without coment rest CS.Why? But gj, i wait more video from u.
  15. Only stupid archer will have B light, we take every hit, skill from enemy, after patch one destro with rush kill archers party with finger in his big green ass. Custom rush to destro = custom boost hp to archers thx. (or maybe without custom rush?)
  16. Stiba007

    WTS Aden Clan Hall

    Cost and how do u want to sell it?