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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Víkend se blíží, ideální na začátek hraní...
  2. Oh my god, i can use never more "Ladies and Gentlemans" to ally chat. I dont like u kid. Ban for crying!!!
  3. Just people dont believe in your skill? U write about tryhard but your chars 41glad and 52sh r both rdy for 8-10 days with tryhard. Maybe more info about u, where r u from, hold old r u, how languages u can use on TS, ......
  4. up up up, happy couple here Btw. Ooh, i hope than u buy Enid on christmas many lections czech language!!!
  5. Stiba007

    Time on debuffs

    Who is bit** now?
  6. Záleží kdy budeš ve hře, večer tě už můžu nabrat já, jestli už teď, tak je třeba napsat nick ve hře ať to řeknu klukům přes FB. Každopádně jestli budeš hrát jen tak lehce, když bude chuť není problém, jen tě naberem do 3tího nebo 4tého klanu kde jsou peti a hráči co hraji občas. TSko jinak nutné na hraní jinak o tobě lidé v jiných klanech nebudou mít tušení.
  7. I have one rly big problem. People from czech/slovak republic cant see new posts on our forum Totally Toxic. I talk with San0, he say me about this problem, but today guys write me than they dont see it too. Our clan recruit only people using czech/slovak language, so i rly need have this topic without problem. Pls try repair it.
  8. Stiba007


    Your mom say u it.
  9. Hele shoty budou až bude patch 2.0. Jinak oproti offiku tady buffovací kočku už přidali. V klanu máme dokonce dvě. Jinak EU offik je mrtvý server, tady je to úplně o něčem jiném. ?
  10. Stiba007


    I dont care what have half server. Players must respect server set up, not change set up for cryings kids as gE. THIS IS CLASSIC!!!! No active buffers in pvp, no chance to continue with buffs. Get off with some scrolls, mage need only emp and continue after death, no mp, they do nothing, so when we want balanced. We must mages add mp potions when fighter get full rebuffs from scroll and dont need to much mp.Do u see your totally stupid discussion? Kids want game easier, get out from CLASSIC or deal with basic set up from l2.classicclub team. Only one think we need as server, revive death chars on high lvls, example leavers sell it on action and some little boost for new players (this is done and THX for it)
  11. Stiba007


    Buffscrolls r sucks, people must want active se, ee, pp, wc, ol, warlock,es. Not play as trolls with wc,bd,sws,6dd. Buff scrolls help him to much. U can add mp potion too, after ingrease exp rate and gg for noobs. Ally max 3 clans! Kids crying about zerk, kids have more players than their enemy and kids have problem with comunications, so kids start crying on forum as every time! So many kids from Vigazerk want change for self, shame on U. San0 i hope than your eyes see it and u dont do from kids server.
  12. Stiba007


    Cmon Maria, finily grow up and stop trying change everything where u have some problem, deal with it. Its big difference, do change for better server or do change for self.
  13. Stiba007


    1-6. Totally, but rly totally bullsoil 3. Vigazerg begin and kids have problem with cominication? 7.Its rly good, but chars must have same minimal lvls, as 60+. Not selling chars 40lvls sorces to AQ, cdls 50lvls to orfen.
  14. Take your favorite chars, f on combination. Some friend give up it and u do nothing.
  15. To much small, Kiam like big big Toys, u havent chance. Maybe my dier little lier Koukou like it.
  16. I dont see TT, its bad screen. Welcome to us Wallhard, its little better nick than gE.