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Everything posted by Lin

  1. Daaaaaaaaaaamn! We got rekt.
  2. ​Ohhhh.. interesting. By the way, first post wasn't meant to target you specifically. Just more of a rant towards all the other crybabies posting about PK'ers lately. Anyway, my bottom line is that I think PK is a good feature, and that serial PK'ers make things.. interesting ;).
  3. Penalties as in penalties instilled by the administrative team? I think there are none, and that's the way it should be. PK is a part of the game. PK scrolls for those who do not want to go perma-red, are also a part of this server (despite being debatable right now). Either path is a player's choice. As far as being perma-red, obviously there are some "penalties" like considering how difficult it'd be to partake in most PvE situations. However, I'm pretty sure a player who wants to become forever-red, is well aware of what repercussions there are for not being able to play with 0 karma. I'm still a little puzzled by what answers you're trying to get out of this thread and topic. It seems like a no-brainer to me, unless you're trying to imply that there should be penalties for players who serial-PK. If that's the case, just, no. Please. No. The people who complain about repeatedly getting PK'ed are the ones who avoid finding other places to exp, other times to exp, or don't have the resources to make a party to kill the PK'er. There are way too many threads on the forum QQ'ing lately about PK'ing, and it's becoming pathetic. Wake up call: you're all playing classic. It's supposed to be a little more hardcore in every aspect. PK'ing has been an integral part of Lineage 2 since forever, regardless of what "version" it is. Next topic: let's discuss penalties for players and clans who are winning too much in PvP and wars!
  4. Lin


    ​The wait isn't typically "days long" to receive a purchased item from the auction. I find the turn-around to usually be 12-24 hours for auction actions, depending on time of purchase and how it relates to the moderators' time zones. You should be grateful that the moderators take the time to confirm and oversee each auction transaction. It's not only your money floating around in there, you know. There's a "purchase now" function so that you can be guaranteed in securing an item, which then gets held on reserve for you. In no way does "purchase now" imply "receive now"..
  5. Lin

    Death Knights

    ​​What about spoil ? ​Wha?
  6. I'm highly interested in also purchasing this "dark cream" :).
  7. I voted to leave the function as it is now, from a high-level point of view. I think the restrictions that are in place, are restrictive enough. However, that said, If there is anything I would suggest adding to this service, it's to a) increase the COL amount, or to b) limit the amount of changes an account can make (IE a player may only perform this plastic surgery at a maximum of 3 requests). a) This server sparks new interest in players who may have lost that spark in current/old characters. The chance to have a new class without re-rolling the grind is probably appreciated by many players. It also invites and encourages old players to come back (Innova crowd, anyone?). That said, as much as many of us would like to try new things, I feel like 20 euros (standard) is too forgiving for just how much potential this feature has to change the in-game dynamics. "With great power, comes great responsibility." This brings me to my next point: b) I do not like the amount of potential this feature has to change in-game dynamics. If a player has the money to change his class all he wants, then that's great--good for the administrative team to make a killer profit, and good for the community to have those donations to support play. However, I think for sake of "balance" all-around, and to give players who willingly rolled a desired class to feel more unique or contribute to a CP/clan in a less-sought after way, that there needs to be a limit to how many times a player can use this service. Basically: force the players to choose wisely. I will say this feature is highly unique--as Morim mentioned, it's not of Classic nature. However, I think every private server has subjective circumstances that allow for "rules" to be broken. Perhaps for our community, this feature has more positives than negatives. Edit: Forgive me for cheating the additional post work-around, but I have to agree that Kosmos_VN makes a good point below regarding the translation of SP. Can you guys further explain how skills are being treated? Some classes require more costly skills than others, of course.
  8. ​Yes its hard, but you have starter pack now (with weapon and SS), you have an economy in city. We had nothing of that and we dropped our weapon too. But we have continue to farm in group and now, we are 50+. You can do it too! Feel the ninja inside you. Dont give up! ​Soluna for President! Soluna 2016!
  9. Dana, will you go out with me?
  10. ​how did u tested it ? ​Kill a few mobs without it. Kill a few (same) mobs with it. Compare damage differences. ​thats not how it works. it just works on specific mobs like dicor since its vulnerable to holy attacks. it should also works on undeads.. on the rest it doesnt have any effects ​Sorry, should've clarified: we tested it on Headless Knights and various skeletons in DV.
  11. ​how did u tested it ? ​Kill a few mobs without it. Kill a few (same) mobs with it. Compare damage differences.
  12. ​I've had a crush on you for years.
  13. Are you still looking for a clan?
  14. ​In Russia, Lineage II plays your life.
  15. Not sure how your war list could be bugged. I refresh it constantly during wars and immediate end-results of PVP--it always updates. When there are 3-4 people in our party getting the kills, and our own characters' respective PVP count ups in exact accordance with the clan kill count, then I really wonder what the bug is, and if it affects everyone.
  16. Lin


    bump for Victor. Hope it works out, mate. I want to play more hide and seek with you!
  17. ​It's not dead, but how this issue is addressed in the immediate future is going to dictate that heavily. The server is at a point where clans have found (and continue to find) their "sides". There are some top clans and groups, but there are several larger clans and groups who are in the mid-percentile of the server in comparison to that 1% group. We are on the verge of 1.3 and 1.5 For these reasons, this is exactly why the administrative team has to stop sleeping on this. We're at a very, very sensitive stage in the private server cycle.
  18. I really hope we can have this discussion without pointing fingers at any sides, and without introducing the possibilities and speculations of who might be corrupt. Let's address this topic as a whole, and hopefully from an honest standpoint. This issue affects the entire server. There are people donating to play an honest game; there are also people donating and exploiting the game from others. That's fact. BACK ON TOPIC: here's a friendly bump to raise more awareness of this issue as a whole:
  19. ​Yes, with each report the response is always: We will have something to protect against ZRanger in the next update. One week ago. Two weeks ago. Three weeks ago. But what about all of the playtime where they get by and continue to exploit? Therein lies a real problem, and how it's been addressed in the past, addressed now, and addressed in the future(?) is a testament towards what to expect for the health of this server.
  20. Donate, bot, ban. And then donate again, and of course bot again, and maybe get banned again. Until there is a legitimate response to all of the ongoing ZRanger and high-level bot groups and reports within the past few weeks, this seems to be the solution.