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Everything posted by Zace

  1. So basically, you can't compete against people who play as much as you so you have to play here against casual players to boost your ego? Well, at least you finally admitted it.
  2. ​Where is it shitty? They take off all crap out of original korean L2C and at the end it something that worth attention. ​So why are you here? ​I don't have to explain you mine chooses. ​ Hmmm, wouldn't be because you're making $$$ off the server would it? You guys don't give a shit about the server, just looking for ways to maximize your profits. Nothing but cancerous parasites.
  3. ​Where is it shitty? They take off all crap out of original korean L2C and at the end it something that worth attention. ​So why are you here?
  4. ​lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  5. FFS Reaver stop trying to change this server into the shitty Russian ones, I'm starting to get physically ill reading your posts. Just because you can't compete over there doesn't mean we should change the server into a clone just for you In my opinion this event seems pretty boring though and I don't feel like it's worth the effort of the team trying to implement it.
  6. Zace

    "Welcome to Aden" event.

    ​Hmm wonder what clan they could possibly be from..
  7. I found you some more moobs
  8. ​Way to be a complete asshat. It was obviously an oversight by the GM's and this wasn't intended to happen and I wouldn't be surprised if it gets fixed.
  9. ​thats why you ruined hight lvl land rate debufs on low lvl enemy ? and no ansver on forum topics abaut it ? ​Yea having my Sleep get resisted 4x in a row by blue mobs is fucking annoying as hell.
  10. Your friendly Orc ​Ignignokt, was fun keeping you guys out of AB yesterday
  11. ​I'm not even gonna argue with you here, everyone knows you can't do anything without Fanaxx CP babysitting you.
  12. I still think it's fishy, you're saying he's just borrowing the account since you might come back someday but he changed the char to Spellhowler and your Overlord is gone forever since you can't change back. I understand why you wouldn't admit it on forums since it would result in the account being banned forever, so I'll just bid you farewell and wish you the best of luck wherever you go We'll just continue to make Mizuno eat dirt like we have been since finding out.
  13. ​4 parties? No, just a few good men.
  14. Zace, Lin - RO for Disrespectful speech or defamation addressed to the server administration or the project itself. ​Sorry !
  15. Someone's getting desperate I didn't even know it was shopped at first, looks like Aden GK most of the time.
  16. ​Yea it's kind of bullshit if GM's are just standing by while people are knowingly exploiting, not to mention one of the people is supposed to be perma banned from the server. It's a spit in the face to clans who got their reputation the legit way and not by dodging every single war like Buttman.
  17. Zace

    Please Clean PVP

    Why is farming clan rep this way even allowed by GM's? The excuse that everyone did it this way is pathetic, because it's not true at all.
  18. I need some more cool hats
  19. What is it with Russians and wanting to turn this server into carbon copy of their fail servers? If you want it to be like Innova so bad go play over there on the dead servers.
  20. ​Can you guys check health per second amount on Life Rescue and Heart of Pa'agrio? It seems a lot lower than it should be.
  21. Good shit, big thank you from all the legit players.
  22. ​Lets hope he will say something and bring some light into this situation. No one except him and mizuno knows this chars story better ​ ​You really believe someone who lives in Germany would give his account info to a known RMT'er/scammer that lives in the US?
  23. ​Why would you siege without flag in the first place? It's kind of idiotic. ​im not sure, but i think if you have castle you cant register to attack another one (so you cant flag, you loose % etc...) ​But they said it was gonna be so easy to take all castles. All I see now is crying nonstop about how it's unfair.
  24. ​Why would you siege without flag in the first place? It's kind of idiotic. Rest of the server should gimp themselves because your clan is missing brain cells?