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Everything posted by Haibara

  1. i got 2 pc. and as common, i log 1 char in a notebook, and 1 char in the other. now after update cant log both pcs. i only can log 1 pc. if a deslog there, i can log in the other pc. rare!
  2. as dagger .... the only things i say its... if u got balls! go for TH. its hard...
  3. vote for a laggy server.. damn it
  4. ​u just aggro mobs, pretty much, they wont port back but will follow u (they will stop after some time), then u hit them again, and again and again, then u open the doors in CH, close doors in CH and bsoe (so u wont die), and now u have your own mob pets in CH ​and.... ?? what with "mob pets in CH" ?
  5. i dont understand how its works.... they get xp killling mobs on hall ? and... what else? they respawn there ? confuse confusee. anyway if its a bug. that clan should report! and dont use/abuse. what happend if you find a bug and you use it for your own advantaje ?????
  6. man im th and its hard . but... as he said. its fun... what can i say.. i love th and make me happy. but raise lv its............... like dead... leech or good bow u.u
  7. the white team dont assist!!
  8. simply. wtt Demon Dagger+2 for Emi Overchant. offer here or pm in game. "Haibara . muak
  9. ​cool story bro, nobody cares. Top donator. BTW. you are ugly as f*ck when he said cocaine, its means COL's ??
  10. aguaaaaaaaaaantaaaa eric clapton
  11. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee faloperoooooooo
  12. ​thx for video! and for the music . btw i pay for my "crimes".
  13. almost all afk pvps ....
  14. hellhound little baby! -20% u dont make real your promise.... i dont lose that 20% that u do! and get a CH ... or just friends...
  15. HI, IM From Argentina, and its SO LAGGED. doesnt matter which proxy select. in General Use Europe, last Week so Terrible Laggy. today i Test, Brazil, Usa, German , Spanish, no one works Fine. Its seems the German make it posible, but no.... still lag..... so... whats going on ? my Internet provider in Arg its Cool (Fibertel para lo que saben) . so..i never experimented Lag, untill last week.... Well.. my post....
  16. http://postimg.org/image/tj7y0ruvt/ today ​... again lv 60s pk in cruma.. LolliPoppi the SPS who dont show the name...
  17. im not angry anymore, can Delete this post!! i dont care about anything now... bye
  18. u are one of them ?? no keep pk scrolls...be a real Man....
  19. ppl 60+ pking low lvs (from 34 to 44)? .. its like a injustice... .. no one can fight with them...
  20. Im tired Get PK by People who lv its 60!! i dont know if im wrong... but injustice. Get PK Scrolls By Drop and use in Floran. so.. i think they dont gonna get fun with low lvls in cruma.. http://postimg.org/image/486up9dx3/ http://postimg.org/image/r6uk8rqcf/
  21. Haibara

    PK scrolls work

    vote for 4! im tired .. i get pk on Cruma every time, by partys lv60s....