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Everything posted by shibb

  1. i feel bad for the cp's that joined this guy knowing his past. I wonder how many euros he gave per player that joined lol
  2. The gm's are playing this " we cant prove it" thing way too much, when its obvious that anything revolving innercircle and its members "Nobleshawn" is posting saying "we". Dont be silly koll, its very easy to add 1 plus 1. Put him in timeout for 2 weeks, then allow him to blatantly buy a character, (he probably scammed chevi for it) I guess let em run his course on this server. Im embarressed for quite a few people that are following the known mizuno haha. The kids annoying as fuck as he mouthbreaths in your ear.
  3. ​Nonfactors is level 5 due to 3 seperate clans working togeather for nearly two months, pouring every single ounce of adena together to make a common goal hit; whichis why half our members still to this date dont even have b grade. btw shawn, i remember why i had no idae who quickshot was on retail. After speaking to some of the oldheads of innercircle ally we all came to the conjoined decision that you were a retard and a loser. Congratz on bandwagoning on a name of a clan/ally that absolutely hated you in retail. hahahha. scammer back in the day, scammer now.
  4. shibb

    We are PRkunas

    Nice video soil, had me rolling so hard. Cant post a pvp video without perkunas trying to jump in with their random gang videos... no editing nothing . lel
  5. ​Wow yeah, never even thought of this. In large scale pvp, they'd have a huge advantage if their healers were on bots - really accurate and can whack all the moles. PR = average CP/HP < certain threshold too... maybe that's they PR so well. ​Don't forget the obvious abuse of adrenaline/radar. ​If [Clan] in (SIN,NonFactor,Eternal Rage) and [Distance] Between 0 and 4000 then PR ​hahahaha I have a video hiding somewhere when we fought on top of fort hill entrance of dv, and nomy (reavers ol) was OBVIOUSLY assisting off reaver and stood in the middle of us trying to attack us with the geodata blocking his target view, While the rest of his pt was farrrrrrrrrrrr away backing off runing from target to target . Needless to say bot got downed in 2 seconds. No seals, nothing. trying to spam sleep or some shit on someone. quite comical
  6. We all know 80% of your healers/ol's are on bot. You can watch siege footage and see it clearly with the follow range. Calm down now.
  7. shibb

    We are PRkunas

    oh god soil
  8. When a member of perkunas tell ME to go to sleep, after wipeing their lvl 70's pt vs pt with low 60s. Stahp, you guys play 8-12 hours a day.
  9. ​Oh god, your entirety of posts and arguement's was so lopsided. I think this would be one of the biggest classic features ever to come to This will actually bring out POLITICS on the server. It wont just be ally vs ally & bandwagoning but server wide political thinking. This brings out extra forces to the field knowing that places are busy elsewhere. This challenges alliance strategies on captures, defenses assistance etc. This brings out force distribution & time management depending on which goals are wanted. Perhaps yes this does affect you greatly as you are hated by 90% of the server and most likely wont be able to work out assistance, which is the bed you made. So you cant take your force across the map in 10 seconds to ruin someone else's siege. There are many more people that belong to their own side, not to WickedSick,Last Hope, or OOC. This gives them a chance to florish, which is exactly what the server needs. New Faces Continue staff, Your on the right path of bringing community closer than just "we hate perkunas".
  10. yeeehawwww, heres to updated bot protection and new zonesssss. hot damn i hope you guys keep up with this one.
  11. ​sure, the color patch may be the root of the problem of not showing dmg counters correctly, but that wouldnt explain the 1.1k reflect i recieved.
  12. Sure, if i had actually known that there was going to be some sort of reflect bug when pvping. However , since it was a random pvp that snuck up on us, I didnt have time to open up video. 0 logic 4g. You are extremely defensive to my post for what reason? You know about this bug and are abusing it? Please look into it. Perhaps there's a bug there.
  13. full screenie lel.bmp lel2.bmp
  14. I can understand that you russkis would do somthing stupid like faking a screenshot since l2=life and all. But why waste the time for something stupid as a bug report... Either ways gm's can investigate and see whats up, perhaps its a visual bug. but i saw my health go full to 10 on rez after 1 spell.
  15. a bishop isnt going to windstrike me for 1.1k with plus 6 top c jewls. Im not accusing anyone of anything or w.e, i just wanted to bring it to attention so we could investigate. Why the hell would i waste my time falsifying a bug report with photoshop. As i stated, the dmg logs didnt even show my dmg to imxo, only the dmg recieved, as you can see before i casted death spike and isntantly recieved full dmg back at myself.
  16. This was all 1 pvp, i think some tests need to be done, that was obviously a bug
  17. shibb


    Recruiting shilen knights. pst. Any means necessary. Can help with class change. Ps damn, my posts are trendy
  18. shibb


    I see, im blowing air out my ass. Continue. Drive it into the ground. Next restart, 9man sk lighting strike cp inc. I mean if its available we all might as well take advantage of it. No respect for the enemies.
  19. shibb


    Its not only perkunas who have abused this system in the past/present. You are missing the issue. IM speaking grand scheme of how this tactic is ruining any spontaneous engagements/pvp, removing any stategy etc.
  20. shibb


    And if we get sick of the server turning a blind eye? Where will you be then, grinding your way to 75 with no opposition whatsoever. Lower AH rmt sales because why play a server that is one sided & playing considerable catchup 24.7 example comedy cp skelth . And we all know this is the priority of perkunas Btw, only one cp is having trouble farming, while you spend 8 hours chasing us around loa, the rest are having a grand ol time easily getting bigger and bigger. Tell fanaxx cp to get some sleep. They have to be hurting playing 15 hours a day. This cant be healthy Reaver cp isnt even a concern, kiam pt has more balls than you guys do.
  21. shibb


    nostalgia man, that's why we all play. A lot of us grew up on this game. However we got people that are abusing this free account environment. And quite frankly a lot of people are getting bored of it. There's no surprise engagements in xp zones, no strategy, no politics, every chance of it goes out the window when you have opposition that has a map (ward/cam) placed on every choke point,teleport, and wow.. even village square. Anyways, keep check. Perkunas/abuser's will post here QQ cry moar , prime example "look at grand kain". Club admins want to make the step to be better than the failing core classic servers. Give us our nostalgia back.