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Everything posted by shibb

  1. shibb

    Wts Clans/Clanhalls

    Up again! Taking offers
  2. shibb

    Wts Clans/Clanhalls

    ​Via the forum
  3. shibb

    Wts Clans/Clanhalls

    Wts Level 5 clan, Clan level 4 with gludin ch, clan lvl 4 with dion ch. Taking offers PM via Forum.
  4. Submitted a ticket reserving DDOSBOAT123
  5. ​yeah i agree, we still do our own thing but it does suck for our lowbies who are getting harassed which i guess started this topic even though my alliance isnt even a contender in any of the wars/sieges
  6. politics in a nutshell. > Be in a clan not belonging to any side> Get pked by all 3 sides> Join us or get pked> get pked anyways> 1 member claims you side with enemy with no proof>get pked/war'd again>Random party with anyone>get pked and war'd for "helping enemy" even though you never pvp with or against. Classic Club politics explained there. Really decent politics. Its really been interesting coming in with a clean slate and remaking nonfactor's. And seeing everything. Reaver politics definitely are still in full effect via all the top allys/clans. Most likely its cause of our old name, either way. Its there.
  7. Pretty much the politics on this server discredit and harass casual players. But again that' classics core build.
  8. ​No. No exp boost at this server. Its already easy to reach decend lvls. Ive died alot due to lags, but standard Chest Box gift is enough. Bres, bsoe, scrolls. Avoid double xp/sp or soon playing lose sense. Already there is shtload of SP boosts from event, alrdy too much. ​Lets keep throwing those brez chests out so that players can abuse this, spend 1 hour make 500 toons and have a brez's for the rest of their characters life. Free clan rep for 2.0 skills etc. I support XP cakes as a "sorry for the inconvenience guys!", even though yes in no means necessary are we entitled to that. We are lucky enough playing a free to play server with an above & beyond staff. Incidents like this are bound to happen eventually. The only question is, how are proxies being fixed?
  9. We are awkward drunks 90% of the time. WeWW
  10. Time zones and RL commitments are a thing. Last i heard the meeting was mostly rizos spamming about boosting his class. Shadow VR is chance not natural vr anymore(it even seems more nerfed than last week), and didnt get a move speed boost even though its the most important for a solo PS. However everything else is looking better I couldn't begin to imagine what the guys before went through in 1.0, add shots and summoners will shut up until olympiad happens and resummon in combat isnt possible and pets are stunlocked/slept permanently.
  11. shibb

    Little video

    nobody noticed my irony there
  12. shibb

    Little video

    I am highly offended by Hellhounds macro, as I steal bikes regularly.
  13. shibb

    WTB AQ/Orfen/Core

    As the topic stated. Pm me
  14. Really focusing on recruiting supports! We are offering power leveling to the right players!
  15. shibb


    Yeah we just did more testing, you get instantly banned on each account that you try to donate without having G2A shield on.
  16. shibb


    ​And then G2A bans your account for "suspicious activity" when you turn off recurring payment for G2A Shield/uncheck it during checkout and then refuses to respond to emails/tickets about that. Your server has missed out on multiple donations by myself and other members due to this fact. 4 players of my core have had this happen players who actively buy col's for PA etc. And now its not even a option to donate anymore due to G2A only.
  17. shibb

    It s LoL&&??

    baby lama don't need no drama
  18. Some old video's of our older work! W
  19. ​haha actually 2.0 those tank pulls are going to be some crazy spam. (you can pull bitches through walls LOL)
  20. dude is tereza still on bot? or might i suggest you really need a new driver....
  21. Range or speed still not ok. Summon (with ww2+zerk2) cannot hit raid, that cannot hit tank. It was like a bennyhill scene. ​Even with song of wind, they still have trouble hitting mobs that run small circles. But i guess thats where it falls into their attack animations
  22. ​This!!! We tend to swap around characters a lot, the best way is to mail!
  23. this ​After revisiting today different classes in oly. take a second and look at SK/tyrant LAL. so many people played hi5 and are (sumoners op etc). Log on to gran kain watch a few matches and get back to me. I watched a 79 PS (with the upgraded summon) get smashed by nearly every stun based class that was 74ish and above. And a warlock 74 with their cat unable to catch certain classes while they ran circles (which is the fastest summon). 1 shot by daggers , 2.3k LS dmg from SK 74 with plus 6 damascus.