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Everything posted by shibb

  1. People say that summoners are gonna be op in oly wha wha etc, but stun/sleep being as it is, a summoner will have no chance whatsoever. It will be entirely luck if they can survive the high level glads/daggers. Since we havnt any word if resummon in combat is being changed or not, if it isnt. Summoner will be fodder in oly and will get sht on repeatedly by every class that has any form of stun. Take a moment and watch the gran kain oly videos, and see exactly how and why they are winning in those videos, and also look at his points and realize he has lost WAY more than he has won even with the resummon mechanic. Then turn around and watch the necro/gladi/dagger/da videos. Cross compare
  2. ​you worry only about the panther? what about this? ​Pistolas is gonna free farm oly with that one lawl.
  3. dee, whats the max xp/hour you get a hour in blazing??
  4. Those who have played in the earlier chronicles of Lineage 2 will feel just as nostalgic as I am after taking this picture. We all used the boat service between gludin & talking island at one point or another. Spending 30 minutes or so trying to travel the sea, random chats with new people who are also taking that same boat (you were never alone on it). Hell even making new friendships & parties to go hunt together at the new exciting mainland. (Does anyone remember using kiss of eva and swimming between harbor/talking island!?lol). Definitely one of the most monumental area's of my time in L2 When you arrive, you see a giant new city awaiting you, hop over the hill and boom there's a nice little arena where players were always dueling and having laughs. It's unfortunate this wasn't an option in the classic builds, bring the boats back!!
  5. ​How active is the clan? I'm interested in returning to L2C. I was one of the first Elven Oracles to hit 35+ but got tired of having to solo so moved on at 38. I'd love to return and play an EE main but being in an active clan would be a must. I was sitting for 6h+ waiting on parties the last time I was on. ​Well you are at a good level right now for our average. Not sure what our activity is around this time, but we have 3 clans in the allu,2/3 is full. We have at least 16 members on around the clock., although that is counting /allystats (so it could be afk shops). We have a wide range of levels, from 20-high 60's. Some fast levelers, some casual levelers.
  6. Up!! Really needing active EE/BD/BP's!!! We offer leveling help!
  7. ugh, the community would be baller though for clan memo's and all that goodness.
  8. Plains of lizardman, bloodyaxes and smaller lizards.
  9. We are recruiting any as long as they are active atm, cap's may close. But if there's a what do you need, feel free to ask! Nonfactors in a nutshell. Our slogan since the beginning. Make Aden Gr8 Again
  10. Aye we cant give out emails, because there are those few that ruin it for the rest of them. Some players see a "driver" topic and see it as oh i can have a free account. Scamming in lineage2 is still a plague sadly. Id rather help rush those players on their own chars, but we have a lot of chars we boosted as a clan and its a waste since we know a few players wont be back.
  11. i've noticed that aggro ranges are ignoring my summon completely. example even if im 5 paces behind the summon running to melee range. It'l pass my summon and aggro directly on me. Im not sure if that's within the same issue as the speed of pet.
  12. I was unable to attend, will you post the outcome of things you figured out? In case there are a few things that were noticed during my time as a phantom summoner?
  13. Hey guys With the nature of the politics on this server we are learning there is no such thing as a fresh start. With that we are opening our recruitment for any of those who are interested in forming a cp/driving for a cp, and already put together cp leaders that havnt exactly established themselves in the server yet. We have a large number of characters/classes that are available for driving after the trust has been gained. Name/Class changes are not available, but that may change in the future. Send me a detailed "about me" via private message, English is a must, TS3 is a must. Include time zone & play time.
  14. Actively searching for International BD/SWS/Bishop/EE/SE's. We offer support while leveling!
  15. The previous VR effects removal really inceased this effect, Honestly your healers cant even begin to keep up you alive if you run into the middle of a large force and use auraflash/aoe. you pretty much instagib yourself. I cant even imagine those 70plus sorcs on siege day landing crit aura flashes and burning circles staying alive if they are getting 40% reflect per cast/player.
  16. ​Nonfactors owned 3 clan halls, 2 were taken. Gludio & Aden. Whether that be someone wiping our stock of adena in cwh on each clan, or otherways. Idk. We still own our gludin ch due to it being used even while we were gone. On innova , there was those instanced clan halls in each town, they didnt have the same buffs/teleports as the higher tier ch's but they were really nice. Also the floran clan halls etc. Perhaps you could add those?
  17. shibb

    UQ 15 v 40+ Perkunas

    Yeah thats a hard one to beat even with levels. They can just keep rezing and overwhelm you.
  18. ​who cares bro, the real ppl that matters they never leave. But i will say: GL anyway, coz im afraid u rage quit again after my post ​lel. You know nothing of us apparently. Summertimes when you find the best girls, & make the most money. I hope that one day you'll be able to figure this out. Towards the end we barely had 1 cp struggling to stay together due to traveling summer jobs, hell i was leading the sieges from a hotel room on a work contract 80% of the time. Now that fall/winters coming, a few are flocking back 1 at a time.
  19. Buff's loading now! Will be active for the next hour.
  20. Im a relatively new summoner san0, but id be willing to help you test around 6PM GMT -5
  21. Lets remember guys, this isnt WoW, or any of those newish mmo's that focus on making every single player and every class being viable in normal 1v1 pvp. Each class has a pro and a con when fighting other classes, and level & also affects this equation, its what the game is entirely based on. Those who have worked their asses off consistently (with the exception of non-server donation rmt) will reap the rewards. There still is quick thinking, and certain tactics that players can use to better themselves in oly especially with the new maps. That others who faceroll through leveling wouldn't come up with. Classic was meant to be classic, nostalgia of the good ol days. The game it was meant to be, before they ruined it with kamaels and glittery effects. Because a player has more time to play & better dedication, doesn't mean they don't deserve to reap the benefits.
  22. I was a little late Buff Station active now for the next hour !! giran harbor
  23. holy shat looked at ban list, they finllay caught you reaver? nexus5xuser farss Bnesp2 Bnesp1 Bnesp qwas qwas1 qwas2 qwas3 qwas4 qwas5 awter awter1 awter2Aback aduha akame333 blackline95 brez brez1 buyer buyer1 buyer2 buyer3 buyer4 Chaos1412 delotruba eithan700 evspy Fury howmuch Instinct kolyaexx4 marius might moydd nomyaback pvp123456 shonyamag skew unnamedus3 Vd5tr66Esh