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Everything posted by shibb

  1. shibb

    Clan/Hall Auction!!

    Taking bids on Clan level 5 with alliance Gludio CH, and more. Wts Aden CH throwaway clan lvl 3. Wts Gludin CH. Taking bids/offers via Coin of Lucks/adena. woops, wrong section..... Can this post be moved?
  2. NF has been fighting underleveled since we were 40 fighting 60's. To be honest, we are just bored. Most of the core has left, so if our numbers are low makes us look "noob" then yeah i guess thats okay. We came in, we made fans, on good days we could have 3 cp's online and actually respond to whatever was thrown at us (mind you being underleveled fighting parties that are max level). The current status of this server is simple. You make a clan/ally. You cant be chosey with who you associate yourself with. Because we are casual players, not elite l2 is my life players, who are fighting exactly that. Full time l2 is a 2nd/1st job players. Classic encourages the server to be 2 sided, otherwise you have no fighting chance for the real goals, castles,epics,etc (SM is a prime example). For a side to be formed, with the population you have to take even the retards because the other side is doing the same (aka innercircle/ooc right reaver?)
  3. Give them the lvl 3 clan. Cruma changes made farming cruma even more stupid than it was before for clans trying to level up with pobs. You guys are against their encouragement for new players to come into server? Give them whatever as long as it doesnt break the current economy we are in. (Which is garbage anyways). It wont affect anyone besides themselves. From my experience, the faster they get to the endgame the better, we lose 10 endgame players gain 1 50plus at the current rate of population.
  4. kek I must of nailed it on the head.
  5. ​ ​The best part is it's not even his money, it's his parents money. ​or it might be the 40 year old girlfriend he has with 4 children. Sugarmama pays for my l2/cocaine addiction
  6. Aye, good intentions were there. However language barrier and execution of instructions proved stronger.
  7. Out of all of the fights why did you only include the siege video where it was 9 pt vs 3.... (soulmate only) Other than that, good fights
  8. Review some of the topics from general chat and you'll get an idea of everything.
  9. 45 minutes
  10. #TeamBackpack , I saw ramg signing on castle in video and lul'd my face off.
  11. ​They were not respawned when we took it back,
  12. How did the guards respawn on dion after castle was taken by another clan? As this is not possible on any other classic build, is this somethng we have to look foward to on classic club. Random respawns on already owned castles.
  13. Typical scumbags harassing people. This is the what this wickedsick ally promotes, this kind of toxic behavior. Prime example of the scum inside these perkunas bandwagon clans.
  14. Support the server, or play a live support, or save the adena you make and buy col's from someone who supports the server.
  15. This would take away from the benefits of a castle, as there is not really anything but CP btb6 and 70% rez. And those clans (including mine) who have multiple ch's that wont be lost anytime soon, get an obnoxious advantage without any real work put into it (Aka a successful castle siege). Counter proposal, get the floran/all the misc clanhalls activated from classic. Or better yet, the instanced ch's. Let the new clans have fun too.
  16. This used to be us before Ally was created and loa/ev was the only place, those were some real struggles and test of love for the game. But, i don't think we can really organize 4 pts other than siege day, our timezones are so different and spread during regular days.
  17. ​Are you talking about this war stats? Even with 2 cp's on holiday. Fanaxx CP Its literally the only reason why WickedSick Ally is relevant.
  18. hahahahahhaha this image is pretty much what it has come to. Next siege will be a riot. WATCH OUT
  19. ​ I Agree, however when the we as the opposition asks for a few answers to specific questions regarding sieges, we get flamed and things are held secretly. Both sides know there are a few niches and bugs however I don't see my guys hiding those from the public. Perhaps now we can find them out and bring them into the light. Not quote related, but I would be pointing the finger at your leadership for not having the remainder of the ally sign up. That was his fault and his alone. Everyone knows that if you own a castle u cant siege a castle. If you arent signed to a siege then you don't get the same benefits as attackers or defenders. You think that having multiple castles and only 2 sides is retail like? Main force vs main force roaming the map during siege time? I think not. . Sieges are about controling a force and the battlefield, and delegation, not just keeping one spy on defense and soeing to castle.You guys were really arrogant thinking all we cared about was you.
  20. Alrighty, Im surprised no one has brought this up yet. Admins do we really want this feature? I mean take a look at it, when you get to certain levels, do we really want to discourage those who absolutely have to party with people 9 levels higher and get only 30% of the full 100% party xp. This completely discourages the LFG system, and unless you started the server with a cp, you are pretty much stuck suffering with no chance whatsoever to play catch up. Which lets be honest most of those get discouraged anyways with the steep xp curve at 60. Tanks get tired of running circles, healers get bored of healing, and genuinely most players find themselves with less time to play all together. ^However this is not the issue. The issue is removing random parties and new leveling parties due to having to be within 3 levels for the xp/time to actually matter. Otherwise we'll just see people with 2 boxes and soloing all day, get burnt out, and quit. Anyways inb4 hate shaming and flame from those who bandwagon every single post I make. Simply because my Ingame status. /discuss
  21. shibb

    Clan rep farming

    this is my i need help tpoic, get your flames out of here. Administration can i get a confirmation that abusing brez and rez system is legal?
  22. ​Yea it's kind of bullshit if GM's are just standing by while people are knowingly exploiting, not to mention one of the people is supposed to be perma banned from the server. It's a spit in the face to clans who got their reputation the legit way and not by dodging every single war like Buttman. ​This is not an exploit. This was made like that by NCsoft and always stayed this way. And, for your information, it was done before also by other clans, just not with 2 people so it wasn't so noticeable. It is not a bug or exploit, and administration is not interfering in game process About Mizuno 1 last time - give me a proof that the char he is using was bought (or of any other illegal action made by him) and he will get banned. Administration is not standing by anyone. Everyone gets punished for breaking server rules, mizuno is not an exception. For previous violations his chars/hwid were, are, and will stay banned. With new rules breaks, he will be banned as all other rules violators. Zace, Lin - RO for Disrespectful speech or defamation addressed to the server administration or the project itself. ​ Can i get a confirmation, so i can start doing this myself?
  23. So can i get a guarenteed answer. Is farming an alt/disbanded clan for clan rep. And using Brez's for clan rep legal? After first hand seeing noted clans which has already been brought to admins attention doing so. I think its time we get that windwalk maxed. Can we get a confirmation this is legal? I imagine farming a alt clan is okay, but the brez's seems like a gray area exploit. Its definitely giving those with rmt a edge. But if you cant beat em join em.
  24. Hello All, We are beginning to open up our ranks, our goal to build extra constant groups for people to take advantage of best pvp/xp situations. We are opening 2 pet clans to get you guys going. Both have clan halls. We successfully took our first castle last week even while fighting perkunas & their bandwagon We will be accepting 3 different tiers and putting them in seperate clans accordingly. (to hopefully build some extra cp's) 20+ Clan for the fresh spawns, we like helping out fresh players! 40+ Your almost there. 50+ Almost pvp ready 60's have a chance to be considered for one of the main clans. TeamSpeak will be the best way to get to know everyone, parties, etc. Will be implementing a "level range/class" to help cross clan partying via teamspeak. Pm Waterworks, Adfdraco ingame