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Everything posted by datplays

  1. lol Saruman ur last 2 topic on forum shows that u re not able to be put between other ppl and u need to stay alone just with ur pt of boxes, haha. Once u drop weapon, making thread on forums how u QQ now, ppl tell u to make friends in game so they help u with ur weapon rework, now u tell ppl to fist ur ass (woah if u like it) no wonder nobody wants to play with u. So sad guy
  2. There wont be wipe ever and forever. Wipe kills server, there should be no phrase like wipe. Feel free to play, and see ya year later on same server w.o wipe, with some subclasses.
  3. I hope it will be back like this. But also I understand that no one want to make friends in MMO's anymore, so we will think about decrease chance. I don't think that if we again make poll - "Delete this feature" will win. ​The chance is not big. I personally realized that i may die few times in a row w.o drop from mob. Also i could be killed few times on karma pk 4+ (controlled killing) w.o single drop. On official players dont cry bout drop. 1min look at his inventory, look how is it crowded by sht items, thats how they deal with dropping valuable items on official. I used to do same thing here and i dropped few times magic ring. If u go farming MAGIC mobs in TRAINS with empty inventory u re just stupid, its easy way to lose valuable items if nothing another is in inventory to drop. @nnyxi personally i think u re free to leave if u drop ur weapon, Classic is not for pussies, Classic is Classic. Im playing from begining of the server, have shtload of characters, all earned by myself and i never drop any valuable item. I remember when server was 2 weeks old, 80% of players had still weapons NG from quest on Orc Barracks farming, could not aford D grade. Guess what? There was this guy with mid D grade staff, and he dropped it on Orc Barrack by mistake death, some rus Orc Shaman picked it up. U think he did get back his weapon? No. He spend all his money, and lost it by accident. But he had friends so he didnt left server in this time. @Saruman stop making full party of boxes, and make friends, so u wont cry after u drop ur item.
  4. The title ruins everything. It tells everything, so not worth watching Right title should be smthing like: "Will it blend?" lol
  5. D3vilo is my hero through bullshit on forums, thanks, u won XD
  6. ​Now buy Salamander Skin D grade for "red skin". If only look matters for u, u can run in D grades. GG end of story
  7. Samurai Longsword skin changed, Drake Leather skin change to what it should be, everything fine
  8. First of all VR sucks here badly, i mean classic, coz i dont know if its bugged. What vampiric is doing u can see only at mage, coz its giving him alot of hp, on meele its almost not working, WL, Tyrant, whatever, these re so small amounts its hard to make use of it.
  9. I guess that i kicked your ass few times since i was Gladiator right? ​Nah, same ally never even duel with u That doesnt change fact Glad is for newbies :D
  10. Y, u should have stay Glad (champ for newbies), WL too hard
  11. ​ ​ ​Most of those commands work fine. Except: //set_skill (skill ID)(skill level) //set_class (class ID) //gm_speed it says: command not aviable for builder. Imho it would be good to put those commands to work. set_class - atm the only way to set another class on character is creating new one with specific race, its time consuming. set_skill - it would be good to set some random buff on character, instead of running another acc just to make box with buff on test server. gm_speed - not necessary, but might be fun. Ofc, all above for testing purposes. Greets
  12. ​Create new acc, new character. When u enter game first command u do //hide off coz u re hidden from beggining and cant doo much. then u click alt+g and above what San0 gave.
  13. San0 knows the mercy i'm starting to get it, trying to find more commands on my own. Also making new acc is the key, coz it seems not working on accs from live.
  14. Sorry for asking. I entered test serv. Got every chars from my acc like on live, but yes it is test server as its written on chat, but to be honest after googling commands any of // - dont work for me. Maybe i did smthing wrong?
  15. datplays


    I dunno if this topic is about this, but i put items on auction on sunday night and they re still waiting for confirmation :<
  16. "CP Archers" we are looking for bishop, sws, bd, shillen elder, gladiator and an overlord. Seems right
  17. datplays


    Ah, yesterday i was asking bout test server before LoA hit live, maybe still consider that, maybe not too late? ^^
  18. datplays


    EDIT: i got answer :)
  19. He was banned for botting, cheating, being not fair vs other players. End of story. It's not about not speaking english, lithuanian or deutch it's about cheating and botting. If his english was good enough to use L2Tower, he was supposed to read sign/rules that botting is not allowed on the server. And ofc secondary all it needs is own brain. Know mercy of gms that they give 2 chances, and be fcking kind to them.
  20. Well yup, all i said in 1st post was confirmed by all other posts in this thread, some ppl had even screens. Lmao at that Demanenak So all other arguments here re invalid on wheelchair and making user of them lying to himself. Pls read these posts and wait for ur opposition patient, and hold ur boyz from moving to low lvl locations on 60lvl chars coz its best joke ever, so everybody is just laughing...
  21. datplays

    LoA Update Patch Notes

    ​the update is not that big, and there is not that many of big changes so i dont think it will be required a test phase for this one. Pretty much everything was tested by me and koll and dont think we will have any problems with it. ​Oh, not good. Except testing if any bugs, problems, or troubles in mechanics occur in LoA or items from update im not hiding that i felt also opportunity to check some setups of classes that would work in future update, i believe not only me as i see on every test server, for me it could be good possibility for decision of class change or other request from services. I still hope for reconsider bout opening test server even if he would last just for 1 day:) Thank you for answer, greetings;)
  22. Try not to pk ppl at Fortress of Resistance, maybe they lvl up instead of QQuit and create smthing interesting. Let them atleast reach 55lvls. If u were at their place - start playing later instead of nolifing from the begining of the server - and u were killed by some high lvls u would be also not interested in fighting back someone 10-30lvls higher and would be not that happy of playing at such server with such community. Remember, this server is not big on popullation, be nice to newcomers, their will to play is already on thin line when they see low community - hard to get anything on market helping lvl up, no ppl to lvl up with - and when it also comes to situation when hlvls come to pk them on low spots, they dont give a fck, they just leave, leaving u with ur sht, they dont give a fck if u ill have someone to fight with or not (this sentence was good, so i did it bigger :P). There may come CP that can soon become good opposition, but most of the time there come single players, if they and their parties re kicked by hlvls theres no will to play. Its way harder to leave server when they re already 55lvl and did smthing in game, and they feel they can join fights. U expect more opposition but ur clan main theme is to "pk everyone so they cant lvl up and become dangerous" - this is quote from ur guys. So honestly fck logic in looking for opposities Nothing personal, just dont be selfish twa*
  23. datplays

    LoA Update Patch Notes

    Good question, ill there be test server before LoA update hit live server? It would be good, i would participate in it.
  24. smthing very messy here. Its one of couple of other characters been banned, but still on server 2nd more sad thing is that bot protection dont work on them to ban them again
  25. datplays


    ​it's very boring when people make conclusion in things they don't know. yes, your are right. +12 wit with acumen sa and full buff would give you a lot of cast speed, but you won't be able to use your nuke skills due to CD. suddenly, right? anyway, they can change some wit to int or else ​Well, we gotta wait like a year or so, but 2.0 brings interesting news. 2.0 patch note: Character​ 1. Removed character max level. With this in mind, a character can grow indefinitely2. The DEX parameter changed so that it affects battle statistics more severely3. The WIT parameter changef so that:-Because of class balance, the bonus from WIT is reduced, but each mystic class gets a skill named "Master of Magic" as a compensation. Master of magic description: Cast.Speed + 9%, Magic Critical Chance +10