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Everything posted by Kure

  1. I have to disagree m8, I really miss mental stick in oly... but outside of that yeh, balance is set decently imho.
  2. Kure


    Then sold adena, got ban and quit for half year (just to make storyline complete).
  3. Kure

    WTS Demon staff +11

    As title says. 450kk or pm here your offers.
  4. Ehh... http://l2classic.club/forum/topic/18224-wtt-great-sword9-for-core-1/
  5. ye we´ve used this as for 1.0 drop list...
  6. All in all we should close this conversation... Result is yes, stuns are fucked up... They are weaker than it should be cos of 3-4 things... 1) CON influence 2) self-canceling 3) random duration 4) dmg-cancel rate - not sure about this, dont have propper statistic - its jsut my feeling and with zaken update in future and resists in every second armor sets.. bye bye stunner classes
  7. You mean this one post? From what i remember its your only post with statistic related to stuns, but maybe you remember it wrong cos its about QS - which isnt affected by RS as you alrdy know...
  8. yup, when there wasnt any armor/jewell to put them in
  9. I would believe that if it was WL vs SPH... and even then 90+% is nonsense
  10. Not only RB, at the beginning shots were luxury and used pretty much only in pvp /Edit: and it was much more fun if you ask me... sweet 1.0 times true hardcore, true classic... punnishing gameplay..
  11. Kure


    you mean today or tomorow?
  12. at the time of this screen i was 74 lvl and this (back then) enemy party around 72-74 top (exping at 3way loa).... epics? nobody killed baium yet (at least till monday/tuesday ) so this is irrelevant
  13. Cos majority of stuns during pvp come from Quick spear... and this skill is imune to resist shock... close range stuns on the other hand has like 30% chance at its best if you face enemy with RS... Clsoe range stuns looks like this
  14. kingbottaki made alt nick on forum to avoid flame? gz
  15. Kure

    Insane location bug

    Happens to me a lot in toi... That place's geodata are ballbreaking pretty much in every stairs, every doors and half walls...
  16. dealing with summoner harrasing you on pet is 30 seconds bussiness, dunno why ppl are so mad about it...
  17. Kure

    Hunter mode

    This is my favourite one.
  18. Best classes for Duoing? Paladin + Temple Knight
  19. Oh oh oh, let the conspiracy begin then
  20. but how? those tigers are non-drop mobs afaik... in exchange of double xp ofc /edit: but on topic, i am very curious why on skelth tablets were pretty much equall to stem (aka price 1k adena on market).. and im talking about 2.0, not 2.5 ... was there some event for it?
  21. Kure


    @Lafi ne, ze bych vam do toho chtel skakat, ale kdo od nas na vas neutoci?