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Everything posted by Kure

  1. Kure

    OL mana recovering

    it will be tho, in some of future updates after 3rd class (goddard or anthrass update? not sure now)
  2. on sws/bd? 2.0 after 76
  3. "adena x3" form Rizo´s post mean server rate for adena.... with premium you have just half cost on teleports and dualbox, thats all....
  4. Kure


    On the other hand i used to literally LOVE doubleshot animation on my male dworfie -sr sub back in interlude times
  5. Kure


    It needs some balls to kill afk player and relog before live one. Good job!
  6. Kure

    First days with TH

    Jungle is LOYALTY itself, enough said. Peace.
  7. Kure

    First days with TH

    Oh lol, he was in far worse positions than Jungle is now, yet he didnt switch sides or betrayed his allies... Its called loyalty, something you will never understand. I wont comment video, you would probably understand it as pure hate towards you, so enjoy your dagger gameplay.
  8. Kure


    91 if i remember correctly (boxes inside ofc)
  9. Kure


    Cmon, dont be that rough... Was fun after long time I guess, GF all who participated.
  10. JerryZ scammer, always picks up all 500 runes for himself.
  11. Kure

    Dagger CP LF...

    Plaza, Plaza... Pretending to be neutral in "dead clan" jungle for exp bonus only and beging not to PK him... I was fooled, not gonna happen anymore. Anw cu on battlefield. P.S. GZ, well spent 500 crp for droping war with us
  12. Kure

    Dagger CP LF...

    In terms of pve 1v1 destro>>>>all.... Aka exping my 44 lvl dest alt under GC in silent valley. Yummy
  13. Kure

    Dagger CP LF...

    Change ee for se imho...
  14. It will change on 78/9 lvl..
  15. I will wait to confirmation from GMs that they changed their mind in last 10 months about how to aply this rule. Until then enjoy terrorizing randoms, after all they are only ones where you have some chance on defeating them. Not all the time tho (am I right JackRipper?). Cheers my dear.
  16. 1.14 Interfere with the other players’ gameplay, mechanically restricting their access to locations or NPCs. (for example, blocking access to the GC with summons, pets, transformations, etc.). There was this case even in a past (check) and a result was denying acces to RBs inside castles. It seems this "fix" wasnt implemented on 2.0 client so people started to abuse this game mechanic again. Its not some bug exploit but its against the server rules (nobody can access this NPC since doors are closed)... So... Is it allowed now or not? P.S. Its not bug abuse (neither its pretending D gemstones to be SOP) but according this server custom rules both those examples are prohibited apparently...
  17. Kure

    Last weeks of 1.5

    Most of old ES side joined wickedsick, other ppl quited/sold stuff
  18. + always unequip/equip weapon after loging... works fine for me
  19. Kure

    Sound effects

    Yo, is here any way how to disable "ring" tone when picking up adena? its annoying to hear just *ring, ring, ring* for eternity after each train... Somehow i had it disabled on prevoius patch (dunno if it was by default or i did sth to help it) but now i have no idea how to get rid of it... thx for help
  20. Bump (need some fresh meat on target)
  21. this exact thing is buged in another way as well... those eyes have 4x HP instead of 2x... but still giving only 2x exp..... very old bug already
  22. tested now on RB... with blessed spiritshot damage spread 600-700, without 500-600.. something is wrong.