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Everything posted by Kure

  1. After WL fix its much better now
  2. Dunno seems to me only typo problem rather than some bug... Any vid from offi?
  3. You can charge through 600 range nuke which deals nice dmg as well and has zero cd... Not a big deal
  4. Guess he wants 60% bonus instead of 30%... Like 30% from momentum and additional 30% cos it says in skill description as "reward" from charging to max...
  5. Kure

    1 week on 2.0

    Surrounded by Greeks in openning pic... I feel discriminated
  6. Kure

    2.0 Duelist

    Generally speaking about vid itself, if it was 3 mins shorter it would be rly nice, just some fights were not entertaining and good as a material for video i would say. But overall good imho. /offtopic I hope you will enjoy your new side (fourth already?), and Papa BiZZerg will treat you with respect people of your majesty deserve and which was denied by us in a past... Ohh wait...
  7. Want shops in giran? Disable free ofline shop in GH... Market will move to giran itself and server will have income from offlineshop tickets... It worked pretty nice before creating gh as trade zone and ppl had WAY less money back in 1.0... Just DONT allow free offline in giran please.
  8. Eventho this mount system is totally retarded and broken beyond limits... i voted for dont... Im simply not a big fan of custom changes with experiences we have from past...
  9. Kure


    Past is past, get over it and let it be...
  10. Mby you just reported bug now. Till lvl 40 porting should be free... Dunno if its 2.0 feature or 2.5... LF confirmation
  11. Kure

    WTB Magical Tablets

    250kk for one and we have a deal.
  12. try to get tablets for 3rd class skills and you will understand how real cancer looks like...
  13. after month on 2.0 so far only two third class skills learned on whole server....
  14. Kure

    Easy Farm

    Congrats, you just discovered America.
  15. who cares about mana with othels available?
  16. Kure


    Two, maybe three clips were interresting indeed. Rest? Meh... P.S. P.S.2. Accept war finally.
  17. For exp? Maybe. For farm? Not even close. Rest i wont comment, i ll just wait to the moment when you prove your strong words in battlefield.
  18. Talking about skill... I would be quiet in your place, using chain pull on warlord during mass pvp at narrow place is not the smartest idea either.
  19. or just optimizing performance...