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Everything posted by Kure

  1. Sir, you just won the internet.
  2. Yep, Legiana "the movie maker"..greatest of all time, 11/10 IGN.
  3. Hey, that was MY idea!! anw #PrayForJungleForce
  4. How sweet One botter defending another one... Only @fishfood missing here to complete this iconic bot-trio.
  5. Since you clearly dont believe me, here is the proof i didnt lie.
  6. #PrayForJungle Dude, im watching new trend. You are inviting every random people from this comunity on skype/ts for private chat.. Seems like you are very lonely mate... PornHub can help you out of your solitude, sex-calls are not trendy anymore...
  7. I heard jungle lf members (especially supports). This Daemya suits there perfectly with such playstyle and personality. @Tyriastenne please pm @Myrtan for recruitment
  8. True, destros will be even much stronger here. Zealot+frenzy+ crit rune+ normal buffs+ possibly aq is already ridiculous... add there our custom cat buff and let the clown fiesta begin!
  9. Wait for 2.0 stacked destros and you will see how "garbage" AQ3 is...
  10. 1) He or she? 2) Šp"Í"na ofc.
  11. I thing this tyriastenne, daemya or w/e name is Slovakian no? so its your bussiness buddy, not mine
  12. Jiří (i guess Stiba´s RL name) is gay. He is shagging noodles in the ass (?! wtf ?!) ... Its happening again. Physically disordered person. ... Jiří go sleep. I am the bad girl here. Sweet and wet dreams. ... I love Jiří. Jiří I love you more than anything else. You are my idol. ... Jiří i want to be bad again, go sleep. (1 minute later) Jiří you dirty scum. ... Dead Jiří = good Jiří Alive Jiří = bad Jiří ... Hi Jiří, wazup? I wasnt bad girl tonight. I was nice little girl. ------------------------------------------ Alright, i guess some therapist is needed around here.... BRB im going to vomit. P.S. @Pepon dont do that to me EVER again please...
  13. Kure

    Let's Get Ridiculous

    Relax dude, this poor existence is not worth any effort.
  14. Kure

    CP Manifest

    1) disgusting soundtrack (matter of perosnal taste tho) 2) only fights worth putting into video were first and last imo... rest the result was clear even before fight started 3) you know necro has much more to offer than dead spike + tp? Overall it wasnt that entertaining (at least for me) but every video (except legiana´s maybe ) is good for propagation of server //nohate, just feedback
  15. 1) In the past there were MUCH more than 3 sides... Only one of them seems to be immortal tho. 2) I wish we had "50-60 ppl" lol, you are overestimating 3) Who is Sayomi?
  16. 1) wickedsick+fun vs. rebirth vs. soulmate 2) DarkSky strong clan? ROK in rebuilding process right now 3) yes 69 al the way 4) Yes...and you can bet your left ball on that that it will stay like that 5) DL destroyed itself from inside... some emoquits, some other tensions inside.. and when shits hit the fan its usually fast process. 6) Somehow yes.. my wild guess atm is like 60% to wickedsick, 20% to rebirth, 20% to SM
  17. soz, my bad... but in "normal l2" it was never increasing crt.dmg on swords.. (and trust me, i played a lot destro)
  18. You know what is the fun part about all of this? @Legiana "the monkey" is not completely wrong. Only 99% wrong. There was some hidden feature in crit dmg modifier on offi after Lindivor (one of the clown fiesta GOD chronicles published at 2012) update. But it affected ONLY bows and daggers, nothing more. You can check it here even with answer from GM that they will proceed it to devs if it was intended or mistake... http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=287519 But it doesnt change anything in fact that this topic is pointless and completely ridiculous... Thers not such thing as "higher crit power on blunts" and it NEVER WAS. P.S. @MoDoy was wrong about zealot too, it increase crit dmg only with blunts/fists, not with swords.. with sword you get 100 crit rate instead of that (and it was always like that).
  19. Crit was nerfed only after one of the GOD chronicles (not sure which one) but only in a way of nerfing bows. BOWS ONLY (you obviously like capslock) were nerfed to 1.5 crit modifier, rest of the weapons stayed 2x. So you are wrong again.
  20. I love how ppl put random numbers out of asses and claim its true. Lol.
  21. No, you are wrong. Blunt increase accuracy, not crit damage as i already told you... unless you have some self buffs as zealot, angelic icon, pain of shilien or w/e name was that op h5 skill from sk....