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Everything posted by Kure

  1. Kure

    Jungle Wars (4)

    And rumours are said that I am the one flaming his own allies... Shame on you!!!
  2. That bold part imho devalvate the whole meaning.. Besides that pretty much well said. @Myrtan Fortune is fickle, be aware of that (before someone will start bashing me again, this is friendly advice, not flame).
  3. Alright, quick recap for newcomers (from what i remember - could be some mistakes): there was Wickedsick ally... RED, TfD, Perkunas, Perkunaz OutOfControll ally: EternalRage, Pride, Syndicate After some time OOC kinda disbanded (Syndicate vanquished completely, Pride (ochoba crew) created Magicguild, ER created another sideclan with almost same name and joined Perk side with that two clans)... For some time there was literally noone to face Perks (except NF + SM ally which resistance didnt last long sadly). Then Reaver left and big family Perkunas splited to more sides (Dee CP soap opera)... And Soil slowly started to gather forces from leftovers of NF and few more ppl who still wanted to fight Perks. The rest you know i guess.
  4. Lets say you are compeltely wrong in everything you wrote here.
  5. You mean before you allied with OutOfControll ally which you were fighting since beginining of server, right?
  6. ganking forgotten temple in lvl 41.... sooo pro
  7. Who cares who im talking with on TS? thats my personal bussiness no?
  8. Really topic about finally some decent CS after a long time turns into swamp (okay, i expected that) but also to defending of obvious bot? How deep down inteligence of some people could be is still mystery to me...
  9. For those who are interrested:
  10. they were streaming continously but not advertising streams (cos there was literyll nothing to advertise you know)
  11. Meanwhile in fishfood´s head:
  12. Since we are obviously comparing our E-penisses... MY is at least one inch bigger than all of yours.
  13. And how many ppl came for us to fortress? chill dude, everyone zerg (or just outnumber) sometimes....
  14. EU prime. Fishfood plays America time, no?
  15. Manifest CP (Babyrage) left OOC.
  16. What exactly "ES side" means? they have already switched their side like 5 times
  17. Kure


    Rekt by arguments? which? that 3 ppl from NF left and threw shit somewhere else? Dont mention that most of that shitstorm is from soil´s head and we both know his brain is kinda damaged. Do you hate Balu as well? or Hitsu? (not sure who drives him now tho).. you know, they were NF as well. Keep living in your world of illusion, this must be some personal injustice. Or why else you want to hide your former nick? You have literally zero ballz dude, same as you joined Perks on 60++, until then farmed untaged But dont worry Loki, we still love you Cheers my Dear! P.S. I see that your house of cards alliance is already falling appart, enjoy that this is just beginning... P.P.S. Also very big thanks for bringing Sheep back to server, hes really nice guy... Maybe you will find some other new driver for your SE soon.
  18. Kure


    I think you still missed something, our dear fanboy Your favourite spittoon. So serve yourselves /about topic: Totally pointless, hillarious and awkward. Dont even worth to write here reasons why.
  19. Even Legiana is making better and more entertaining pvp movies.