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Everything posted by Kure

  1. We were just training with our allies new pvp tactics, mostly in Oren...
  2. Run game from l2.exe in system folder. About online... its kinda low nowdays but in the end of summer with (soon) update to 2.0 it should be nice again.
  3. Not exactly true in my case tho
  4. Jungle being jungle... In other news: sky is blue.
  5. Kure

    common Perkunas prime

    Just for entertainment of plebs in times like this, when thers not much action ingame... failed in my case tho Same i could ask you specificaly whats the point of puting into video fight 100+ vs 35 but answer will be same, at least its not completely dead around here...
  6. Ask Babyrage how to farm at peace next to china @AwakenDemon thanks for approval, at least you dont denied fact.
  7. Jungle is one big joke, feel free to laugh now.
  8. TLDR version for you, since you obviously cant read properly... 1) Your lies about zacman/direktor situation 2) explanation of cp politics 3) thanks for driving our sws 4) smile over your reasons for leaving ally
  9. Dear @Capone ... If you really wish to discuss about me go for it... Lets start with Zacman/Direktor situation. Nobody ever denied that zacman was playing that char few days before me. Idk why you put that screens there, I dont hide that fact. Funny is the stuff you mentioned (or basicly created) around that. First of all I have NEVER beg for anything anyone. And i will never do such thing. At that time our CP was in process of reconstruction (took 2 new ppl, some rerolled, some left etc...).. one of those who left was Petros (direktor) as well. Shortly after him left also our second WL (legendari) so in the process of reroling our pt to mages we decided to ask him for acces on his char, cos WL is kinda must in mage cp. I wasnt the one who negotiated with him, Sayo did that but i can assure you he wasnt "crying, beging" or even "forcing" Petros to give his WL to his (former) CP instead of some other guy we barely knew at that time. It was Petros´s decision. I cant speak much about that negotiation simply cos i wasnt part of it. Ask Sayomi or Petros about true story. In the end we ended with totally naked char, when i tried to pm Zacman he started to flame straight after first message. Few weeks back when Petros came back to server and I heard that on TS my frst reaction was "wow nice" and second i asked if he wants his WL back. Its not my char, i just drive it. I know it, if he ever ask him back i will give it straight away (or basicly i dont even have to cos he can just change passes and GG). Another fun fact is i heard he was realyl pissed when he found out zacman gave us totally naked char, Sayo told me to dont bother with that.. he didnt want to create more tensions inside "ally", so i didnt. About spiting on me for abandoning my sws char... well just for your information, i was playing sws, after some time switched to bishop (watch out!! it wasnt originally my char as well!!!), then switched back to sws when we dound new driver for bishop... and after that i started to play direktors WL cos we lack ppl back in the day and sws is more easily boxed than WL. I play everything according the CP needs, sometimes its EE, soemtimes OL, sometimes WL... I dont really consider any of the chars as 100% mine... If i ever decide to leave sayomi pt i wont claim back "my" sws for sure, no matter how "bad blood" could possibly be between me and CP... Simply my dignity wont allow me that. When i decided to join CP i went all in. Ask your new BFF AwakenDemon how CP system usually works, drivers on chars are replaced/switched quite often and if one members decide to leave it doesnt mean he burry his toon with him... Also thx for driving "my" sws during few sieges. Idk why are you mentioning that right now, at that time if i am not mistaken i was playing mostly on bishop cos we didnt have another driver back then. Sayo saw true potential in you and if im not mistaken you were sth like friends (or maybe still are? idk and idc). I really dont understand why you mentioned it here, back then i didnt even know sth like jungle exists (around 55 lvl and farm at ev). MY point of view on jungle changed after "zacman situation". Last but not least if you really wish to talk about me i want to comment a bit that accusation "omg Kure flames his ally on forum 24/7" ... i was checking my commenting history (yes, i literally wasted 15 minutes of my life just to check it). I found one (ONE) topic when i really flamed you hard, it was topic "Kingbottaki vol.2". Until then i was flaming only single persons, like bottaki (no, i dont see reason not to flame "ally" if its 100% bot even if he is still claiming it was jsut mouse software, which is bullshit btw)... another guy i flamed was firebeast which, at first i didnt even know hes from jungle, and second, i flamed him only cos of his retarded posts and zero clue on game mechanics meanwhile he was acusing GMs of supporting modoy (that discusion about his extra HP)... Then ther is extra cause called Myrciu.. Damn this guy is turning every situation as it was conspiracy against jungle, still finding excuses for everything and creating own fairitales 24/7. I remember back in time when he tried to get into our CP? Everyone of us got enough of him after first day, when he started to changing cp rules acording his need, disagreed every second Sayo´s decision etc...Funny is actually Sayo sugested him to join jungle.. combination of bottaki/myrciu created really toxic and explosive substance... basicly he created this circuss also command channel party leaders chat during sieges was another hillarious story, undermining every Jerna´s decision there (as it was some democracy lol) from this mighty Myrciu was just cherry on top of the cake. I didnt like only three of your members and sometimes i flamed them but only based on their retarded behaviour (bottakis throwing taunts to left and right, firebeasts acusing of GMs of support enemies, myrcius cryposts how everyone is againts jungle meanwhile they are perfect) but only until 15.6. Until then Sayomi managed to hold me back from serious flame cos i was really pissed how "cooperative" jungles are (epics, loa.... lot of times discussed before, no need to mention that now). After that you invited me to speak on TS, we did... guess what? 3 days after you joined rebirth Im not saying i blame you for that, im jsut really entertained how you guys mention me as one of the main reasons why you left ally Meanwhile i see i had argue more often with Andrey (kktnxbye) than with all of jungles combined...guess what, hes still my clanmate meanwhile for some ppl it was one of the main reasons to leave ally... QQ.. also I encountered another several hillarious post during my browsing old messages, like Myrciu flaming AD (his new BFF) or You, capone, writing stuff like "slavic ape".. i guess this all is all right Here you are, if you are really interrested about anything else about me feel free to ask, maybe i will answer. Only thing i regret is how some ppl i considered as respectfull act nowdays, but i guess i was just blinded in a past...
  10. Nice fairytales bruh, keep continuing plz.
  11. Yes I want. Im really curious.
  12. Cos word of convicted boter has same value as personal experience. True dat.
  13. You really wanna know his ansver?
  14. P.S. Its pretty clear that you are newbie in "epics politics"... If you dont understand what we did there i will leave you live in your world of illusion.
  15. You definatelly deserve monumental statue in the center of Giran... No doubt. End of story.
  16. 1195, 1086, 965, 3426.... DMG spread from blunts (+-20%?), gloom from natsuyama in the meantime and possibly AQ could do the trick.
  17. Im really bad then killed him only during "no hp pots" agreement /ontopic Correct me if im wrong but i think there were no epic jewels during 1.0 patch so exctract first seven months or so...also some chars with orfens were banned for sure... my wild guess is like 10x lvl 3 max.
  18. Kure

    Shall we begin?

    Biggest joke on server is Jungle anyway (especially bottaki cp)... And flaming one of the most straight ppl on server (aka Balu) is just the cherry on top of the cake. //bsoe
  19. Hodně štěstí Legendo.
  20. Oh la la, this is going to be fun Any bookmaker around to create some bets? Imho the most logical replacement would be Kiam (as a number 2 in perks hierarchy), but since he doesnt play in EU time (where the most impprtant shitstorm is happening) it wouldnt be wise decision... Balu? Uchi? Or aliance disband same as DL when mama SoiL emoquit? Questions. Only questions ffs.