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Everything posted by Kure

  1. boring one to be honest...
  2. I dont have fists but I can assure you i will gladly PK you when i meet you.
  3. Kure

    SoMe Fights

    Jungle too stronk
  4. First tried to sneak into Anytime CP and then Bottaki CP - where you finally succeed... Hats off dude
  5. Its not that hard, nothing to boast about.
  6. 1) /friendinvite --- chat 2) party chat ... 3) pa
  7. But that doesnt justify your actions here. According your ally policy you CANT flame any of your allies on forum no matter the situation. Choose your words wisely or Canito will take example from papa Myrciu and leave ally cos of "no respect QQ".
  8. OMG! Flaming inside ally!! On public forum!! Shame!
  9. AntQueen on warlord? ehhhh... do i miss something?
  10. Kure

    Old 1.0

    (c) @Aduha
  11. Kure

    SoulMate PvP

    Dude... 3 days ago our pt decided to stay up till your prime (aka till midnight CET)...Result? Your pt PR (eventho you had second party literally 300 range from you), whiteaba and some anarchy wrecked, anathema at bloodies PR, another anathema PR... So we abandoned ABG and went LOA... Babyrage reloged (i know hes not on your side, chill) Legiana reloged Free passage till heart Too bad AD want there, he would have fought for sure... Now tell me more how we wont survive same prime with you.
  12. Monster is here since 1.0, so acusation pf RMT is nonsense in this case... About video.. ..meh .. (put some random flame here cos im your enemy) I still love his yolo style tho as i alwayas did.
  13. Kure


    Didnt know about all these "caps" there. Ty for enlightenning me.
  14. Kure


    Im not sure if 50% chance of returning 8% dmg as hp would help you against 40% reflect...
  15. SK>>>>>>DA in terms of melee pt imho.
  16. Kure


    Especially when you die to reflect in one second QQ.. Good movie tho.
  17. I think right now we 69 with rebirth no? Or are we switching back to perks? Pls help im confused as well.
  18. Nope, it was me during ordinary "69" chat. Didnt know its secret info.
  19. Yep, you didnt know him and still talked about him like you had known whats goin on exactly. Its not about insulting, its about proving how big smartass you are.
  20. Aaaaaaand thats it. Speaking even when he has zero clue... attention whore at its finest. /Bsoe
  21. 1. SoulMate 2. TFD 3. EternalShine ... ... ... ... 7392. Elpies 7393. JungleForces
  22. 36 (4x9) ...not sure how many of that boxed tho.
  23. As title says, LF spoiler around 50-55 lvl whos willing to take job from me... PM here for more details.
  24. + return of one of the lost sons...