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Everything posted by Chaparrito

  1. bla bla bla, i just read here a bunch of excuses why is ok zerg from WS lol, forget the past dude, here is no more vigi ally, is over, keeep away your fear and think on future, server Future...
  2. you are living on a diferent world, dunno if you acting that way cuz your own decision or just too blind to see the reality, we never had 80 more numbers NEVER, and now you have like 180 more ppl than us, soo tell me whats the point to fight??? there are 2 war pts, lets bring the zerg... lol
  3. but is kind of zergs, 10-25 more ppl than double numbers, just pointless and you know it, dunno why you guys are acting so retarded...
  4. Well seems now is free bot for every one, is ok for me Just keep like this equal for all. Just a dump person Will think he is not using programs, lol.
  5. SO THISS... we waiting a exemplar sanction from GM side.
  6. The king has fallen... lol
  7. i was just writing the same lol, this guys are hilarious and have Double standards...low people sadly
  8. i think you are talking about that shitty greek server BNB right??
  9. Chaparrito

    Easter Event!

    Check the event drops on loa cuz in 2 days training there 10 hrs aprox Just 8 eggs is pretty shitty
  10. whats that Genocide History?? lol
  11. Chaparrito

    Easter Event!

    Dunno is this event have some problems but farming on loa for 5 hrs making trains Just got 5 eggs lol.
  12. Chaparrito

    Easter Event!

    dont try with this guy he didnt get it lol, let me try slower, people like xp/sp scrolls cuz they can progress faster, the majority are playing here for the rates cuz they want to lvl faster, and reach end game faster than retail, thats why ppl like xp/sp scrolls, this server is old so is good for the newcomers so they can be part of the politics faster thats good for server life, talk only for cuz you are the only one crying for the scrolls.
  13. Chaparrito

    Easter Event!

    This lokiardy guy have serious problems lol, crying for 4% hilarious haha, like rizos said enchants from events was good the server was alive durings events and New ppl can progress fast and good, and 4% is still a joke, we Just need to follow retail as close as posible, dont need to listen a Guys that Just dont want to lose his own Cookie.
  14. so you will be excluded of that farm zones...
  15. Good idea, we can be a big family, why make War. Bizz gonna be happy.
  16. this guys are so funny, since i play on this server i never see a fair play vs my party, all the time 1 or 2 partys more to fight us, even when we have half of party lvl 67-68 lvl you keep coming with 3 partys to fight us, you are blind or just retarded if you dont see a problem here, there are nothing to recluit and make another side, many partys from vigil quit/stop playing and WS absorved all whas was moving on server even enemys, this is pathetic.
  17. and now i know why your clan is soo trash, having a leader like this guy, poor guys...
  18. dont even 6 pts can stop us but is really stupid what WS ally are doing right now...
  19. the point is that WS dont want competition, there are not more partys they just take all around even enemys, i dont know what Bizz and Co are thinking really, the server are getting really bored...
  20. you are wrong San0, im gonna paste the pash notes from zaken: A: The main features of the Zaken raid zone are as follows: - In the game night (00.00) in one of the regions of the Devil's Island for 1 hour of playing time, Door to the raid zone of Zaken. The door is open for 10 minutes of real time. - For a comfortable killing of an epic boss, you need a command channel of 7 groups (63 people) - At night Zaken is very strong and those players who decided to fight with him can wait Day time (6 hours of in-game / hour of real time) to fight with A weakened version - Battle with Zaken is a constant persecution of the boss, which moves to One of the random 15 rooms of the raid zone, while he can teleport some players to Different rooms - In the case of disconnection or resurrection after death, not from the abilities of healers and scrolls, the player finds himself In Giran - To save the game balance, we recommend that you calculate the re-occurrence time yourself Epic boss so, the doors open at 00:00 game time for 10 mins, the the door close, they have 1 hour to kill the raid(the day period when zaken is weak) ppl cant go inside when the door are closed...
  21. maybe cuz he dont know that is a ally member?? i didnt know it
  22. gz to killing ppl login in without buff
  23. he is talking about ES with WS ally, lol...