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Everything posted by Chaparrito

  1. you forgot farm with them and be with them on same TS...
  2. but when your ally leader saw many partys from our ally leaving instead of keep the competition and balance, he start absorving enemys, that is just Win at any cost...
  3. we coming back guys you can start the river of tears again.. so we are looking for a player that are prepare to be on top.
  4. same with h5, is a month server, and will steal ppl from classic x3
  5. me and my party will take a break also, i beg admins to not give our items to other ppl... cya
  6. Chaparrito

    Cepeleros Vol 2

    who are you to talk about good players?? lol.. and you have my bank account to see where i waste my money?? you have serious mental issues...
  7. you are a good comedian, your post made me laugh..
  8. Chaparrito

    Cepeleros Vol 2

    are you here again pretending to be someone?? you will ask me again on skype about politics from servers so you can talk on forums?? pls dont ashamed your self... i will just let this here for you:
  9. Chaparrito

    Cepeleros Vol 2

    You want a TS registration here like on Madpro ventrilo???
  10. on my own experience when a stable project open 2 different serves is a good revenue for owners, but eventually both servers die, hope you know what you are doing here and dont make a mistake just for a month H5 server...
  11. this server follow RU/EU classic, and there are transformations, and they love it...
  12. just let it close to official, and thats it... cloaks are part of the game and should be implemented.
  13. ​That only shows that ur side has around 60-80 more people since we are 2 sides gathered in one cc here. You should reroll more of your archers to PR's so you can feel more relevant, because otherwise you are the lowest of the lows. You sure do like to talk without any backing up tho. You also had like 10 forum posts before FC change, coincidence? I think , not Please make up some more numbers and use whatever reasons you'd like to justify to yourself the fact that you are not the lowest of the lows on this server, because even in your own sad Dunning-Kruger reality, deep down you know that when it's equal numbers you always get obliterated in mass pvp. ​nice joke ​the truth hurts doesn't it ​you better tell me that you are the one bleeding..
  14. ​That only shows that ur side has around 60-80 more people since we are 2 sides gathered in one cc here. You should reroll more of your archers to PR's so you can feel more relevant, because otherwise you are the lowest of the lows. You sure do like to talk without any backing up tho. You also had like 10 forum posts before FC change, coincidence? I think , not Please make up some more numbers and use whatever reasons you'd like to justify to yourself the fact that you are not the lowest of the lows on this server, because even in your own sad Dunning-Kruger reality, deep down you know that when it's equal numbers you always get obliterated in mass pvp. ​nice joke
  15. ​maybe, but maybe u cannot setup the option "when one of your non-tagged mages dies by pk, your other characters relogged" as it was not long time ago in ABG with your new pro mages, or u want to tell me u can set this option up? 3 characters relogging in the moment when we pk one of your chars? hilarious banned for clickers, yeyeye, we know this story ​Yeah it's pretty easy to relog, maybe put them in combat next time. The desperation.. it's hilarious. Maybe spend more time in-game exping, than posting on forums and you wouldn't worry about how people relog. I mean my new mages were level 60 and now they are 67, we're catching up to you +12dex! ​sure, relog on 3 characters at exactly same time, the moment someone from party drops dead on floor #learnhowtorelog also gz for u catching up, just careful with your "clickers", coz if u get banned this time, i guess the other half which is 72+ will get ban, and that would be over for cepeleros ​i am not going to be ass to josh, so i wont post anymore of our conversation, but lets say he said it in more direct context, but i wont upload it, because anyway everybody knows u botted but what can i expect from sh1t spreading rumors, saying +12 dex archer in each post wont give any more provability to your words, i wonder where this rurmor even started, was it one of your brainless sheeps from cp who started it? and even if i was +12 dex, thats none of your problem how i play this game ​pls Modoy stop Embarrassing yourself with that nonsense shit talk about reloging, are you reading yourself?? tell me your feeling about us, you get mad cuz we are winning vs partys that have 1+ years into the server?? or because when we will get decent levels you will have 0 chance again us?? or because we reject the invitation from your ally leader about join your side again?? let me tell you something, our home is LoA, you are welcome to come to visit us, we have nothing to hide
  16. ​well, i understand it takes long, but imagine your pt goes kite fight vs more/stronger parties, it might take longer than normal pvp vs same numbers or equal numbers, u are picking up kills on solo guys and at the end u win, ofc whole time of the frapses is not interesting how u run run run, but i would still say its impressive and thats why i uploaded this frapses vs thelord, i know it took me eternity, but thats how SR works, i have no insane dmg skill, u can see he blocked like 11/13 aa/skills of mine, and he almost 2 shotted me (200 HP left while i had HP pot activated in between the blows), so unless u can stun-lock the dagger (which is impossible at my lvl), it was pretty hard fight ​and have to be entertaining for that??
  17. I'm the only one who get bored watching this kind of video?? after watching the first pvp vs that dagger i just closed the video, im not for this anymore...
  18. ​con you take a look on this post pls ?? because seems it not working =/
  19. can someone tell me whats the code for insert a video on forum??
  20. Chaparrito

    Cepeleros Vol 1

    ​yeah, so when we box BD its counted, but when u box it, its just "box which buffs", hypocrisy at its finest u were in westworld, or u want to tell me uroxBP and RobFord WASNT in your pt, and didnt get double ban? i really wonder how u would do vs our normal 5 DD setup, not like in this pvp where we had 3 DD setup, not included our top dps chars (necro and PR), but well, i guess we will never know coz u are dodging every single offer for 9vs9 ​what are you talking modoy?? we where 8ppl on party and just 2 DDs enough for you.. get rekt niggas.