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Everything posted by Anytime

  1. .. what kind of lost soul pays money for something like that?
  2. Anytime

    the legend says ...

    Damn it, we forgot the anniversary ... #oneyearwithoutkingbotaki
  3. Anytime

    Cyclic macros

    exp-partys turned into a fking loop fiesta. there is no way around deleting the automatic loop macros.
  4. A new day, a new round? Who's in? +++
  5. Anytime

    Suche DE Clan

    Als ich den Post gesehen habe war ich in Südafrika und hab irgendwie vergessen zu antworten. Spielst du denn noch?
  6. now we are finally getting on the road. i knew it would be worth it to push the topic a little forward. @iAxZp thanks for your help! I hope we can perform together again soon!
  7. he would be such a good german. we already had some successful propaganda ministers here in our country.
  8. Really now? That's all you got? Better watch out that TH-Hero-Status wont go anywhere. @MoDoy help fasdddddd ?
  9. better retarded then greek ?
  10. I prefer the name cabaret artist!
  11. finally i get the attention i deserve. thanks!
  12. I'm afraid you need a little more than love to win a 9v9 against us.
  13. No: we have EE for PR ...?
  14. Can I also guess? Because he wouldn't give anything to your garbage cp anyways?
  15. everything is trash if it can't shoot sharply. didnt the doctor already explained that to you?
  16. why you play Shillien Saint then instead of Adventurer ?
  17. I didn't understand a word. Really... can you edit or explain the post again for me?
  18. And we're not making a secret of it ... Sry, I have to take care of my girlfriend on weekends. That in turn, my dear friend, is the reason why my hormone balance is not out of control in contrast to yours. Peace out!
  19. You're right, the living proof that you don't need any skill to get a hero is YOU ?
  20. You see, that's the proof that better times are coming again. So ... have a little patience. In the meantime you can study the relog screen. One Party disbalanced the server? ok - maybe Forum Warriors should get some merchendise articles. We already have a customer ...
  21. what devinitively came out of balance, is the hormone balance of a strongly pubescent.
  22. I think a member of WS is the wrong person to talk to when it comes to any political stories about recruitment methods. And yes, i also don't care which buffs my opponent had. The only difference between me and you is that I'm not trying to get an imaginary dick-extension by talking crap in the chat after the fight.