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Everything posted by Anytime

  1. I already noticed yesterday that your underpants were a little wet because you won a fight. And believe me, i grant it to you and your guys. But I have to disappoint you. The troupe you just won against yesterday was a very mixed and kinda unbuffed compilation. Before you flame in the forum, you should inform yourself better. Rizo is currently on vacation. Therefore our party had only one damge dealer. But hey, this doesn't stop us from coming to the brawl anyway. Just didn't work out the way we wanted it to ...
  2. i also heard. but i suspect that the side who dropped the ring also picked it up again. otherwise there probably would have been more flames!
  3. Anytime

    Suche DE Clan

    @Kathi Hallo, ich glaube es sind wirklich kaum aktive Deutsche auf dem Server vertreten. Spielt ihr denn noch?
  4. ... Ego higher then p.def/m.def!!!
  5. We thought we'd rather stop when it's at its best. what comes out if you hang on to each other for too long we can read here.
  6. does anyone know why it suddenly smells like shit in here?
  7. Anytime

    To Modoy...

    nah we playing csgo right now ...
  8. #freeLeonidas our server is not the same since he "left"
  9. Anytime

    First 80lvl

    top! I'm free Sunday morning. Then I try to laugh about it, OK?
  10. Anytime

    First 80lvl

    maybe I should sell t-shirts for the fanboys @Black Sails 25 $ - deal? Wich size you need? XS?
  11. Anytime

    First 80lvl

    instead of paying this premium for this char you could rly think about activating your pirated copy of windows ... HEIL counter critical! PS: who's the little russian boy with the lovely voice? @San0 gz - izi monthly +10 euro from perm premium
  13. 1. You definitely want Doom Heavy on SK!. Shield defense rate and HP boost is kinda nice! Till you have doom heavy it dosent rly matter wich armor you go for - it should be cheap i guess. Full Plate Set also do the job for the moment i guess. Avadon also ok. 2. if you exp with party (aoe) or RB it dosent rly matter wich weapon you have. Some tanks use daggers cauz of the attack speed - aggro is faster with more attack speed! 3. since you need to take a lot of dmg in aoe or rb - go full +CON -STR. Dex dont give you walking speed but your attack speed is faster (wich means dont go much -DEX). Good for aggro/LS etc. 4. Othel is fine cauz of the crit rate. A other option is windwalk rune (i think its yul?) for faster pulls or better speed when you circle.
  14. there the underpants probably got a little wet. questionable whether from the sweat or because you just ... nvm
  15. Anytime

    You stop, you die!

    shit - the moldavian desert fox was unearthed to punish us ... nvm: here in the forum he can't harm me ?
  16. Anytime

    You stop, you die!

    Who says we're interested in an alliance. Or was that an offer now? i've heard you don't take it too seriously with your principles. Do we want to be friends? _______________________________________________ From the protocol of the last Defcon1 clan meeting: (Aattendees: 3 - LEL why so low activity ...) List of clans/allys we want to destroy: NF done SM done Porks - in process China - BETTA BI FRENDS? marginal note: Where is jungle actually? ________________________________________________ EDIT: Apology: spelling mistake in protocol! NO GOOD ENGRISH kkkk
  17. propaganda chief officer modoy talks about marketing - so children, watch out! now you can learn something ...
  18. +++ not a gay elf with fetish for donkeys! there are just two kinds of subhumans in this world: those who play ES and those who play DA izi
  19. Anytime

    You stop, you die!

    We copied that strategie from you. Seems to be working. Thanks bro.