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Everything posted by bsklakis2

  1. Close the post please.
  2. I noticed that as well. Reset sometimes takes 24h from the moment of received the reward
  3. bsklakis2


    He miss the 83sk buff from h5. Implement please.
  4. bsklakis2

    DI classic+DI&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.2030j0j7&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  5. Hmmm 50 euros for a cloak. Maybe a car for cloak is better offer. We get the awesome cloaks @San0 gets his new car. Is not better to go like 20 euros for cloak??
  6. bsklakis2


    @Destabilomaterializacja good leader can give you some tips in the beginning of your CP leader career. Also @Fortuna as well. Come on guys give him some tips and advices. We need new CPs.
  7. bsklakis2


    Later on they got gifted epics xD.
  8. bsklakis2

    RavenSoul 18vs36

    A good name should be like soloing enemies and I like it.
  9. bsklakis2

    RavenSoul 18vs36

    Name is bad. It should be something more triggering. Names like that are similar to food without salt.
  10. bsklakis2

    RavenSoul 18vs36

    Video is good. Title of the post is bad.
  11. Fun fact a lot of us look like this.xD
  12. Is there any chance I can get access to those java files?? I can come up with something. I am a professional developer.
  13. Linking helps to reach orgasm as well. Ask deviate they have experience.